PSE X-Force Super Short Review

PSE X-Force Super Short

Average user rating

out of 7 user reviews
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  from $69


  • Maneuverable
  • Lightweight
  • Fast
  • Good Value
  • Easily adjustable


  • Tough to use if you are tall
  • May have a slightly stiff draw with the UF Cam system


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Editors' review

Introduced in 2008, the PSE X-force SS (super short) is a lot of power stuffed into a small package. Looking at this bow, it could be mistaken for a women's/teen bow, but it is actually the perfect rig for stalking or hunting out of a ground blind.


The SS had four different finishes available during its three year run: Mossy Oak Break-up, Mossy Oak Treestand, Digital Army Camo and Satin Black. Not all were available each year, however each finish is durable and resistant to fading.

Limbs & Riser

The Super Short employs PSE's X-tech limbs. Each limb is individually stressed and preloaded producing the most efficient and reliable limbs on the market. PSE's Pivoting HyperSplit limb pockets secure the X-tech limbs to the 6061-T6 Aluminum riser.


The bow is equipped with Biomechanically Ergonomic Slim Throat (B.E.S.T) grip. This slender grip promotes consistent hand positioning, decreasing the chance for hand induced torque. This helps shooters make consistent shots. Additionally, the B.E.S.T. grip is quite comfortable for most archers.

Eccentric System

The SS advertised IBO speeds in the 330's during its first two years with the use of the HF hybrid cams and the GX hybrid cams. Year three (2010) introduced a new cam system known as the UF (Ultra Fast) Hybrid Cam System. This new and improved cam system allowed the SS to boast and impressive 348 fps. Though the cam system has changed each year, draw length has remained adjustable without the use of a bow press and maintained 80% let-off with each model.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

The draw cycle on the SS has varied a bit over the years. In 2008 and 2009 it used the HF & GX cams which were said to produce a very smooth draw cycle. However in 2010 PSE installed the UF Hybrid Cam System which has a draw cycle that has been compared to the 2010 Omen, slightly stiff then stacks on the back end before coming to a solid wall. This cam was much more efficient thus utilizing it on the SS was justified, but there have been a few shooters that preferred the previous models due to the draw cycle. While the draw cycle has changed slightly over time this bow remains an accurate shooter through each model, which is surprising to some considering the short axle to axle length.

Silencing Package

The PSE Super Short is equipped with limb tip dampeners which helped make this rig pretty quiet during all three years. The addition of the vibracheck backstop in 2009 really quieted down this bow. Additionally, the bow is quite quiet on release; there is very little noticeable vibration or hand shock. Using a good stabilizer will cancel out what there is.

Hunting Bow

The X-force SS is designed for hunting in a spot and stalk situation or from a ground blind. It is light enough, at 3.6lbs, to carry on the longest hikes and, with an axle to axle length of around 27 inches, short enough to be very maneuverable in any ground blind. Despite this bow's size it remains incredibly accurate.

Good value for money

The economy today forces many of us to pinch our pennies. Thus when we do spend, we want to get the best bang for our buck. The X-force SS is a bow that gives shooters a lot and today you can find great deals on good used models. This rig is made with the best materials PSE has to offer but is often overlooked as a high quality, well-built piece of equipment because of its size.


The X-force SS is one of the shortest axle to axle length bows ever built. This makes the bow very maneuverable in tight situations. PSE has managed to make this bow compact, yet very accurate, and fast. The bow is made with the, spot and stalk or ground blind, hunter in mind. In general, this rig will be easy to handle and shoot for almost anyone. However, if you have a longer draw length, even at 30", it may become tougher to shoot because of the steep angle of the string at full draw. Shooters in the market for an SS can expect to find good deal at an average price around $500 for a good used model.

User Reviews

  • 7 reviews
  • ( out of 7 reviews for all versions)
The ultimate treestand bow. Made for the serious hunter.

Version: 2010 PSE X-Force Super Short UF


Pros: Light, compact, accurate, reliable, 327fps, rage broadhead, solid, straight up killing bow. The price vs performance cannot be beat.

