Diamond Infinite Edge Review

Diamond Infinite Edge

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  • Versatile to meet any archery situation
  • Adjustable from five to 70# draw weight
  • Draw length adjustable from 13" to 30"
  • Good speed with regards to draw specs; tops out a 310 fps
  • Affordable


  • Requires string silencers and vibration dampeners before hunting


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Editors' review

The new Diamond Infinite Edge is marketed as a youth bow, but this package is easily an entry-level bow that can be used by everyone. Designed to grow with the archer, this bow cannot be outgrown. This bow is being touted as "the last bow you will ever buy" as it has a huge range of adjustments so that it will fit any archer. The only reason to change to a different bow will be based solely on personal desire. The Infinite Edge can be ordered ready-to-hunt for an affordable price of $479, or you can order the bare bow for $349. Diamond initially built 350 of these bows, but cannot keep them on the shelves.


The Diamond Infinite Edge can be ordered in Blackops, Mossy Oak Break-up Infinity, or Pink Blaze. These finishes are perfect for this bow and are aesthetically pleasing.


The Diamond Infinite Edge comes with solid-piece limbs mounted on a one-piece machined aluminum riser. This is a great base, and the perfect fit where riser-meets-limbs is a key ingredient to the overall compatibility of this bow.

Other Components

The diamond Infinite Edge can be ordered with an accessory package that includes a 3-pin Apex sight, an Octane Hostage XL arrow rest, Octane Deadlock Lite Quiver, tube peep sight, BCY string loop, and a string stop.

Eccentric System

The Infinite Edge has a dual-cam system set at 75 percent let-off. The dual-cam system is not an aggressive design which makes it easy for archers of all levels to pull. This system also allows for the many adjustment levels for this bow. By simply moving the cam module slightly, the length and draw can be adjusted easily. The infinite Edge can be adjusted from 13" to 30" of draw length, and can be done in less than five minutes without a bow press.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

With such a wide range of adjustments for draw weight and length, the Infinite Edge has a smooth draw cycle. The draw cycle starts of easy and gets progressively harder, but never overbearing throughout the draw as it approaches the transition point to let-off. Once the shooter reaches let-off, they can hold the pin on the target and get off a solid shot. The Diamond Infinite Edge is a very shootable bow. With the ability to adjust this bow to such low draw weights, it is a perfect entry-level bow even for the youngest shooter, allowing the beginner to learn good form and mechanics, eventually moving onto various shooting opportunities. The draw weight is adjustable simply by tightening or loosening the limb bolts to the desired weight. Although sold as a youth bow, this is a very good choice for any archer at any experience level.

Silencing Package

Out of the box, the only silencing on the Diamond Infinite Edge is the string stop. As an entry-level bow, the Infinite Edge does not require the same silencing as a hunting rig and does not come equipped with any. The bow does have a string "twang" because of this. However, this bow will grow with the archer and can easily become a hunting rig. As the archer begins to have visions of taking this bow into the stand or blind, they would be well advised to invest on some string silencers and some vibration dampening equipment.

Compared to Similar Bows

BowDiamond Infinite EdgeDiamond Razor EdgeMission Menace
Version 201520122014
PictureDiamond Infinite EdgeDiamond Razor EdgeMission Menace
Brace Height7 "7 "7.25 "
AtA Length31 "31 "31 "
Draw Length13 " - 30 "19 " - 29 "17 " - 30 "
Draw Weight5 lbs - 70 lbs15 lbs - 60 lbs16 lbs - 52 lbs
IBO Speed310 fps308 fps fps
Weight3.1 lbs3.8 lbs2.95 lbs
Let-Off75% 75% 70%
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Comparing this bow to similar bows (Diamond Razor Edge and Mission Menace), the Infinite Edge is superior in the range of adjustment and growth potential. The Razors Edge is comparable in speed and size, but is only adjustable from 19" to 29" draw length. Draw weight is based on the limbs with either 20# - 29# or 30# - 60# limbs. The Menace is also comparable in size and is adjustable to approximately 52#.

Usage Scenarios

The Diamond Infinite Edge is a great bow designed not only for the beginning shooter, but for shooters at every level. This bow is a great target bow for the beginner, and can quickly and easily grow with the shooter and transition to a 3D bow, or can be found in a hunting blind or a tree stand.


The Diamond Infinite Edge can be purchased for $349 bare bow or $479 RTH. This bow is built with the usual Diamond quality, and with the ability to be adjusted up to 70# draw weight, this bow can potentially last the shooter a lifetime. The Infinite Edge can cost as much as $150 more than other youth bows, but those bows will not have the shootability, the adjustment range, or the hunting package as the Infinite Edge. The shooter will also outgrow the other bows, and will have to replace the limbs or the entire bow after a couple of years.


