Bear Agenda 6 Review

Bear Agenda 6

Average user rating

out of 5 user reviews


  • Fast, accurate, and quiet
  • Solid shooting platform
  • Easily adjustable


  • Does not grab much attention because not one of the "popular" brands
  • Some say it's priced higher simply to put it in competition with the "popular" bows


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Editors' review

The Agenda 6 is part of the flagship lineup of Bear bows in the 2014 season and sure to impress all that shoot it. Sporting the new H13 hybrid cam system with a rotating module, not only is this bow easily adjustable, but it is fast too, providing 350 fps. With a silky smooth draw, and unexpectedly quiet from a speed bow, this rig is deadly and a surprise to shoot.


This rig comes in Realtree APG and Shadow series, but can also be ordered in green, red, black, and Realtree AP Snow. These colors are sure to please and will allow the shooter the ability to personalize the bow.


The riser for this rig uses an all new technology that makes it lighter, yet stronger and reduces vibration to almost zero. This riser reduces vibration by evenly distributing limb loads and maximizing the energy throughout the riser instead of at the limbs. The riser is a forged, machined aircraft grade aluminum that provides superior strength in critical areas while reducing mass in those low-stress areas of the riser. This design creates one of the most reliable and light-weight bows on the market today. The limbs are Max-Preloaded Quad limbs that are high-tensile composite limbs that offer proven power and performance. The limbs can be ordered in 40# -50#, 50# - 60#, or 60# - 70# peak weights. This split limb set is held in place with a pair of High-Performance Zero-Tolerance limb cups that reduce any possible limb movement and lock the limbs securely in place. These limb cups are said to be "the most precise limb-to-pocket fit yet."

Other Components

This rig also comes with an H13 Cam system, Dual Arc offset string suppressors, Bear pre-stretched Contra-band HP strings, cable slide, Bear hinge guard, and grip. The H13 cam system gives this bow an extremely smooth and highly-efficient draw cycle. The string suppressors are integrated into the riser and are adjustable and eliminate any residual string noise. The grip is a removable overmold with side panels. Some shooters shoot with the overmold in place, while others feel it makes the grip a little bulky. Those that find it bulky remove the overmold using the side panel grip. Whichever way you choose to shoot this rig, it remains accurate and consistent.

Eccentric System

This bow is setup with a pair of H13 Cams that, coupled with the limbs and strings, produce an incredible 350 fps IBO. This cam system rides on a pair of dual stainless steel sealed bearings that reduce friction and give the cam a smoother rotation. The cam system also offers a rotating module for length adjustments and a solid draw stop that can be easily adjusted for fine tuning the draw length in 1/16" increments.Draw length can also be easily adjusted on the cams. Simply by loosening and rotating the module to the appropriate spot, the draw length can be adjusted through a range of 25.5" - 30" in 1/2" increments. These adjustments can be made quickly and easily without the use of a bow press or the need to change modules. This cam system is designed to be efficient and smooth at any draw length while providing excellent speed.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

This bow offers the shooter with an extremely smooth draw for a speed bow. Most bows that offer an IBO of 350 fps are harsh and difficult to transition to let-off. The Bear Agenda 6 has an extremely smooth and highly efficient draw cycle regardless of draw weight. This draw cycle has been described as "liquid smooth" and "comfortable."

Silencing Package

Bear has stepped up a bit in the bow design arena. The Agenda 6 has a newly designed riser that reduces overall mass, yet absorbs more vibration. They have also integrated rubber vibration dampeners into the riser to absorb even more vibration. When adding the bi-dimensionally adjustable string suppressors, and built-in string dampeners, this rig is quiet out of the box. When adding a stabilizer, this bow is virtually vibration-free. This is one of the quietest speed bows on the market.Comparisons[VS]bear-agenda-6,mathews-creedThe Bear Agenda 6 has been compared to the Mathews Creed by many. The Creed is slightly shorter with a 30" ATA instead of the 32" of the Agenda 6, and the Creed also has one more inch brace height. Both have peak draw weights of 70#, but the Agenda 6 offers an additional 17 fps IBO, coming in at 350 fps. Both bows are fast, accurate, smooth, and quiet. Each is easy to adjust, and are excellent bows for any archery situation. Mass is virtually even between these bows as well. With all the specs of these two bows so similar, the shooter is advised to shoot both to determine whether or not they wish to go with the more popular Matthews over the Bear, but they must also know that the Creed lists for an additional $100. Both are excellent rigs.

Usage Scenarios

This bow is a surprise to most archers that give it a try. With an IBO of 350 fps, it is viewed initially as simply a speed bow. Then, when it is time to shoot, the two things that stand out are the speed, and the quietness. This bow will certainly be found at the local 3D courses, because, let's face it, many shooters use the speed as their bragging rights. With the 32" ATA, 6" brace height, and the speed, this rig will also be found in many tree stands and in many ground blinds. This bow is versatile and can be shot in any archery scenario.


