Mission Blaze Review

Mission Blaze

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out of 5 user reviews
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  from $450


  • IBO speeds up to 340 feet per second
  • AVS cams offer a smooth draw with a solid back wall
  • MSRP of only $599


  • The grip is large, and takes some getting used to
  • A Little vibration after the shot
  • 4.3-pounds may be a little heavy for some


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Editors' review

The Blaze lives up to its name as the fastest bow Mission has prodiced. With an MSRP of under $600, it is hard to find anything wrong with the Mission Blaze. For about the same price as many flagship bows, shooters can have a brand new Mission Blaze fully rigged out ready to shoot. The AVS cam system is adjustable in half-inch increments between 26-30 shooting IBO speeds up to 340 feet per second. With a mass weight of 4.3-pounds, some may feel that is a little too heavy, but others will really like the extra weight for holding on target. The grip is a bit on the bulky side as well, but again, for $599 it is tough to complain.


Mission is made by the wonderful Mathews archery bow company and with that comes the Mathews exclusive Lost Camo AT pattern. This finish option is fantastic, and only offered on Mission and Mathews products. Shooters not interested in an all camo bow have the option to go all black as well. Regardless of which option shooters go with, the bow looks great, especially coupled with the stock wooden grip and orange limb graphics. Despite the relatively small price tag, the bow has a high-end look to it. It would be nice if Mission offered a few different options, but the two available are nice offerings.


The Mission riser is forged aluminum to help cut down on the cost of materials used and the overall bottom line. With that being said, it is strong enough to produce great results shot after shot in terms of accuracy and repeatability. With an overall mass weight of 4.3-pounds, some fat could have been trimmed to make it the 33-inch axel-to-axel bow a bit lighter although many shooters prefer a heavier rig. The string stop system is not adjustable like many, but still serves its purpose nicely stopping the string from causing excessive vibration and noise after the shot. There is also a front mounting stabilizer bushing for shooters wanting a stabilizer. To further help with vibration, the riser has round hole cut out near the bottom limb pocket. The Harmonic Stabilizer is color customizable and does a fantastic job keeping vibration away from the shooters hand.


The Blaze sports a classic walnut grip that adds a great deal to the overall appearance of the bow. The grip feels a bit on the bulky side in hand. The bigger grip will take a bit to get used to. Proper shooting form is not tough to achieve with the thicker grip after a while, but it will take some time shooting before it feels natural. Mission retailers are able to personally engrave the wooden grip as well for those wanting a really cool customization feature not offered by many bows much more expensive.


The Mission Blaze has a parallel split limb design with ten-pound adjustments for each limb configuration. With maximum draw weights of 50, 60, and 70-pounds, most shooters proper draw weight will be available. It would be nice to have a 40-pound maximum weight to cover all shooters, but most should still be within the available 30-pound draw weight range. The orange graphics look fantastic with the Lost Camo AT background and give the bow a really nice look overall. The limbs do not have any dampeners from the factory, but it is a simple fix if shooters wanted to add them. The limb pockets are functional at holding the limbs in place with tight tolerances. The black plastic composite does take a bit away from the look of the bow, but they function well and serve their purpose.

Eccentric System

The Advanced Vectoring System flings the Blaze arrows at IBO speeds up to 340 feet per second. The AVS dual cam cam is also adjustable in half-inch increments from 26 all the way to 30-inches, which will fit the majority of shooters interested in the Blaze. The cam is also a module cam adjustment system. This means changing the draw length is relatively easy by swapping an inexpensive module instead of a full cam. The cams also sync with each other making them a dream to tune and stay that way. With an 80% let-off, shooters can hold the bow at full draw for a long time without feeling overwhelmed and extremely uncomfortable.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

The AVS cams are going to win over a lot of people. It features an even draw from start to finish, which falls into the back wall a bit hard. The back wall is not the most solid wall produced, but does not feel mushy either. With an 80% let-off, holding against the back wall while aiming is almost effortless. After the shot, the Blaze is ready for the tree stand out of the box in terms of noise. There is a bit of hand shock, but adding a good front mounting stabilizer will go a long way to eliminate it. The longer axel-to-axel measurement makes it easy to hold the Blaze on target, and although the rig weighs in over the magical 4-pound mark many shooters look for, it actually helps a bit with holding steady on target. For a budget bow, the Blaze is a straight up shooter!

Usage Scenarios

The Mission Blaze has some pretty great specifications for a multipurpose bow, but chances are most shooters will be buying the Blaze for a hunting rig. Although it could be used for shooting foam with some nice success, the Blaze will really shine in the stand as a hunting bow. The popular hunting bow trend is to go lightweight and compact. However, the 33-inch axel-to-axel measurement is not too long, and a few extra ounces is pretty tough to notice.


