G5 Prime Black 1 Review

G5 Prime Black 1

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  from $125.96


  • All new cam system designed for the 2020 Black Series
  • The Black 1 is the most compact of the four bow release
  • Prime has some of the most balanced bows ever produced


  • Only one grip option
  • The wide stance of the Swerve and limb design may feel weird at first


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Editors' review

G5 has produced a major following over the last decade or so producing superbly machined Prime hunting bows. The 2020 Prime release includes a total of 4 bows, all built off the same platform with different axle-to-axle measurements to best match the needs of each shooter interested in what Prime has to offer. The Black series has axle-to-axle measurements of 31, 33, 35, and 39-inches, which covers the range of all major archery styles offering a little something for everyone on the market for a new bow. The Black 1 is the shortest version of the Black series, and makes for the most compact hunting bow in the Prime lineup for 2020. The bow weighs 4.3-pounds right out of the box, and one of the most balanced feeling bows ever produced. No matter which way the rig is held, shooters will definitely notice how perfectly balanced the machined aluminum bow is. The cams and the riser Swerve technology are created to do exactly that, and it is clear a great deal of consideration went into making the bow as balanced feeling as possible. The Black 1 has a draw length range of 25.5-31-inches on the newly designed Roto cam, and has an IBO rating of 332 feet per second with a 7-inch brace height. Prime also has 6 different limb configurations, and tons of amazing finish options available for shooters to pick from. The suggested retail price of only $999 is an awesome price point as well considering most aluminum riser models got an increase in their suggested retail price for 2020. With Prime offering as much as they did with the Black series, to not have a price increase is truly amazing. It is almost impossible to find a negative with the Black series, but some shooters may be disappointed with Prime only offering one grip from the factory. The Black 1 also has a very wide stance thanks to the Swerve design and the wide limb pockets, which may take some adjustment to get used to maneuvering in tighter spaces. Overall, the Black 1 is one of the best feeling hunting bows in 2020, and Prime has really established themselves as serious contenders in the archery world!


There was a time not so long ago when the finish on the bow was the last thing shooters cared about. As long as the bow shot great, what it looked like did not really matter all that much to many archers. Although some shooters may still not care what the finish options are for a particular rig, bow companies are investing a lot of resources into offering the absolute best in terms of options and quality. Prime has a huge finish option list, and to the benefit of potential buyers, the finish on the Black 1 is exceptionally done! Available options include: Boulder Grey, Firstlite Cipher, Ghost Green, Grizzly Brown, Morel, Optifade Elevated II, Optifade Subapline, Realtree Edge, Realtree Escape, Tundra, and Yoti Tan. In addition to that, Prime will let shooters mix and match limbs and risers as well for an even more custom look. With so many available options, shooters are certain to find something that matches their personality. The downside for having so many options is also that there are so many options. It would be almost impossible for most shops to stock each option in their shops, which means shooters may be forced to get a pattern they would not pick, or the shop will need to make a custom order. For those willing to wait on the pattern they want most, the end result is going to look awesome.


Prime bows were born out of a machine shop, where outstanding engineering and years of mastery in machining meet. Prime has developed some amazing features based on focusing on the end result of the user, which is comfort and shootability. Although the Black 1 has a relatively short axle-to-axle measurement, the overall weight is still a fairly substantial 4.2-pounds. Prime still focuses a ton on effort on what they call the Centergy Technology, or getting the bow to feel perfectly balanced while on target. The 2020 Black lineup also results in the Swerve design in the riser, which helps reduce riser flex and keeps both ends of the bow synced with each other during the entire shooting experience. The Swerve technology is Prime's take on creating a solid shooting platform. Not only is the riser made of high grade 82X aluminum, the Swerve technology is designed to work with the other features of the bow, specifically the cams and roller guard, to keep everything centered for the shooter. When shooters pick the bow up for the first time, they will notice right away how perfectly the bow balances right at the throat of the grip. Shooters are going to add weight to the overall system, but starting at a balanced position will make it substantially easier to add weight where it is wanted versus having to balance the rig first, then add to personalize the overall feel. The cable containment system used on the Black 1 is known as the Flexis AR system. Like many other cable containment systems on the market in 2020, this system is an adjustable, flexing roller system. Shooters can easily tweak how the guard flexes to accommodate for different vane and arrow configurations as well as fine tuning their rigs for perfect arrow flight. As with any bow, as the arrow is drawn, the cams place a fair amount of side load on the cables. With a flexible guard, the torque is mitigated to the riser, which means the riser becomes a bit more rigid and repeatable shot after shot.


The grip on the Black 1 feels amazing in hand. It is easy to hold, seems to fit like a glove, and is extremely repeatable without much conscious effort on the shooter's part. The grip has a rubber insert on each side, but it does not add much to comfort or feel. However, it does add just a little bit of tackiness versus a standard aluminum grip for in the summer with sweaty hands, or in the treestand with gloves on. For those wanting factory options in a grip, the Black 1 may be slightly disappointing with only one choice. Regardless of the style of grip shooters have gotten used to, the Black 1 should be an easy transition.