The MSRP for this rig is $899. There are many that feel this is overpriced with Bear using it as a tactic to achieve the same notoriety as bows such as the Matthews Creed or the Bowtech Specialist. For a bow with the specs and quality of the Agenda 6, this is an average price. The archer looking for a new rig should make it a point to give this one a try before making the final decision.


The Agenda 6 is part of the 2014 Bear lineup. Although this bow will be found in all archery scenarios, it is accurate and has the knockdown power a hunter needs. With a 32" ATA, 6" brace height, and only 3.9 pounds, this rig is strong, but not bulky and is easy to carry into the field. This bow can be ordered in five color schemes, is easily adjustable, and can be ordered with 50#, 60#, and 70# peak weight limbs. All adjustments can be done quickly with a hex wrench and without a press. This is a solid shooting platform that will please all those who shoot it.

User Reviews

  • 6 reviews
  • ( out of 5 reviews for all versions)
Very fast and accurate

Version: 2015 Bear Agenda 6


Pros: Very smooth and fast and very accurate. Nice and light and nicely finished. I can use one pin from 10 to 30 yards! Takes out the guess work

Cons: Don’t have any negative thoughts on this bow. It’s a great value and performs very well

Full review:

I like the draw, very smooth and appreciate the weight and speed that it offers. Very reasonably priced and very well executed design. My buddy has a bear bow and told me about this model and decided to give it a try. Not disappointed in any way! Very happy

Best shooting now I've ever owned.

Version: 2014 Bear Agenda 6


Pros: The draw is amazing even at 70 pounds. So silky smooth to pull. Shoots quite and easy to pull. Even when I start to shake when a deer is in range.

Cons: That it took bear this long to make this bow for me. :)

Full review:

I've pretty much already said everything I can think of. I have trophy ridge everything. I shoot blackout 400 with 100 grain muzzys and the three I've killed didn't know what hit them. The bow is so fast they've not had time dodge, duck, or slip the arrow in anyway. The deer were dead before they knew they were even being hunted. I too have had PSE exclusively since I started archery hunting and I have loved this bow since I first saw it. Then I pulled it back one time and knew for sure it was love at first sight.

Very fast...extremely accurate!!! Solid bow for the price. Try it.

Version: 2014 Bear Agenda 6


Pros: Speedy

Cons: Grip is soft. Very

Full review:

This is a great bow for the price. Check eBay and try it out. Very powerful and accurate. There are several good accessories available from trophy ridge. I would also recommend the react pro sights and qad rest. Killing machine.

Love this bow!

Version: 2014 Bear Agenda 6


Pros: Quiet, accurate, smooth draw, comfortable, stable, light and easily adjustable

Cons: can't think of any

Full review:

I've also got this bow rigged out with Trophy Ridge accessories. I chose the Realtree Snow because it looks great with the black limbs and accessories. I've got this bow set at a 65 pound draw weight and at a 27.5 draw length. I haven't hunted with this bow yet but will definitely take it out this season. I've been shooting targets at approx. 30m and have found the accuracy very consistent. I been shooting the Cabelas Stalker Extreme 340 arrows cut to 27 3/8 inches equipped with 125 field points and have no complaints. I've always owned a PSE bow but as soon as I tested this one out I knew I had to have it. Definitely recommend this bow.

Fast, accurate, easy to pull, deadly!!!

Version: 2014 Bear Agenda 6


Pros: It is so easy on my shoulder, amazingly fast and accurate. I took my first archery elk this year a big 6x6 at 50+ yards with one shot.

Cons: I really have no complaints.

Full review:

I tried every major manufacturer and kept coming back to the Agenda 6. Once I made my decision, I was custom fit for my rest, sight, and arrows. I loved the bow even more once everything was installed and the bow was tuned. It now chronographs at 316 with a 28 inch draw. I can hit a medium size paper plate at 100 yards about 2 out of 3 times. I am very impressed with my choice and would highly recommend an agenda 6 to anyone looking for a new bow.

this bow is quiet, smooth draw, fast, accurate and stable. I love it.

Version: 2014 Bear Agenda 6


Pros: quiet, smooth draw, fast, accurate and stable.

Cons: slightly heavier then my previous bow when fully rigged out.

Full review:

I shoot my bow with trophy ridge everything, (trophy ridge react sight, trophy ridge whisker biscuit, trophy ridge 4 arrow quiver.) it makes it a little heavier then my previous bow, but the weight helps stabilize the bow better. I really have no complain about this bow. sweet draw, accurate, quiet, fast and stable. I have it set at 26.5 draw length and 70# draw weight. find an Archery store that will let you test drive one. I think you all will like it.

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