Hoyt Alphamax 32 Review

Hoyt Alphamax 32

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  • very lightweight and balanced
  • equipped with durable limbs
  • has minimal vibration and is very quiet
  • no bow press is required for adjusting draw length
  • has a smooth eccentric system with a solid wall


  • not the fastest bow out there


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Editors' review

With very efficient and innovative technological changes, the Hoyt design team managed to take the quality of their bows to the next level by overhauling all their technologies and releasing the new Alphamax 32. The new TEC Lite riser, XTR & 1/2 Cam system, ZT lock pocket system, and XTS limbs are all new and innovative solutions introduced by Hoyt in 2009.


While the new Alphamax riser looks similar to its 2008 predecessor version, it is almost one pound lighter. The new TEC Lite riser is slimmer, has more cuts, and is designed to absorb shock effectively. Made from aluminum and then machined into shape, the new riser is very stable and helps reduce the overall bow weight to 3.9 lbs.

Balance, quietness, and vibration

Although the Alphamax 32 is a lightweight rig, it has minimal hand shock and vibration as confirmed by multiple tests conducted by bow experts. According to multiple reviews, this is a very well balanced rig that feels right in the hand (as noted by many shooters).

Limbs-to-riser connection

Another major change is the new Zero Tolerance (ZT) Lock Pocket system. The riser-to-limb connection is the most important contact point in any bow. That is why Hoyt engineers re-designed the pocket system so that it locks the limbs to the riser very tightly. Experts believe this design significantly improves accuracy and consistency of the Alphamax 32.


The new 180 Pro-Fit Custom grip system is designed to increase accuracy and deliver consistent shots. This fully laminated one piece grip has received a lot of great feedback from shooters.


Made of a 5 layer laminated material, the new XTS limbs are very light, lean, and durable. At 5/8" wide, they further contribute to the overall bow weight reduction. It's a well known fact that lightweight limbs can cause all sort of durability problems. This is not the case with the new Alphamax though. The Hoyt design team came up with a very effective and robust technology to address this challenge. They proved the new design does not affect durability and bow life time by testing this rig rigorously. According to the results of their tests, the new limbs can survive a minimum of 1,000 dry-fires at 30" draw length and 80 lbs draw weight.

Eccentric system

The last major improvement in the new Alphamax 32 is a totally redesigned eccentric system. The new modular XTR Cam & 1/2 system allows for adjusting draw length in half inch increments without using a bow press. This is a major step forward for Hoyt because the previous Z3 eccentric system was not adjustable. In fact, there are two cams covering the overall range of 26 to 30 inches. The XR2 cam covers a range of 26" to 28", and the XR3 cam is used to further adjust draw length from 28" to 30". Another nice thing about this system is that it has adjustable draw stops. That means you can choose the type of valley you like. Finally, the bearings on the cams are sealed properly to effectively protect the bow from any outside dirt such as mud or rain.

Draw cycle and shootability

Experts agree that the Alphamax 32 is a great shooting bow with minimal jump and recoil. With a very solid back wall, the bow can be easily held at full draw with just the right amount of back tension. Many archers say the draw cycle is extremely smooth and consistent. The Alphamax 32 has minimal hand shock and vibration that can be eliminated by installing a stabilizer.

Hoyt Alphamax 32 Bone Collector edition

Some people ask what the difference is between the standard Alphamax 32 and the Alphamax 32 Bone Collector edition. There is a show called Bone Collector run by Michael Wadells. Hoyt has drawn on the success of this show by releasing the new Alphamax edition that features a camo riser along with black limbs. In addition, this bow has Michael Waddell's signature on the limbs to improve the look. That's it. There are no any technological differences apart from what's mentioned above.

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BowHoyt Alphamax 32Hoyt Alphamax 35Hoyt Maxxis 31
Version 2010 (XTR Cam)2010 (XTR Cam)2011 (XTR Cam)
PictureHoyt Alphamax 32Hoyt Alphamax 35Hoyt Maxxis 31
Brace Height7 "7 "7 "
AtA Length32 "35 "31 "
Draw Length26 " - 30 "27 " - 31 "26 " - 30 "
Draw Weight40 lbs - 80 lbs40 lbs - 80 lbs40 lbs - 80 lbs
IBO Speed321 fps316 fps323 fps
Weight3.9 lbs4.1 lbs3.9 lbs
Let-Off75% 75% 75%
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If you have a longer draw length, or prefer bows with longer axle-to-axle length, have a look at the Hoyt Alphamax 35 bow. With exactly the same technologies, the Alphamax 35 has a longer 35" AtA length and is adjustable from 27 to 31 draws. It's a bit slower though (316 fps) compared to the Alphamax 32 (321 fps). Alternatively, if you are not on budget consider getting the Hoyt Maxxis 31 which is considered to be the Alphamax's successor and has almost identical specs.


To conclude, the Alphamax 32 is a lightweight, balanced, and quiet bow that shoots very well. Although this rig is not the fastest bow out there, it is a great feeling bow with a smooth draw and low vibration. Equipped with a lot of innovative engineering solutions, the Alphamax 32 is a forgiving bow delivering good performance. That is why this bow is a great choice for average shooters as noted by many experts.

User Reviews

  • 6 reviews
  • ( out of 6 reviews for all versions)
Dead-nuts shooter

Version: 2009 Hoyt Alphamax 32 XTR


Pros: I own the 80lb 32AM, it draws as smooth as a 70, holds at about 3lbs more, and is whisper quiet with a 585gr arrow rocketing towards your aim point. Yes, it shoots exactly where you aim it.

