Elite Judge Review

Elite Judge

Average user rating

out of 3 user reviews
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  from $62.99


  • Smooth drawing bow with a nice solid back wall (both cams have a draw stop)
  • Good valley - you can creep it a little
  • Modular-adjustable eccentric system
  • Very comfortable thin wood grip
  • Immaculate finish


  • Not the quietest bow, kick and vibration are higher on a bare bow (stabilizer and other silencers will help)
  • Relatively stiff draw cycle with a little hump closer to the end


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User Reviews

  • 3 reviews
  • ( out of 3 reviews for all versions)
One of the best speed bow's ive ever shot!

Version: 2010 Elite Judge


Pros: 1. Smooth draw
2. Awsome backwall/valley
3. Balance's great
4. Best finish in the industry
5. Best warranty in the industry

Cons: 1. Very very slight hump in the draw that was removed with the EFX cam's

Full review:

We'll start with the overall look of the bow. Elite Archery make's some of the best looking bow's out there, but ive never seen camo finish like Elite Archery use's on their bow's. Most bow's have the standard looking camo that has stretched mark's and fade spot's from being dipped in mass quantities, but Elite archery is like looking at camo on an HD TV but it's on your bow! Every inch of the camo finsish is perfect!

The draw cycle on the Judge is stout yet smooth all the way through to a slight hump then into the best backwall and valley ive ever felt on any bow much less a speed bow. The hump is no longer a factor for me after shooting it for alittle while. At the shot the bow has very little vibration. When I added my stabilizer (Stokerized 10" Hunter) it was gone. The bow is extremly accurate out to 60 yard's. If you've never had an Elite the grip might or might not take just alittle getting used to, but once you do that thing will be stacking arrow's!

29" 65lbs with a 375 grain arrow im getting 303 FPS.

Very impressive speed bow with a smooth draw, great valley/wall, and incredible accuracy.

Version: 2010 Elite Judge


Pros: * Speed with a smooth, consistent draw
* Valley, Solid Wall and Let-off
* Very accurate bow
* Fit and Finish
* Great Factory String Set (no peep creep)
* Elite's Lifetime (transferable) Warranty and Hunt Guarantee

Cons: * Must remove string/cables to change modules
* Modules costlier that most others

Full review:

I bought my 2010 Judge from my local dealer after receiving my draw length modules for the bow. The Judge replaced a 2008 Bowtech 82nd Airborne. Compared to the Airborne, I found the Judge much smoother on the draw with no major humps like the 82nd. My dealer set up the bow and I went to shooting. Tuning in my QAD rest was a quick event and sight pins followed immediately. I didn't care for the factory cable guide, so it was replaced with an aftermarket model. Two small cat whisker was all it took to make this bow dead silent...no to quiet down the QAD.

At the range, the Judge really shines. I was accurate with the Bowtech, but the Judge has taken me to all new levels. Tight groups at 20yds & 30yds are now regular at 30yds and 40yds. My confidence level is now into the 50-60yds range. Shooting a 60# bow with 410gr Axis arrows, I'm still pushing 290 fps. Accuracy, speed and smoothness make this bow a valuable hunting tool!

The Elite Judge is an all in one bow.

Version: 2010 Elite Judge


Pros: 1. Great Grip
2. Speed hitting close to IBO.
3. Very Accurate for a 6 inch Brace height.
4. Finish is one of the best i have seen, AP, Max1, Or Ninja.
5. Solid Back wall & very comfortable valley

Cons: 1. Slight hand vibe at the shot. (can be removed with BowJax products)
2. The draw cycle is a little stiff on higher poundage models. (but not as much on lower poundage model).
3. Wish arrow shelf was flatter to work with more arrow rest.

Full review:

2010 Elite Judge
All testing was done with a loaded string, peep & loop

Draw Length: 29
Draw weight: 60.84 Lbs
FPS 293/405gr/KE 77.063
FPS 305/362gr/KE 74.739
FPS 327/301gr/KE 71.482

Great shooting bow, smooth draw,solid backwall, very fast. Slight hand vibe before installing bowjax products. Will be a great hunting bow!

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