Hoyt Helix Compound Bow

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Hoyt Helix For Sale

5 bows
Hoyt Helix, RH, 50# 25" - 28" Draw With Rest, Site, Quiver and Peep
Seller: eBay
Price: $599.00
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Hoyt Helix, RH, 65# 25" - 28" Draw Fully Loaded
Seller: eBay
Price: $624.95
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hoyt helix
Seller: eBay
Price: $900.00
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+ 2 more
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Hoyt Helix Review

1 editor review + 1 user review
Editor review:

The Helix is a non-apologetic hunting bow. Everything from the compact design, the overall performance, and the feel of the Helix is done to create the meanest hunting bow Hoyt can produce with an aluminum riser. The new grip is easy to shoot, and the lateral movement options to get the best tune possible truly shows how dedicated Hoyt is in producing the best shooting hunting rig they can. The cams are smooth, and easy to draw, and the feeling after the shot is one of the deadest feels from a Hoyt hunting bow, possibly ever. The 4.3-pounds barebow weight may be slightly on the heavy side on paper for such a compact model, but in hand it balances perfectly and feels solid holding on target. The MSRP of $1199 is a premium price for an aluminum risered hunting bow, but with all the updates from the previous model year, many shooters will have no problem paying the extra price to have what may consider the best hunting bow from Hoyt in recent years. For those wanting the latest and greatest technology from an industry leader in the hunting world, the Helix has a great deal to offer potential customers... read full review

User reviews:
  • Excellent Bow! Best Aluminum Riser Bow that Hoyt has built... by Darren Kennedy from Newark, Ohio

Hoyt Helix Specifications

1 version

Manufactured: 2019 (1 version)

Latest version: 2019 Hoyt Helix

Brace Height 6 "
Axle to Axle Length 30.5 "
Draw Length 25 " - 30 "
Draw Weight 30 lbs - 80 lbs
IBO Speed 342 fps
Weight 4.3 lbs
Let-Off 80% - 85%