Elite Tempo Review

Elite Tempo

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out of 2 user reviews
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  from $475


  • Elite hunt guarantee
  • Module draw lengths from 28-32-inches
  • Truly a do it all bow that can be shot for any style of archery


  • 4.4-pound bare bow may not be what some want in a hunting bow
  • IBO rating of 325 feet per second is pretty slow
  • MSRP of $999


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Editors' review

The 2017 Elite Tempo is an outstanding bow, which can be used as a fully multipurpose rig for every style of compound archery shooting. It is rare to find a bow capable of doing any style of archery without hesitation, but the 2017 Tempo is just that. With a 34-inch axel-to-axel measurement offering a stable platform, and a brace height of 7.25-inches, the Tempo is forgiving and a capable performer. Unfortunately for some, the IBO rated 325 feet per second may be a bit too slow for consideration. However, the modular adjustable cam system does offer a nice range of draw length from 28-32-inches in half-inch increments, which allows some long draw guys the ability to get a bow that truly fits them. The Tempo has the beloved limb stop, solid back wall shooters have grown to love about Elite the last few years as well. Overall, shooters will feel a high quality product when shooting the Tempo. The MSRP of $999 is the going rate for a high end hunting bow, and with the Tempo's ability to perform in every setting, the price may be a bit easier to pay out.


The Elite finish for 2017 is called Rhinodize, and it leaves the bow looking great while removing some of the shine associated with the older finishes. The duller look does not make the bow look lower in quality, but it may blend in a bit better in the woods or during hunting situations without the glossy finish to draw attention to. The Tempo comes from the factory in seven different color choices, including some new looks and some returning patterns. The Tempo is offered in Ninja Black, Hardwoods Brown, Olive Green, Realtree Max-1, Realtree Xtra, Kuiu Verde, and Kuiu Vias. The addition of some different options than the traditional finishes is highly appreciated. It also allows shooters the ability to shoot the same rig as their buddies, but add some personal flair to the tried and true patterns if they wish to do so. The Rhinodize coat looks and feels very durable, and should withstand the normal wear and tear archers put on their equipment very well. For some shooters, the Tempo is going to be their absolute do it all bow. The coat feels as though it will live up to the task of doing everything, while looking nice doing it. It would be nice for Elite to offer a few more target colors on such a capable do it all rig, but that is getting pretty picky.


The Tempo has a nice platform to build on with a fairly long riser thanks to the beyond parallel limb design. The overall axel-to-axel measurement is 34-inches, which is right in the sweet spot for many shooters. For 2017, most shooters seem to gravitate towards bows in the 32-35-inch range, although that is not to say bows outside that are less attractive. A 34-inch model is long enough to be sturdy and forgiving, while still being compact enough to be comfortable in tighter hunting situations.The Tempo riser features a caged riser above the sight picture window, which adds a lot in regards to stability and rigidness. Along with this added support to keep the riser from flexing too much during the draw cycle, there is a little added weight because of the reinforcement. The overall weight of the bow is 4.4-pounds. Although this is a bit on the heavy side for what many shooters want to cart around, it really does not feel overbearing or heavy. For many shooters, what the riser does in terms of added strength and stability, is a good trade off for a little extra mass overall. The riser features a stationary roller guard system, which is a welcomed addition for many diehard Elite shooters over the older traditional cable slide systems. The roller is fairly simplistic, but does smooth out the draw cycle a bit. Under the shooter's grip, the Tempo features a string stop system as well. This is outfitted with factory installed Limbsaver technologies to reduce noise and vibration. A dampener to stop the string, and one on the rod itself closer to the connections point on the riser combine to keep the Tempo very dead and quiet in hand. In addition to this, shooters have the standard front mounting stabilizer hole, but also have the ability to mount a rear-mounting stabilizer as well. This will help shooters fine tune the placement of any added weight they may want to keep the bow sturdy and minimize pin float on the target.


The Elite grip tends to have a love hate relationship with shooters. There are shooters that love the slightly curved feel, with the side plates, and others fight the grip to get a placement that is comfortable and repeatable. The grip may be an area of archery that is more personal preference than any other on the bow. With that being said, the shape and size of the grip is not bothersome for most shooters. For shooters not liking the Elite grip style initially, it can become more comfortable shooting the bow a while. Most grips on the market have a straight back, and the curve of the Elite handle may take some getting used to.


The multilayer laminate limbs are solid in construction on the Tempo, despite a brand new design change towards split limb technology on some other 2017 models for Elite. The Tempo only comes with three limb configurations with maximum draw weights of 50, 60, and 70-pounds. Although this is certain to cover the majority of shooter draw weights, there may be shooters looking past the Tempo because they are interested in 80-pound or 40-pound maximum limb weights. Elite limbs have been solidly constructed and have known durability since the company began, so the formula used on the laminate limbs has proven to be a great one. To help with dampening a bit, the limbs do come from the factory with installed Limbsaver products. These have the ability to be different colors if shooters want to change that later one, but it is nice to have some reliable dampeners added right out of the box to help with cutting out some noise.

