PSE Bow Madness XL Review

PSE Bow Madness XL

Average user rating

out of 4 user reviews
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  from $250
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  from $699.99


  • very fast single cam bow
  • smooth draw cycle for its speeds
  • holds very well
  • draw length can be adjusted without using a bow press
  • great value for money


  • factory strings could be of better quality


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Editors' review

At only 3.9 lbs and measuring 36 inches from axle to axle, the PSE Bow Madness XL is a very good bow that can be used for both hunting and 3-D shooting. This rig is one of the three bows from the Bow Madness series introduced by PSE Archery and Drury Outdoors in 2009. In terms of specs this is the longest and fastest bow from the series. The other two bows from the series are the standard PSE Bow Madness and a shorter PSE Bow Madness XS.


Many shooters say the new PSE "Biomechanically Ergonomic Slim Throat" (B.E.S.T) grip is thin and comfortable. The grip rubber side panels are positioned in such a way that the grip sits in the hands nicely. However, if you are not a big fan of thin grips it will probably take some time for you to get used to this grip.

Eccentric system

PSE powers the Bow Madness XL with a smooth-drawing Madness Cam system (MC Cam), advertised to hit IBO speeds reaching 332 FPS. The MC cam system is smooth and easily adjustable. No bow press is required for adjusting the draw length in 1 inch increments over a range of 25 - 30 inches. The short draw length adjustments (25" to 28") are made on the inner cam module, whereas the long draw lengths are adjusted on the standard cam module (27" to 30"). The let-off is adjustable from 65 to 80%.

Draw cycle and shootability

The Bow Madness XL has received a lot of positive feedback from many archers in regard to its smooth draw cycle for the speed and solid back wall. In addition, a lot of shooters strongly agree that this rig holds extremely well due to its longer AtA length.

Quietness and vibration

No bow is completely quiet and the Madness XL is not an exception. Although hand shock and vibration is there, the bow can be made quieter by installing a stabilizer.

Overall quality

While archers agree the Bow Madness XL is a good quality bow, factory strings could be of better quality. A lot of reviews and tests indicate that the standard factory strings stretch and twist. While this is not a major issue for some shooters, others are keen to replace factory strings with an aftermarket set of better quality. Those who dislike factory strings strongly agree, however, that once the strings are replaced this bow is almost flawless.

Value for money

Many archers agree this rig is a great value for money. With a modest price tag, the Bow Madness XL is as good as some of its more expensive competitors with similar specs.


To conclude, The PSE Bow Madness XL is a quality long bow at an affordable price. With a modest price tag, this rig is as good as some of higher priced competitor bows. At only 3.9 lbs this bow is lightweight, stable, and holds very well. Although it is not completely quiet, the vibration and hand shock can be reduced to the very low levels by installing a stabilizer. Admittedly, the Madness XL is one of the best single cam bows due to its fast, efficient, and easily adjustable eccentric system. As noted by many archers and experts, the draw cycle is smooth for the speed this rig can produce. Overall, this is a quality bow that can be used for both hunting and 3-D shooting.

User Reviews

  • 4 reviews
  • ( out of 4 reviews for all versions)
very good older bow - enjoyable to shoot, quick enough, draw is smooth and it holds well

Version: 2010 PSE Bow Madness XL


Pros: refer above. really good second hand option - has great speed for its ATA (especially with a 6.5 brace on the 2010 model. the blue target colour is also very nice.

Cons: I put a custom string on this bow as soon as I got it. Also the draw mod only adjusts in full inches so you can't change it to half inches like the newer bows but the pros definitely outweigh the cons

Full review:

great bow, bought it second hand recently so shooting a 2010 bow in 2014. It's a great second hand option. Holds very nicely for field archery and produces decent speed.

The draw is very smooth and not an issue at all. highly recommended. Looks cool in the target blue.

shot martin bows for 30 years tried a mathews then bought pse bow madness xl i am sold

Version: 2010 PSE Bow Madness XL


Pros: the feel felt like it was made for me,the draw was as smooth as high price bows and very quiet

Cons: must agree with other reviews factory string could be better other than that nothing

Full review:

very forgiving and quiet easy to tune. i have it set up with hha sight and rip cord rest.I shoot it at 6 0 pounds 400 grain arrows at 28 draw length shat around 263 FPS.Ive shotalot of deer with it a nice 9 pointer this year other deer dont even hear it they just stand there all i can say is awesome my last bow thanks

PSE BMXL is one of my all time favorites.

Version: 2009 PSE Bow Madness XL


Pros: Very nice solo cam type draw cycle. It is a pleasure to draw and has a nice back wall. The PSE BEST grip or lack of a grip is one of the most consistent in the industry.

Cons: The only cons on this bow in my opinion were the factory strings. They were average at best and did stretch quite a bit. I highly recommend a set aftermarket strings and cables that have more stability.

Full review:

I would honestly say this bow ranks in my top 5 bows of all time because of its versatility. The shootability of this bow is amazing. This is very apparent in its popularity and a good reason PSE keeps bringing it to the table. It really should be a Pro series bow vs a mainline. Fit and finish is very nice, and the PSE best grip is one of the best in the industry. Nice consistent hand placement from shot to shot and much like an integral grip or shooting off the riser. The cam is super adjustable with draw mods and 65% or 80% let-off. I found the valley more to my liking in the 80% slot. Target archers may like the cleaner break and more holding weight of the 65% let-off. I found the PSE BMXL to be very easy to tune as well with a variety of arrow spines. I really dont think there is a better longer ata bow in its class at the present time. It holds its own with the offerings from Elite, Athens, BowTech and a host of other bows with similar specifications. I would personally recommend this bow to any level shooter from beginner to novice for any archery experience.

The PSE Bow Madness XL is the smoothest drawing and most accurate bow I have ever owned or shot.

Version: 2010 PSE Bow Madness XL


Pros: The PROS of this bow are very numerous. Speed, accuracy, forgiveness, little to no hand shock, the steadiness of the hold while at full draw. It is a very forgiving and easy bow to shoot and the balance of the bow is excellent.

Cons: The only con that I can think of is the factory string and cable. They are OK if you are just an occasional shooter, but if you are planning on shooting quite a bit, then get yourself a custom string and cable for it right away.

Full review:

Actually, I like everything about this bow. The "B.E.S.T." grip that it has is pretty much torque free and is touted as one of the best in the business. The fit and finish is excellent. The draw on it is very smooth. Very fast speed. At 60 lb draw weight, 29.5" draw length, I can fling a 5 grain per pound arrow at 316 feet per second with it...ACCURATELY! The bow balances beautifully (not top heavy like some other bows). It is very light and easy to hold. The riser also has multiple sight holes drilled into it so you can virtually set up any sight you want on it. The BMXL is very easy to shoot and you don't have to wrench back on it during the draw to get speed. Also, hand shock is virtually nothing which I believe is due to PSE's beyond parallel limb design and material. The 36" axle to axle gives you a very forgiving shot. The only thing that I didn't care for was the factory string and cable. Other than that, it is a great bow! It shoots just as well as the more expensive rigs out there, but it won't cost you an arm and a leg to get one. I would highly reccomend this bow to anyone, and I want to let you all know that I am not affiliated or paid by PSE in any way. This is just simply a great bow!

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