The Mission Blaze is a great bow for anyone needing performance on a budget. For $599 it is very tough to find anything wrong with the Blaze from a performance and shootability standpoint. The grip is a little bulky, and there is a bit of hand shock from the bare bow, but the Blaze is still a solid contender based on how great it shoots. With the AVS cam system, speed is a strong positive along with easy tuning. Although some may be scared with a shorter brace height, the extra speed will more than make up with the forgiveness some feel they are giving up going below a 7-inch brace height. Overall, this bow deserves a test shot, especially for $599.

User Reviews

  • 7 reviews
  • ( out of 5 reviews for all versions)
Fantastic Bow for the money

Version: 2015 Mission Blaze


Pros: Smooth draw awesome quality, great bow for all levels

Cons: Only wish it went to 40 Lbs draw,

Full review:

Mission bows are great for price, fast, quiet smooth draw solid back wall
Great for all levels easy to get use too and build up from
Great over all, I believe spending money on sights, get better with what you have, great all around bow

Perfectly made well crafted

Version: 2015 Mission Blaze


Pros: Exceptional bow, previously had a Ballistic which I loved another amazing bow

Cons: Slightly a bit more weight, but controllable, I had to pack away but now really wanting to get back into archery

Full review:

Awesome bow 27.5 draw length , had to drop weight to 50 build back up to 60-70 lbs, I have a apex covert single pin sight, changing my rest to QAD HDX, soon, but at moment I have Apache which is a good sight and
Awesome bow

Great hunting bow for anyone who wants a low to mid range priced bow.

Version: 2014 Mission Blaze


Pros: Shoots superbly accurately, is quiet, has very little vibration at the shot, and plus it looks cool.

Cons: Nothing really yet, but it could be a little bit lighter, and you have to change draw modules to adjust the draw length length.

Full review:

Was planning on getting a mission riot or craze at first, then decided on the blaze when I found a good deal on one. I'm very glad I did,this is a super bow for beginners and older hunters alike. Draw cycle is very smooth and nice. It shoots fast and quiet, and has almost no jump at the shot. Bow is slightly heavy fully dressed, but not bad. I just had it for days, before I was shooting 5 inch groups at 40 yards. I would highly recommend this bow to anyone and I don't think anyone would be disappointed with it. As for price/value, I just don't think it can be beat.

Best bow out there for the money. Smooth and very fast. Highly recommend this to anyone.

Version: 2014 Mission Blaze


Pros: Smooth, fast, has a sweet look to it

Cons: Haven't found any faults yet

Full review:

Good for the money

Version: 2014 Mission Blaze


Pros: It'll be hard to beat for the price,it's smooth, very quiet and a lot cheaper than the Matthews ChillR.

Cons: This grip is huge, feels odd on the hand. Matthews does not make any other grips for this bow at the moment. It does have some kick to it after the shot.

Full review:

Over all I really like the bow. I wish there were some after maret grips for it, and it takes a low grip to shoot well. Fast smooth quiet and half price o
to a similar Matthews. The wooden grip is huge and oddly deigned kinda heavy and bulky feeling

Packs a wicked speed and power.

Version: 2014 Mission Blaze


Pros: I like its lightness and speed. I have a Mathews DXT but always wanted a back-up bow. I think this is going to be my primary from now on.

Cons: It does not have the hardware appointments that a Mathews has but that is why it is a mid range bow in cost.

Full review:

I am still bonding with the bow. I only have it for a few days. I fitted it with a IQ bow site which I have not gotten to the point where I am happy with the line up of the dot yet. but I am working on it little by little. Need to take it out to the field for a test drive this weekend.

Best Bow for your Money. I'll put my bow against any other bow.

Version: 2014 Mission Blaze


Pros: Fast, quiet, strong/durable, quality manufacturing. No vibration. forgiving on shooters mistakes. solid backwall

Cons: fully dressed bow kinda heavy

Full review:

This is the first bow i've bought. After reading tons of reviews i was going to go with a Matthews or Bear motive/agenda. But after talking to a friend and the guy at the bow shop i tried the Blaze, and it was just as smooth as the Creed, smoother than the Agenda, and just as fast as both of them. Nice solid backwall, you know youre there. I put on the trophy ridge react sight 5 pin, 6"stablizer, wrist strap, and quiver (i dont shoot with quiver on). Im not the best archer by far, but the bow has definately been forgiving and made my groups tighter. With no bow jacks or dampners the bow is super quiet, everyone who sees/shoots my bow the first 2 things they say are "Man, thats smooth" and "she sure is quiet". First time bow or an experienced hunter, this bow will do everything you need it to.

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