PSE Tidal Wave Review

PSE Tidal Wave

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  from $290


  • Snapshot capability means it's ready when you are
  • High quality
  • Very smooth draw


  • As a fishing bow, no known cons


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Editors' review

The 2015 lineup for PSE includes the new Tidal Wave fishing bow. This lightweight bow comes with snapshot capability with a constant draw weight (adjustable between 3-# and 40#). PSE realized that bow fishing is more than a hobby, so they introduced the Tidal Wave. This is a sturdy rig that is ready to go when you are.


This bow only comes in a Reaper Blue color pattern. The finish on this rig is designed to withstand all the bumping and banging that comes with bow fishing, while keeping the bow looking nice. All the fasteners used to hold this bow together are stainless steel to prevent corrosion as well.


This bow is built around a lightweight machined aluminum riser with a pair of 40# peak draw weight split limbs. The limbs are held in place with a pair of composite limb pockets, keeping them securely in place. The limb bolts can be turned out a few turns to allow for approximately 10 pounds of adjustability.


The new Tidal Wave has a redesigned grip from the older Wave, as it is more rounded for a more comfortable fit. This grip is made to reduce bow torque and slipping in wet conditions. Even shooters that were skeptical of the new grip have stated how comfortable it feels in the hand.

Other Components

This bow can be purchased as a bare bow, or in a package. Most purchase as a package, which comes with an AMS bow fishing reel and line, Snapshot rest, 2 bow fishing arrows with safety slides and bow fishing points.

Eccentric System

This rig has a dual-cam setup that keeps a constant draw weight throughout the shot. Because this bow is designed for snap-shooting, the cams keep the draw weight the same whether shooting a 20" draw length or 30 inches.


This is a well-built rig designed specifically for bow fishing. The draw weight is adjustable between 30# and 40# and is constant throughout the shot. This is a key feature since it is a fishing bow designed for a quick shot sequence. It is a well-balanced and accurate shooting bow, with no transition point to worry about. If you are into bow fishing, this is a top contender.

Silencing Package

Since this bow is designed for bow fishing, silencing isn't a top priority. However, the general makeup of this rig alone makes it relatively quiet.

Compared to Similar Bows

Bow fishing has been gaining popularity these past few years, and the bow manufacturers have taken notice. There are many bow fishing rigs on the market to choose from. Another similar bow fishing rig is the Archenemy Bowfishing Package. Both bows have a 32" ATA and both accommodate up to 30" draw lengths. They both have a constant draw weighted cycle regardless of draw length, because of the snapshot capability. Both bows are durable and maneuverable for all bow fishing events. The PSE retails for $400 and the Archenemy for $380. Both bows are very capable rigs, and truly depends on shooter preference when deciding on a bow fishing rig.

Usage Scenarios

This compact bow - 32" ATA and 6" brace height - only weighs 3.3 pounds. This makes it very maneuverable in any fishing situation, whether standing on the river bank or in a boat. It is a smooth drawing rig with a constant draw weight throughout the shot, and is accurate. It is designed for bow fishing. Although it could be used for target practice or 3D shooting, it probably wouldn't do very well in those environments.


This package lists for $400. Other bow fishing rigs go anywhere from $159 up to $800. This price is below the midpoint, but this bow definitely comes with the quality and functionality of the expensive bows. This bow will do everything you need it to do.


The PSE Tidal Wave is a very good quality fishing bow. It accommodates up to a 30" draw length with 40# of draw weight. The constant weight snapshot capability means this bow is ready to go when you need to make a quick shot. The fishing setup is decent and will having you bringing in the big ones straight out of the box. The rig is compact and maneuverable, and very easy to shoot.

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