Cons: None

Full review:

My draw is 29". I chrono @ 327 fps with a light arrow. I consider the bow the hardets hitting foot pound bow that I have ever shot. It's an accurate bone crushing bow. It's not for the all day 3D Shooter. It's a compact hunting bow made for killing. I've been crushing 140s with this bow since 2010. It's not for the timid.


Version: 2010 PSE X-Force Super Short UF


Pros: Light, Fast , 2010 ,dual string stops ,no modules screwed together on the UF,And 80# like mine is a beast!!!! ..We caught ya and past ya ....

Cons: Why did Pse stop making this bow?

Full review:

The uf cams arent for the weak i have 80# and 30 inch draw on mine now i bought it with 70# .Yes it took awhile to get used to the draw (Not much different from the GX )but by far the best cam system in my opinion and when shooting with your buddys with other brands you will hear every excuse know to man why there full size bows arent keeping up in the speed dept .I just bought a revenge which is a GREAT bow but is NO match for my 2010 SS uf .In fact i sold it to get my spotless SS and the best thing ever what a difference it drives tacks 0-40 yards one pin and at 3.5 pounds compared to 4.2 of the revenge !

You will not be disappointed ......

Version: 2008 PSE X-Force Super Short HF


Pros: The size makes it easy to move though the woods quickly and quite. Great from a stand or on the stalks.

Cons: I realty love I have nothing bad to say thank you PSE.

Full review:

Well my draw is 26 inches. And 60 pounds but I am still shooting 270 and up. I love the way my buddies look at me when I bust out my little bow the shoot 1inch groups at 30 yards. Its just fun to shoot.

A great, compact, lightweight, very hard hitting/fast bow!

Version: 2009 PSE X-Force Super Short GX


Pros: Size, weight, speed.

Cons: Extreme angle of string at 29" draw length.

Full review:

I just purchased this bow in 2012 and it's everything I was looking for, the 3.6lb weight is the same as the Hoyt Carbon Element I was considering. The short length of the bow is great for backpacking.
The extreme angle of the string can be an issue for some.

Overall it's a great, lightweight, compact bow which is what it was designed for. I am very pleased so far.

Additionally, the Trophy Ridge Revolution drop away works wonderfully on it and is very quiet. The Carbon XS TruGlo sight is basic but light weight also, both these items help keep the weight down. You will need an eliptical peep sight due to the angle of the string at full draw.
There really is no need for a stabilizer, unless you like to shift the balance of the bow, as there is almost no vibration/shock/noise when firing, the built in vibration dampeners on the limbs and backstop work wonderfully!

If you can find one and you need a compact, lightweight bow, this is the ticket!

The PSE SS UF cam is the best bow in my opinion ever produced.

Version: 2010 PSE X-Force Super Short UF


Pros: The size, wieght, draw, rest, nock point wall, shot profile, speed and energy profile that produces impact energy required to be solid and humane reguardless of what is on the arrow.

Cons: PSE stopped producing this model..

Full review:

The 60# SS was excelent for the hot and cold weather draw at extreme negative temps and distances from in your face to 50+ yards spot on.this bow shoots a very small rise and fall arrow profile that requires a very small shot window to put the arrow through to hit the spot. IBO speed of the 60# is of course less then the 70# advertised speed but reguardless of mechanical or fixed or just feild tips, this bow maintains a accuracy that is extremely reliable and managable. To not hunt with this bow is the same as trying to win a Nascar race with a go cart.

Great bow never was a pse fan till I got this bow in a stand

Version: 2010 PSE X-Force Super Short UF


Pros: Very accurate light great Manuverability fast

Cons: If u ever creep forward a quarter of an inch it's gone

Full review:

Great bow over all highly recommend this bow over any other hunting bow on the market today this however is not a bow that u just pick up and shoot perfectly out of the box the uf cams take a little while to get used to first time I drawed bow thought draw stop had moved but after just three shots I was splittin carbon

I love my bow

Version: 2010 PSE X-Force Super Short UF


Pros: I like that its short and fast

Cons: Nothing

Full review:

My bow is chronoed at 308 not shure the poundage but its not maxed out shooting 100gr heads
With an arrow around 400gr i like it i have killed lots of game with like feral sheep, fareal goats
Feral pigs, axis deer and mouflon sheep

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