The Diamond Infinite Edge has revolutionized the bow market. The bow is easy to shoot whether the shooter is 5-years old or 55-years old. Without a bow press, and with only a couple of wrenches, the Infinite Edge can easily be adjusted from five pounds to 70 pounds draw weight and 13" to 30" draw length making it an excellent choice for any shooter. With a speed up to 310 fps and a RTH price of only $479, this bow is definitely affordable. The dual-cam setup is not too aggressive, making it easy to draw. The 75 percent let-off makes it easy to hold on target even for the inexperienced shooter.

User Reviews

  • 9 reviews
  • ( out of 9 reviews for all versions)
Smooth, Quiet, fast, easy to shoot, my RTH came with silencers on the buss cables

Version: 2014 Diamond Infinite Edge


Pros: Light wieght, and totally adjustable, tuneable, just an allround geat value

Cons: takes about 50 shoots to settle the strings.

Full review:

at 57 yrs of age, i needed a bow to shoot in the garage over a long winter. I have a hunting & 3D bows.
you can shot this bow for hours, its comfortable, smooth,shock free, nice valley. absolutely no regrets,
and I will hunt with it in a tree stand. GREAT job Bowtech/Diamond

Great bow

Version: 2014 Diamond Infinite Edge


Pros: The adjustable draw weight, Accuracy, ease of shooting

Cons: Sight is crap

Full review:

Have not shot a bow is 20 yrs, wanted to get back into the sport. Being left handed and on a budget, I knew it would not be easy. After reading all the reviews on Brand X and Y sporting good store decided on this bow. While looking though the bargain cave at the local Cabela's(for fishing lures) I spotted a left handed one in blackops. I bought it on the spot. 5 Months later I love this bow. I shoot 1 1/2 groups at 40 yards(maxx yardage i have tried yet) I did replace the sight, was hard to adjust on the left handed bow.( a friend has the right handed and it is easier to adjust) I now get more bullseye's then buddy's with 20 years of shooting experience.

best $277 I spent. Super quite and fast no recoil in hand

Version: 2014 Diamond Infinite Edge


Pros: shoots like a $1000 bow

Cons: draw length module will loosen use low strength loctight

Full review:

Set at max poundage and a draw length of 30" it shot so fast for a $277 bow. Was on sale at Dunham sports. With cat whiskers all u hear is the arrow wisss by and impact on target. I used a single cam Matthews for years and this shots as good if not better. It will make pass throughs on big bucks zip through and stabs in the ground using a 100grain shockwave. These broad heads fly perfect to the field points without broad head tuning. Get a nap Apache fallaway rest and u will out shot all your buddy's. There mouths will fall to there boots or they'll act like u didn't just Robin Hood there arrows. Get one its just a bow tech. Give them the shaft.

Haven't shot a bow since I was 14 and wanted something for me and my daughter to do together.

Version: 2014 Diamond Infinite Edge


Pros: Flexibility, can be set up for anyone while not breaking the bank.

Cons: Considering it is 300 less than most comparable bows having to upgrade to better accessories over time is hardly a real con.

Full review:

Did a lot of research before I bought anything. Being predominately a firearms user I found a lot of sticker shock looking for a bow. Wanting to get a hobby for me and my daughter that didn't revolve around computers and not annoy neighbors archery seemed a decent start. We went through 3 bows from different makes trying to get one to fit her. Ended up having to get the same thing I had gotten myself so we could shoot together, but in stylish pink camo (oh as they call it "blaze"). For both of us, who have no real clue what we are doing and going off what we are told by our local Bass Pro archery department I am happy to say we not only hit the paper, but can hit the bullseye, which makes a 12 year old want to go practice even more. I'll be honest I bought this mainly as a way to save money and not have a pile of crap for myself. The fact the store here cannot keep them on the shelf and are sold out to the point I was told to order one online to make sure I even got hers this century was kind of a good sign I picked right as a totally clueless amateur looking to spend some quality time with my kids.

Best Bow and Arrow PERIOD.

Version: 2014 Diamond Infinite Edge


Pros: Quiet, No Vibration, Very Light Weight, Very little kick, Very Accurate to far distances, Kids to Adults Adj. in minutes, High quality materials, Solid sturdy frame design, Perfect.

Cons: price... $375 is not easy to come by. To really hook this bow up you should get another sight for it and a different arrow rest, not needed, but once you do it really feels like a million bucks for more like 650. See what I have on mine below.

