Hoyt REDWRX Carbon RX-4 Ultra Review

Hoyt REDWRX Carbon RX-4 Ultra

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  • Subtle improvements on a solid RX platform from 2019
  • The draw stop and draw length module are connected to each other
  • Good match of longer 6 3/4-inch brace height and 334 feet per second
  • Noticeably quieter than last year


  • Lots of negative buzz regarding not changing much from previous models
  • The moveable grip may be more gimmicky than useful
  • Another price increase for Hoyt brings the RX-4 Ultra to a suggested price of $1749, making it the most expensive carbon bow ever produced


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Hoyt always have a well advertised bow release each year, and 2020 is no different. The hype created is contagious, and Hoyt makes it difficult for shooters to not share in the excitement of a newly released bow. However, that can also have a negative effect because, well haters are going to hate. There is a lot of negativity in 2020 in general with folks saying bow companies made no changes, or limited upgrades to their previous year offerings, and unfortunately some are including the RX-4 Ultra in that conversation. Although there in nothing shockingly new on the RX-4 Ultra when compared to the outgoing RX-3 Ultra model, the upgrades Hoyt chose to make have a positive impact on the overall shooter experience with the new models. The rotating module system is tweaked a bit this year to include the draw length and the draw stop post on the same module, which means changing the draw length just became easier by not needing to rotate the module and adjust the draw stop. This also firmed up the back wall quite a bit when compared to previous models. Many will agree the draw cycle is a bit smoother than last year as well, and the 6 3/4-inch brace in combination with the cam design still flings arrows an ATA rated 343 feet per second. The worst thing about the RX-4 Ultra is the price point. Hoyt continues to raise the suggested cost of their rigs by $50 each year, which gives the carbon Ultra model for 2020 a $1749 price tag. This is getting absolutely ridiculous honestly, and there is no way Hoyt sales are not going to see an impact. Most aluminum riser bows are in the $1000 range, and many shooters will have a hard time justifying an additional $750 for a carbon riser, despite the advertised benefits of having a carbon riser bow. Ultimately, the RX-4 Ultra is another amazing bow coming out of the Hoyt factory. However, it is getting harder and harder to justify the always growing price tag on a bow with minimal upgrades in functionality and technology.


Hoyt is one of the industry leading companies for allowing shooters to customize the overall look of the bow they are interested in. They offer a wide range of finishes, all of which look amazing! The RX-4 Ultra is available in hunting finishes including: Realtree Edge, Kuiu Verde 2.0, Gore Optifade Subalpine, Gore Optifade Elevated II, Under Armour Forest, Storm, and Blackout. Shooters can also choose between special Bone Collector and Keep Hammering editions as well. For those wanting a target flavor, Hoyt offers a black riser with blue, red, or white limbs. The number of colored limbs available has decreased from previous years, which stinks. However, shooters should be able to find something that fits their needs well in what is offered for 2020.


Carbon is king for the RX-4 Ultra, and the benefits of a carbon riser over an aluminum riser are the same they were when carbon was introduced years ago. The strength to weight ratio of carbon is superior to aluminum, and the warm to the touch feel of a carbon riser is easy to love on cold morning sits in the deer woods. However, the bare bow RX-4 Ultra tips the scales at 4.1-pounds before dampeners and accessories are added. Although this is a half-pound lighter than the aluminum Axius Ultra, the difference in weight between the carbon and aluminum riser is much less than it has been in the past. This also means those purchasing carbon risers for being more lightweight may not be as convinced the $1749 price tag is worth the half-pound lighter bow. The carbon riser is created by combining 50 different riser components, which are hand laid into a configuration designed for the best performance. Hoyt claims these components are designed to eliminate vibration and optimize stiffness, which are both great qualities for a bow riser to have. The riser features an integrated QAD rest mount as well. This dovetail mounting system works in combination with a Hoyt Integrated QAD rest, which is largely popular on the market for 2020. This connection point has a seamless look, and is arguably a more secure connection point between the riser and the rest to make sure things stay as sturdy and worry free as possible. Hoyt also sticks with the same roller system used in 2019, a front and rear stabilizer mounting bushings, and an effective and adjustable Stealthshot string stop system. Shock pods are integrated into the riser to absorb vibration and sound as well to keep the RX-4 Ultra as quiet as possible. Overall, the riser is pretty much untouched from 2019. However, there was nothing wrong with the 2019 carbon riser worthy of tweaking. The riser balances perfectly before adding accessories, feels how a premium bow should feel, and provides a feeling only a carbon riser can. Everything about the riser is well thought out, and functions flawlessly, even if there is nothing brand new to talk about in the parking lot of a local 3D shoot.


The 2020 carbon bow grip carries over from the previous model year, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. The grip feels amazing in just about every shooter's hand, and has the shape and feel to allow shooters a level of comfortability, while being just about the perfect size for a large range of shooters. The Hoyt grip on the carbon risers is adjustable to allow for some left to right adjustments for getting the best tune and center shot. Although there may be an application where this design works well, many reviewers online have tried to adjust the grip to the extreme right or left while still being able to shoot a bullet hole through paper. There is clearly a population benefitting from having an adjustable grip, or Hoyt would not be making it. However, some could argue improving form and technique, instead of adjusting around the form flaw may be a better solution in the end for the best, most accurate results.


