G5 Quest Primal Review

G5 Quest Primal

Average user rating

out of 6 user reviews
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  from $175


  • one of the best shooting hunting bows introduced in 2010
  • meets advertised IBO speeds
  • immaculate fit and finish
  • very smooth and linear draw cycle without a hump
  • modular draw length adjustment
  • has a solid back wall and is very steady at full draw


  • a bow press is required to change the draw length


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Editors' review

The Quest Primal is the flagship bow of the 2010 G5 line. Admittedly, this is a very good shooting bow with perfect fit and finish. Smooth on the draw. Interestingly, some shooters strongly believe this is one of the most underrated and overlooked bows in 2010.


To begin with, the finish on all 2010 G5 Quest bows is immaculate. The proprietary GFade decorating process delivers superior image quality and durability. We were overwhelmed with the amount of very positive comments indicating the finish on this rig is awesome. Without a doubt the Primal is a great looking bow.


The riser is 100% machined forged and is made of 6061-T6 aluminum - one of the best materials in the industry. Both high quality material and efficient manufacturing process help make the riser very strong while reducing the overall mass weight.


No major complaints were identified in regard to the grip while analyzing multiple reviews and tests. In opposite, a lot of people confirmed this two piece laminated wood grip is thin, nice, and pretty comfortable. Some archers say it's one of the best in the industry. Let's not forget that this is a matter of personal preference though. So the best way to find out whether or not this grip will suit your shooting style is to shoot this bow.

Strings and I-Glide cable system

The Primal comes with the Metrao strings which are known for their high quality and durability. Another interesting innovation on this bow is the I-Glide cable system that is designed such that the wear on the cable is reduced significantly.

Eccentric system

G5 powers the Quest Primal with its smooth-drawing Twin Track SYNC modular cam system, advertised to hit IBO speeds of up to 332 feet per second. The numerous tests carried out by experts prove that this bow meets its advertised IBO speeds.The draw length can be adjusted from 26.5 to 30 inches in 1/2 inch increments via a set of interchangeable modules. The only thing that doesn't make this performance system perfectly flexible is that the bow needs to be pressed and cables need to be taken out to change out the modules. Continuing with the eccentrics, the Twin TRAC cam system is equipped with dual stops making for a very solid back wall. Also, the let-off on the Quest Primal is 80%.

Draw cycle / Shootability

Despite being equipped with a powerful performance system, the Primal is a very smooth drawing bow without a hump at the end. Having analyzed a lot of reviews and tests, we confirm the Primal is a butter smooth drawing bow with an excellent linear draw cycle. Although the valley is on the short side, you can creep a little without the bow jerking forward. With a rock solid back wall, this rig is very steady at full draw as described by those shooters who tested the bow.

Silencing system / Quietness and vibration

While the Quest Primal has a good silencing package it can be made even quieter. Specifically, you may want to work on the strings by tying in cat whiskers. In addition, a stabilizer is needed to get rid of the unwanted vibration. Equipped with a good stabilizer, the bow can be described as a perfect shooter with very little noise and vibration.


To summarize, the G5 Quest Primal is one of the most underrated and best shooting hunting bows in 2010. With immaculate fit and finish and high quality materials, the look and feel of this bow will impress even the most demanding shooter. Very well balanced and smooth on the draw, the Quest Primal has a rock solid back wall and holds easily at full draw. The performance system delivers a very smooth and linear draw cycle without humps and meets its advertised IBO speeds of 332 fps. Despite being modular adjustable, the bow needs to be pressed to change the draw length. While a bare bow could have less vibration, a properly tuned Quest Primal is impressively quiet when equipped with a good stabilizer. Overall, the G5 Quest Primal is a high quality compact hunting bow with immaculate finish and excellent shootability characteristics.

User Reviews

  • 6 reviews
  • ( out of 6 reviews for all versions)
Best bow I've ever had

Version: 2012 G5 Quest Primal


Pros: Its light weigh compared to others I have shot!!

Cons: Nothing.

Full review:

Checked out several bows and the Primal had the correct feel to it. Its light-weight; set for 60 pounds due to previous injury and shoot 29 inch arrows. The bow is set up with Spothogg 5 pin sight; Quest quiver and Ripcord arrow rest. The bow was ordered with the camo pattern also. The arrow placement has been very consistant with very tight grouping to the point of replacing a couple of the arrows after impacting each other at the range. I am very pleased with this bow and recommend it!!

You won't be disappointed

Version: 2012 G5 Quest Primal


Pros: It is quiet, the bow is 60#, but pulls so smoothly that it feels like 50. It is accurate as well.

Cons: Mine came with a Trophy Ridge Torsion quiver. It is solid and quiet but the cant-angle design makes the arrows 'pop' when pulled from the quiver. Seems like an accident waiting to happen: clatter or string slice.

Full review:

The finish of the bow is top notch. The fade/camo is evenly applied and looks professional. The machining of the rising leaves no sharp angles anywhere. The handle looks thick, but the wooden grips felt really good in my hand. I have small/medium hands. The stablizer was not long but it did it's job as there was no hand shock.

This will be the backup bow for hunting and I will be equally confident in it as I am in my primary which costs several hundred more. In fact I take this bow to the range as often as my primary to practice.

The g5 primal is the best bow I've ever owned!

Version: 2012 G5 Quest Primal


Pros: Smooth draw, solid back wall, dead in the hand best hunting bow of 2012!

Cons: None

Full review:

It's a 60 to 70 pound bow tested at 72 pounds at max at 30" draw shooting 401 gran including 100 gran head dressed out for hunting 311 fps real speed! It's an amazing bow if you havnt shot one you don't know what your missing! 2013 I've took down 5 turkey and many coyotes on my farm looking forward to coming seasons! There is nothing about this bow I dislike. I shot 6 arrows through my brothers bow and went straight to our local outdoor store and bought a new g5 primal and sold my hoyt 11 years of being a huge hoyt fan took 6 shots to change my mind forever I hope quest and g5 are around for a very long time!

super bow for the $$

Version: 2012 G5 Quest Primal


Pros: Smooth, great wall, quiet

Cons: serving on cables came apart after about 600 shots, G5 took care of the issue without question.

Full review:

In my search for a new bow, I probably shot 2 dozen different models. From high end to low end of the price scale. I honestly believe that the primal is the best deal on the market today. I shot some great bows, but none were enough better to justify the extra $200 to $600 they would have cost me.

Butter smooth - FAST- little to no vibration - just feels good

Version: 2011 G5 Quest Primal


Pros: Speed ,Extremely quiet , butter smooth , price , can't beat the warranty, looks awesome in the g fade with black sight and black stabilizer

Cons: A little bit of vibration not much

Full review:

First time I saw the bow it looked great, but I didn't expect it to shoot as nice as it did .!! It was love at first shot !! Took 12 point south Texas buck after only a week or two of shooting the bow . The buck scored over 153 b&c ! I will have this bow in my collection for years to come. I would not be afraid to take this on any hunt from south Texas to Africa !


Version: 2010 G5 Quest Primal


Pros: This bow is fast, quiet, smooth, and solid. G-fade looks great.

Cons: The serving around the nocking area tore up easier than expected

Full review:

My primal is set up at 28" 70lbs qad ultra rest hd, g5 rock 4 pin sight, g5 meta peep, doinker hunter stabilizer, 2 monkey tails, 302 FPS. Very little vibration out of the box. Shot z7 extreme right after and it didn't feel as smooth as this bow.

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