Cons: Nada

Full review:

You hear often about a baseball pitcher's stuff having 'late life,' well that's exactly what my arrows have. At 45 and 50 yards they are still burying and knocking over targets while striking the center X, no other bow I've ever owned can make that claim, including tear-drop full throttle cam'd speed bows. The arrow leaves fast, but just slow enough you can track it, and runs through deer like a MOAB. Best bow I've ever owned, still my hunting #1 rig and it's 8 yrs old, plus I own newer flagship bows. Ads and reviews can't explain how smooth this bow shoots. I've found no need to put it down even as new bows come out every year. I'm not a fan boy, I'm a hunter, and so is this bow.

My favorite hunting bow

Version: 2010 Hoyt Alphamax 32 XTR


Pros: Light, smooth, fast, nice let-off, very accurate, good string angle thanks to true 32" ATA (unlike past parallel bows that shrink to 30" on full draw).

Cons: Nothing.

Full review:

I have several newer Hoyts but I keep the AM32 as my hunting bow as it does everything I need in a hunting bow. It's light, maneuverable, feels great in the hand, is plenty fast enough, draws and holds well, and... it's just all there. I love the XTR cams, too. The Fuel is a rough cam, the RKT makes a hard bend at the string and is rough on servings, the Z3 has a sharp bend, but the XTR is just right. Again, I have other Hoyts that I use for NFAA and 3d but I wouldn't hesitate to shoot this bow in any kind of shoot. It holds very steady and is very accurate for me out to 60 yards after which I run out of pins.

Its smooth and the feel is unbeatable

Version: 2010 Hoyt Alphamax 32 XTR


Pros: Its smooth and easy to shoot I've hunted with this bow since it was introduced and have not been happier.

Cons: The speed is kinda slow

Full review:

Its an awesome bow. Except for the speed is a little slow.
Other then that its an awesome bow easy to shoot and sight in I would like to say try this bow and you will see its a bone collecting weapon for shure. Its worked for me for the last three years very great bow and dependable

Bought this bow after shooting numerous others including mathews, bow tech, pse, and ross .

Version: 2009 Hoyt Alphamax 32 XTR


Pros: This bow is absolutely smoothe, dead in your hands, and plenty fast.
Like all Hoyts' it's built to last, and no need to worry about it failing you.
Accuarte...after all, ain't that the most important aspect of all.
Extremely forgiving.

Cons: None after 3 yrs of hunting.

Full review:

Like I said, it's very accurate, and soooo smoothe. I have the 32 XTR, 28" draw and set up with a QAD Ultra Rest, 4" Limb Saver S- Coil stabilizer, Tru Glo compact extreme 3 pin (0.010 pins), Alpine soft lock quiver. Arrows are cheap raw gold tip shafts paired up with NAP Quick fletch twisters. Cheap but very accurate and durable. Bow was advertised at 323 fps but after set up it was hitting around 285 consistantly. Plenty fast for any hunting set up, and after 3 yrs of hunting and use, it still shoots as hard as it did brand new.

Amazing Bow...have shot them all and I still keep coming back to this one

Version: 2010 Hoyt Alphamax 32 XTR


Pros: no hand shock, extremely quiet, exceptionally accurate and forgiving, easy xdraw with a solid back wall and easy let down

Cons: there are no cons...go buy one see for yourself...it is a truly amazing bow to shoot

Full review:

Incredible forgiving, smooth, accurate bow with good speed and extremely quiet. Enough said...no it doesn't shoot 340 FPS but why would you need a bow to shoot that anyway. This bow is a shooter, extremely easy to handle...you can't go wrong with an Alphamax...and it is a Hoyt. There isn't really much more to say than it is a Hoyt!!!!!!

This bow is AMAZING!!

Version: 2010 Hoyt Alphamax 32 XTR


Pros: 1. Smooth draw
2. Zero handshock
3. Accurate
4. Feels great in your hand
5. Great looking bow

Cons: Absolutely nothing not to like

Full review:

Got this bow 2 days ago after two months of exhausting research and hand wrangling. I couldn't be happier with my purchase. It is hands down the best bow I've ever shot. The list includes the Mathews Z7, Menace Maniac, Mathews DXT (very close second in draw smoothness and shootability), PSE X-Force 6, Bowtech Destroyer, Bowtech Admiral and Bowtech General. I also shot the Hoyt Maxxis and the Alphamax seemed slightly smoother even though they have the same cams and limbs.

The Alphamax was the best combination of fit/comfort in my hand, accuracy, handshock (zero), draw smoothness and looks. It's true that if you just don't like what you're looking at when you shoot it, you're not going to shoot as well with it. I can't think of a better looking bow than the Alphamax. I got the Bone Collector edition which is with a realtree HD APG camo riser and black limbs, accented with florescent green Michael Waddell signature.

My accessories are a Rip Cord Code Red drop away rest, APEX Bone Collector 4 pin sights, and an Axiom stabilizer. I am shooting tack driving groups with this setup. I was getting 2" groups at 30 yards with this setup and the bow is more accurate than I can shoot.

This bow is super quiet and has decent speed. I was shooting next to my cousin and his Z7 and it's 5 times quieter than his. In fairness to the Z7 shooters out there, I think it's his individual bow and not a mark against the Z7. If the Alphamax had 340-350 IBO speed, it would put the other manufacturers out of business because if there's any mark against it, it has to be in the speed category. Make no mistake though, it's plenty fast enough for bowhunting and 3D and I'm shooting at 28" draw length and have it dialed down to 60lbs draw weight. The bowshop tech told me I'm still getting probably 250-260 fps with an almost 400 grain arrow on my hunting setup.

Overall I give the Alphamax a 9.5 out of 10 with only a slight mark off for speed. It's lightweight, smooth, accurate and looks great. I would recommend this bow to anyone and I can't see myself getting anything different for a long time.

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