Full review:

My bow is the Infinite Edge, I like the back wall on this bow. It is solid, but has a slight, slight ever so slight bit of "play" at the wall itself, almost as if you're just flexing the limbs. (Maybe I am?) I swapped all the things that came on it. I put a Trophy Ridge whisker bisquit and a SPOT HOG "SPOT ON" 5 pin sight on it I got a G5 quiver for it but I never put it on there. I put limb sav'r silencers all over it I got 2 on the "pull" portion of my string and 4 more on the "X" portion of the strings "in the middle", 1 on each limb and a limb sav'r silencer "cork screw 4-5in. ver." Anyways, It's the best! The bow is a very VERY primitive weapon and for man to still be using it just blows my mind sometimes, but thanks to science and technology we now have the most advanced bows ever seen in anytime in history and they've all been leading up to this one. When you hold this bow you may or may not realize it but you are holding in your hand 4000 years worth of technology and the infinite edge is the final product. The last one that ever needs to be made its perfect. What do you look for in a bow? Whatever you just said it has period. I'm not joking you will not be disappointed in this bow. Buy one for every member of your family and tell your friends and you will never have to buy another bow for any of them EVER and they'll love it. I've fired at least 1300 arrows over the last 5 months of owning it...(I don't shoot everyday) I practice hitting bullseyes at 40yds all day long, when I rarely miss its definitely me not the bow. I have and can hit 50 yard bullseyes but without a backstop I'm scared to lose my arrows so I keep it at 40 most of the time. My poundage is at 55 and the arrow flies very fast down range. Its very quiet, it has no resonant vibrations, the draw is smooth with a progressive feel to let off and let off is on the bottom end of shallow. Not too deep but not too shallow, just about right for a "itchy let off feel". I have the blackops version and camo'd limbsaver accessories and it couldn't look any cooler if I wanted it too. What can I say 4000 years and we humans finally got it right. The perfect bow for anyone.

Black ops finish, you can't get a better bow. In my opinion of course

Version: 2013 Diamond Infinite Edge


Pros: Looks nice, adjustable, fairly quick, easy to use, good let off, strong, light weight,

Cons: Nothing

Full review:

I have the black ops finish one, I've shot it a lot, at least 200 shots in the last week, I've been shooting only at 40 pounds and 26.5 draw length but I've been shooting 3 inch groups almost every time. The bow is shooting fast for only being set at 40 pounds, I will be using it for moose and deer, il have it to 55 pounds by then, and I think it will drop the animals with no problems. Amazing bow .

Great bow for the money.

Version: 2013 Diamond Infinite Edge


Pros: Easily adjustable draw weight and length. (Make sure to put BLUE or PURPLE loctite on screws when done adjusting) Great bow for younger or older hunters who can't pull what they used to. Like me.

Cons: The grip could be a little fatter for older shooters. The bow itself is great. The sight is somewhat difficult to adjust but usable. A lot of people complain about hostage rest but I like it.

Full review:

Smooth draw no hump. The bow itself is great. The sight is somewhat difficult to adjust but usable. I replaced it with a more expensive Trophy Ridge Cyper 5 sight but really didn't have to. A lot of people complain about hostage rest but I like it. Have not chrono'd speed but seems good with 50# draw weight 29" draw. Using 291/2" gold tip 5575 arrows with 125 Thunderheads
Bought this bow because my 20yr old bow only had 50% letoff and was already adjusted to lowest draw weight and arthritis prevented me from enjoyable shooting. This bow will allow me to hunt for several years longer and also get my grandsons into archery.

Good all round bow

Version: 2013 Diamond Infinite Edge


Pros: Price and Adjust-ability

Cons: Works for practice, need to fit up for hunting

Full review:

This is the first compound bow I have ever bought. I haven't shot a bow in 30years but wanted to get into hunting. I figured i would start with this bow and trade up once hunting season came around. Well, here I am with two deer tags filled using the bow and believe this bow will work fine for all future hunting. I started out with a lighter pull of 50lbs thru the summer and turned up the poundage to 60lbs as the season neared which is the huge benefit for the bow. I also was able to adjust the pull length to find my favorite length. Plus when I switched releases with a different length I was able to adjust the bow accordingly.
It works great as a practice bow as equipped but if you are serious about hunting you will need to fit it up. The sight works in daylight but once the sun sets or before sunrise forget it you will be shooting instinctively. This stock sight is garbage. Buy another sight. The bow is loud and I did buy some limb-saver silencers. It did quiet the bow as I shot one deer and the other deer hung around not even noticing I fired the bow. Finally I put a wrist sling on it to make sure my grip was soft which required a stabilizer but over all it helped my accuracy. I shoot 40yd kill shots for practice all day which is farther then actual hunting shots in my heavy New England woods.
I have to say, while ignorance is bliss, the bow works as advertised with proof with my tags filled.

Just got the Pink Blaze. Although I wish it had some better cosmetics, it is an awesome bow!! :)

Version: 2013 Diamond Infinite Edge


Pros: I love how I hit the bullseye every time. ;) I love how it fits me personally. All in all, I found this bow to suit my needs to a "t". I hope it will hold up as well as my husbands bowtech. Now I'm ready to go get my elk.

Cons: I wished it had nicer strings like the bear, bright pink and black. I also wished the graphics were brighter.

Full review:

This is my first bow, and I am really excited to learn to hunt with it. I think that this bow really will help me take my first elk this season. I really do like how it shoots, and the adjustability will be a definite bonus. The price was also a big lure to me since we are limited on funds like so many other people right now.

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