Eccentric System

The cam system on the Tempo is similar to other Elite two track cam systems with dual limb stops. The IBO speed rating for the Tempo is a bit underwhelming clocking in at only 325 feet per second. However, it does seem when heavier arrows are shot through bow, the speed is not compromised as quickly as other models, truly speaking to the efficiency of the Tempo cam system. . In other words, in regards to hunters wanting some more kinetic energy for larger big game animals, the Tempo will deliver just fine. When looking at the bow, shooters are sure to recognize the plethora of speed nocks added to the top and bottom of the string. Clearly, those speed nocks serve a purpose, but it would not be unrealistic to expect a higher speed rating given the number of speed nocks alone. Of course with two limb stops, the back wall lives up to what makes an Elite bow so characteristically solid while at full draw. The cam is a modular adjustable system, and has a draw length range from 28-inches all the way out to 32-inches. Considering the axel-to-axel measurement, this bow will make a very comfortable rig for longer draw shooters with very limited options.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

The Tempo is a true do it all bow, and in order to meet the demands of each style of shooting, the draw cycle needs to be a favorable one. With put on a draw board, the Tempo is not as smooth of a drawing bow as other Elites. It does have some points where the draw weight levels out only to increase again. However, when shooting the bow, and not looking at the draw curve printout, shooters generally have a very favorable opinion of the draw cycle. The valley is of course impressive, which has almost come to be what people recognize Elite for. The back wall is fantastic for shooters that want a solid back wall and room to let up a bit. For those wanting a little sponge on the back end, the Tempo is not ideal. With the overall mass and size of the bow, pin float on target is pretty fantastic. It almost seems like the Tempo aims itself. Shooters will greatly appreciate the little extra weight after seeing how well it holds downrange. After the shot, the Tempo just stays. There is a bit of a spring forward, and then the bow goes back to the target. Shooters are sure to be amazed at how the Tempo really just shoots itself. The added premium Limbsaver dampening devices work well at keeping the bow quiet and vibrations are very minimal. The slower speeds are not a major factor when shooting the bow honestly. It seems fast enough, and the high efficiency system, thanks to Elite engineers, is an advantage for shooters with heavier arrow set-ups. The Tempo shoots amazingly well. The largest issue would be with the grip. As mentioned earlier, it is different and takes some getting used to. Since the front hand position is so vital considering downrange accuracy, the curved grip can be problematic initially for some shooters trying to figure out how to get it sitting in the right spot shot after shot. However, those that quickly adjust to it, or enjoy the Elite grip feel will have no issues getting comfortable with it.

Usage Scenarios

Manufacturers are starting to produce more and more bows able to do everything, and the Tempo is the newest Elite bow to fit that category. With the growing popularity of archery, and 3D shooting specifically, Elite has found a nice formula with previously released bows being able to perform everywhere. The Tempo is a great specification bow in regards to axel-to-axel, brace height, and speed for shooters to make a few equipment swaps and be ready to shoot anything.

The Elite Hunt Guarantee

This warranty is one of the best warranties in the business. In addition to a lifetime warranty to the original owner, Elite also offers a hunters dream warranty. If anything happens while on a hunt, archers can call Elite and they will have a bow shipped to them the very next day allowing shooters the ability to finish their hunt of a lifetime. This is strictly a loaner bow, not supposed to be a replacement to the damaged model. However, the confidence in a company going out of their way to provide something to shooters they do not have to do is outstanding, and is a great gesture for potential buyers.


The Tempo is a true do it all bow, which is not as easy as it sounds. The size, specifications, speed, and shootability all need to be just right in order for the same bow to be used for every style of archery from five spot to tree stands. The Tempo fits the bill in every area, and fits a large range of shooters from 28-32-inches. For shooters with a longer draw, there are really limited choices of bows. The Tempo is a welcomed addition for those longer draw archers. The negatives associated with the Tempo are truly nitpicking a nice shooting bow. The price is comparable with other high-end models, the slower speed is not too noticeable for most shooters, and the heavier mass can actually be a pro for some shooters. The Tempo is worth an honest shot, especially for shooters wanting one bow to do everything.

User Reviews

  • 2 reviews
  • ( out of 2 reviews for all versions)

Version: 2017 Elite Tempo


Pros: Draw cycle

Cons: Nothing

Full review:

Going back to elite Tempo over Matthew's v3 31 should of never got v3 31 don't see the craze about mathews 64 yrs old not ready for crossbow yet like the Elite so much better doesn't need to be speed freak 😜

Great fit and feel

Version: 2017 Elite Tempo


Pros: Smooth draw for a 31" draw length, very forgiving, and comfortable to shoot. Not jumpy and still shooting 305fps at 71lbs and a 460gr arrow/tip set up. my pld bow was only at 66lbs but this Tempo feels lighter and easier to draw.

Cons: nothing!

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