Again, Prime does not skimp on the available options they have available for their rigs. The split limb technology is available in maximum draw weights of 40. 50. 60. 65. 70, and 80-pounds. These offerings make the bow available to almost every shooter on the market for a compact bow. The limbs, in combination with the Swerve riser give the Black 1 a very wide stance as well. The cams on the Black 1 are beefy with the new 5-Track design, and the limbs and pockets were designed to accommodate those and provide a super solid platform. The limb graphics are also very simple in design, which adds a premium feel to the bow overall as well. For those wanting the most dead in hand feel after the shot, the limbs comes with a dampener from the factory to remove any residual noise or vibration from the bow.

Eccentric System

Everything about a Prime bow is well thought out, properly researched and developed, and machined to perfection. The brand new Roto Cam System is no exception to the high standard Prime has created for themselves. Upon first glance, the cam may not look a ton different since it keeps the beefy design and the multiple tracks. For 2020, the new 5-track parallel cam system also comes with a rotating module, which is a welcomed addition to the lineup. The modules allow for half-inch draw length adjustments from 25-31-inches, and a let-off range of 65-90%. The performance is pretty solid as well for the Black 1 with a speed rating of 332 feet per second. The Roto cam is a 5-track parallel cam system. This results in a 7-piece string system with the floating yolks and parallel cam design. It also results in the bow having no cam lean whatsoever, which is great in regards to ease of tuning. As the bow is drawn, the weight is pulled equally on both sides of the system, so there is not more pressure on one side forcing cam lean to occur. The cam stops are now cable stops only, which some shooters may be disappointed with. Prime has some of the most solid back walls in archery with limb stops, and although the back wall is still very firm, some shooters used to the no give wall may feel a difference switching to the cable stop system instead of the limb stops. For ease of tuning, the Black 1 will also come equipped with the Easy-Tune Shim System. This allows shooters to shim the cam left or right 0.030 of an inch for fast and easy tuning. The 1/4-inch axles are also beefy to match the cams and wide track limbs. The axles are also compressed to make sure the bearings are fully utilized in giving the bow the best feel and performance possible. The outside of the axles have caps on them as well for shooters to connect an arrow rest cord to instead of the limb itself if they prefer.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

Anyone shooting a recent Prime bow will have some degree of familiarity with the Black 1 as it feels very similar to what other Prime bows have brought to the market. It can not be overstated, the platform of the bow is absolutely solid with the Stealth riser technology, wide limbs, and perfect balance. When drawing the bow, the grip places the shooter's hand exactly where it should be without being uncomfortable. As the string is drawn, the weight stacks easily, and transitions into the valley without any major effort on the shooter's part. The let-off and holding weight is fully customizable to provide the exact holding weight and let-off each person is most comfortable with, and although the back wall is a cable stop only system it still feels as solid as most shooters will want it. After the shot, the arrow zips downrange without much noise or vibration in the hand to speak of. The balance of the Black 1 rig is outstanding, and worth repeating. The bow is noticeably wide upon the first impression, but is not something most shooters will dwell on after their initial reaction to it. Overall, it is almost impossible to find something wrong with how the Black 1 shoots aside from personal preferences, which may lead some to choosing a different bow instead.

Usage Scenarios

The Black 1 is going to be a hunting machine. For shooters wanting the most of a compact rig for ground blinds, treestands, or spot and stalk, this short 31-inch axle to axle bow may be just what the doctor ordered. For shooters not wanting as short of a rig, the Black series has an axle to axle measurement from 31 all the way out to 39-inches, so they are certain to find something to meet their needs in terms of overall length.

Shield Program

Prime offers a really sweet program for the original owners of their bows, which is not common in the archery world. For the life of the bow, the original owner is provided a 7-piece string and cable kit absolutely free of charge every two years. Purchasing the same set of strings and cables would cost north of $150, and it is free to original owners after registering the bow.


Short axle to axle hunting bows are hugely popular for 2020, and the Black 1 is right up there as one of the best shooters. Although there is a ton of competition in the compact hunting bow market, the Black 1 really has a lot to offer in regards to a new cam system, a wide, stable platform, well designed riser, and easy tuning. Shooters can choose their let-off and holding weight, and the new Roto cam rotating module is a major upgrade for shops and shooters. Dedicated bowhunters live in what might be the best time ever to be a bowhunter. There are so many amazing options for shooters to get exactly what makes the most sense for them. If the Black 1 is too short for some shooters, Prime has four total bows in the Black lineup to choose from. Everything about the Black 1 boes works perfectly in combination with the rest of the designs to give an amazing experience to the shooter. Nothing about this bow, other than personal preference maybe liking something a little different should turn a shooter away from the Black 1. It is truly a masterpiece of engineering and quality manufacturing.

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