Again, Hoyt really shines with the number of offerings available to accommodate as many shooters as possible. If a shooter is interested in paying the $1749 premium price, Hoyt wants to make sure they have a bow that will work. The split limb technology has always been solid for the brand, and the RX-4 Ultra is no exception. Each limb configuration allows for a ten-pound range of adjustment, with peak weights available in 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, and 80-pounds. Any adult shooter on the market for a high end hunting bow will have an available draw weight offering available on the RX-4 Ultra. The limb dampeners come straight from the factory, and can be color coordinated to match the shooter's personal styles if desired. The limb pockets are also well designed to keep everything as solid as possible. Everything about the RX-4 Ultra limb set up is well done, features great performing technology - although nothing brand new, and will surely last a long time under extreme hunting conditions.

Eccentric System

Brand new for 2020 is the ZTR cam system featured on the RX-4 Ultra bows. The ZTR cam design is the third generation of the ZT cam, and has some welcomed upgrades shooters should appreciate. For starters, the rotating draw length module now includes the draw stop adjustment as well. In the past, shooters changing the draw length were required to move the module to the desired location and adjust the draw stop to match accordingly. This year, both adjustments are connected to the module, so changing the draw length will also change the draw stop. The newly refined cam system has a more solid back wall than previous carbon bows, draws a bit smoother, and has a quieter arrow release. So although massive technology changes did not happen, the changes made should improve on what shooters have come to love about the REDWRK series hunting bows. The cam comes with two base cams again for 2020. The first cam is offered in a draw length range of 27-30-inches and the second cam is available in 30-32-inches. The rotating module has adjustments for half-inch increments, and the ability for a 32-inch draw length is great for those longer draw archers with limited options. The ZTR cam also produces decent performance for a bow with a 6 3/4-inch brace height with an ATA speed rating of 334 feet per second.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

The new ZTR cams have a familiar feel for anyone shooting a Hoyt in recent years. However, there are some noteworthy changes most shooters will appreciate. For starters, the draw cycle feels even smoother than in previous years. The draw weight is still felt, the ZTR cams will not feel like shooters are drawing a significant amount of lower weight, but the transitions are about as smooth as they come. The valley feels just about right, and the back wall has firmed up when compared to the previous Hoyt bows. After the shot, the RX-4 Ultra has what may be the quietest arrow release of any Hoyt bow ever made. The RX-4 Ultra seems to hold pretty well on target as well, without too much pin float considering the lighter bare bow weight being just over 4-pounds. It is also worth mentioning the balance of the RX-4 Ultra, before added accessories, is just about perfect as well. While holding the bow, shooters will notice it just wants to sit still, and that is a great starting point for shooters. That way, weight can be added where shooters want it, without having to correct an offset feel right from the beginning. Personal feeling may lead shooters to choose a different model, but nothing stands out as a deal breaker for the RX-4 Ultra in terms of feel and shootability.

Usage Scenarios

The RX-4 Ultra has the ability to do absolutely anything shooters ask of it. The carbon riser bows get very little love on 3D course from professionals. However, for the average shooter wanting to practice up on the range with buddies, this rig will not disappoint. For most shooters, the RX-4 Ultra is going to be a hunting bow, and it is well designed for the task.

Hoyt REDWRX Carbon RX-4 Ultra vs. Hoyt REDWRX Carbon RX-3 Ultra

BowHoyt REDWRX Carbon RX-4 UltraHoyt REDWRX Carbon RX-3 Ultra
Version 20202019
PictureHoyt REDWRX Carbon RX-4 UltraHoyt REDWRX Carbon RX-3 Ultra
Brace Height6.75 "6.75 "
AtA Length34 "34 "
Draw Length27 " - 32 "27 " - 32 "
Draw Weight30 lbs - 80 lbs30 lbs - 80 lbs
IBO Speed334 fps334 fps
Weight4.1 lbs4.1 lbs
Let-Off85% 80% - 85%
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These two bows are eerily similar to each other, separated by some minor engineering tweaks, which end up making the RX-4 Ultra have a smoother draw, firmer back wall, and quieter arrow release. For most shooters with an Hoyt REDWRX Carbon RX-3 Ultra, the changes are not going to be enough to warrant making the $1749 purchase. However, those dragging their feet, and not pulling the trigger on an RX-3 Ultra last year, the RX-4 Ultra for 2020 may have the minor tweaks necessary to make the purchase.


The RX-4 Ultra is the third installment of the REDWRK branding from Hoyt, and it is arguably the best carbon model Hoyt has ever produced. The changes to the cam system, although somewhat minor, have really made a better shooting experience with a smoother draw, firmer back wall, and quieter shot. The bow balances super well, the cams have a 5-inch draw length range, and a 50-pound draw weight range makes sure just about anyone interested in a Hoyt carbon hunting can get outfitted with one. Despite no major changes, everything about the RX-4 Ultra is well thought out and is built to withstand the most extreme hunting conditions shooters put it through. The largest negative about the carbon lineup from Hoyt continues to be the price tag, which got larger again this year. A bare bow price of $1749 is expensive. Of course carbon costs more than aluminum, and of course shooters have an insane amount of confidence shooting the best of what a giant like Hoyt has to offer, which comes at a price. However, even shooters with an unlimited budget to purchase a new bow will have to take a long hard look to justify an additional $500 when compared to the 2020 aluminum Hoyt hunting bow, and potentially $750 when compared to other brands aluminum flagship models. The 2020 RX-4 Ultra is an amazing bow, but the price tag is getting ridiculous, and that alone will cause many shooters to look elsewhere.

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