Bear Legion Review

Bear Legion

Average user rating

out of 6 user reviews
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  from $299.99
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  from $499.99


  • Great budget bow
  • Smooth and quiet
  • Reliable
  • Easy to adjust draw length without bow press or module change


  • Only available in Realtree APG
  • Slide type cable guard
  • IBO seems higher than it shoots


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Editors' review

The 2012 Bear Legion is a great value bow. You get a lot for your money in terms of quality, options, speed, and smoothness. Bear engineering has impressed the past few years by making a come back in the high end archery market, which also trickles down to their more economic bows, like the Legion. The Legion continues to improve and takes the place of the Srike. The company claims, and puts a lot of stress on how they are taking into account customers' requests and recommendations for bow engineering. Although most of the attention from Bear is focused on the new Anarchy, the rest of their line is still under-rated by most. This bow is smooth, quick, quiet, and has a light feeling draw.


Different color choices are not available for the Legion, and the only color available is Realtree APG. It appears to have a semi-gloss finish, although does not glare, and is sturdy. The color can be best described as falling somewhere between glossy and matte. There have been no complaints about the finish cracking. Although there is only one color choice for the Legion, it will still impress.


The Riser on the Legion measures 30.5" axel to axel. It is short and compact while only weighing in at 4 lbs. The riser has that classic bear look to it which is uniform and solid with nice looking cut outs. The dual offset string suppressers are integrated into the riser which is an upgrade from last year's Strike. It has a stainless steel stabilizer bushing. The limbs are connected with the Zero Tolerance Limb Pockets. These pockets lock the limbs to the riser yet they can move and pivot independently. This helps to eliminate vibration. The riser and limbs on the Legion create a 7" brace height. This bow produces a nice shot especially for being as compact as it is. Although it can be a little less forgiving that some of the longer ATA bows it is a trade off for it being short and easy to maneuver. It does have some noticeable recoil.


The grip on the Legion has a thin neck, complete with side panels. It is a simple concept that is found on all of Bear's more economic bows. However, it has changed in shape from the Stride and now has less torque. There isn't much for hand warmth when it comes to hunting in colder weather. It feels sturdy in hand and has decent balance.

String Suppressers

The dual string suppressers on Bear bows are unique in nature and are very efficient. The Dual Arc Offset String Suppressers that exist on the Legion have vibration dampening boots on the ends where the string makes contact with them. It does lack the set of rubber vibration dampening boots where they attach to the riser like the Anarchy has. These dual string suppressers not only help to silent and eliminate vibration, but they have a mean look which is another update from last years Strike.

Eccentric System

The cam on the Bear Legion is not definite, and allows for an accommodating draw length with .5" increments from 26" to 31". Similar to the Anarchy, the Legion has 80% let off and is available in 50, 60, and 70 lb. draw weights. The Rotating Modular E2-Cam is faster that the Strike's E2 cam and also has a lighter feel. It does not require a bow press or any additional modules to change the draw length, making it very convenient. The idler wheel has dual stainless steel bearings. It comes equipped with Contra-Band strings and cables. The published IBO speed is 318 fps. This seems a little higher than the actual speed as most other Bear bows, but very close. It has decent speed for a single cam bow.

Draw Cycle/Shoot Ability

The overall draw on this bow is smooth, with a bit of a hump before the valley. It is harmonized at full draw with some recoil at the shot. The Legion has an extensive valley at full draw, probably 1/4" to 1/2", with additional room to creep without a surprise. The back wall is sturdy and easy to hold. A stabilizer would improve the balance on this bow, but it is already very quiet without one. However, stabilizers never hurt on any bow. The dual string suppressers are fantastic at reducing vibration. This bow uses a slide type cable guard system which does what it is intended for; however, it is not nearly as smooth as newer roller guard systems. It does well at keeping the cables out of the way.

Silencing Package

Given its price range, this bow is especially quiet. The dual string suppressers work perfectly in order to deaden the sound and vibration. The string contains no add-ons, and will not slow it down. The limb pockets have two functions, in that they allow independent pivoting, and also serve to silence this bow.


BowBear LegionBear Encounter
Version 20132013
PictureBear LegionBear Encounter
Brace Height7 "7.75 "
AtA Length30.5 "30.5 "
Draw Length26 " - 31 "27 " - 32 "
Draw Weight40 lbs - 70 lbs40 lbs - 70 lbs
IBO Speed318 fps310 fps
Weight4.0 lbs3.7 lbs
Let-Off80% 80%
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The Bear Legion is a step above the Bear Encounter in their line of bows. The major difference is the riser. The Legion riser is equipped with the Dual Arc Offset String Suppressors, while the Encounter uses the standard single string suppressor on the bottom half. The brace height is .75" shorter on the Legion, but has an IBO of 8fps faster. The Encounter is .3lbs lighter at 3.7lbs, but the ATA is the same. Most of the other options on these two bows are nearly the same. The Encounter has a MSRP of $100 less, but doesn't have as good of a look and is a little slower.

Perfect Usage

This is a great hunting or recreational shooting bow. It will do more than enough to make a perfect harvest shot on just about any wild game and would also satisfy the urge of a lot of recreational or 3D shooters. With its ease to adjust, speed, and comfort entry level or budget archers would enjoy this bow. Many youths could also get use out of this bow with its range of adjustments.


The Bear Legion has "value" written all over it. You will get a lot of bow for your money. With the upgrades that it has received this bow is getting lots of positive feedback from its owners. Even for the serious hunter it will do nearly everything needed. Bear/Trophy Ridge has excellent customer service and they really stand behind their products. It is second to none.


This is a great budget bow. It is the faster, smoother brother to the Strike with several improvements made. With a new grip and updated suppressers, among other changes, it has taken one of Bear's most popular bows to a new level. The single cam technology and engineering from Bear is continuing to climb the ladder over the past few years and their entire line is showing it. It has decent speed for a single cam bow and has a very comfortable brace height creating a nice value package. The Legion has some hand shock, but not enough to make it uncomfortable to shoot. The alluring dual string suppresser style is unique to Bear bows. The Legion accommodates a wide range of shooters, including youth, with all of the available weights and an adjustable draw length with ease. With an MSRP price tag of only $399 this bow should fall within many budgets and satisfy the majority.

User Reviews

  • 6 reviews
  • ( out of 6 reviews for all versions)
This bow shoots just as good as some $1000+ bows.

Version: 2013 Bear Legion


Pros: Solid, lightweight, accurate, quiet, fast and smooth. Shoots just as good as my buddies expensive bows. Years later and it still shoots like the day I purchased it.

Cons: Purchased this bow new and yet to find a con. Wish they still made them.

Full review:

If you didn't know the price of this bow and shot it, you would think it was a $1000+ bow. Very accurate out to 60 yards and probably further but I haven't shot past that. Changed the stabilizer to a 9 inch trophy ridge only because it looks better on the bow but that's it.

Fantastic Bow for the price. QUIET. ACCURATE. FORGIVING.

Version: 2013 Bear Legion


Pros: ULTRA Quiet, forgiving, with a smooth draw.

Cons: Lack of speed compared to other single cams.
Can't adjust string silencers (maybe too soft of rubber)
String guide not wheeled

Full review:

You cannot beat this bow for the money. The silencers make it ULTRA Quiet without the need to add any sort of equipment to silence it further. I've noticed it's very forgiving. When I think I jerked on the release it flies true. I got the ready to shoot 60lbs version and was chipping knocks within the first hour of setting it up(myself). I then purchased an Octane full containment rest, and a 30-.06 5 pin Dovetail sight with Goldtip Velocity 340gr with 100gr Grim Reapers white tail edition AND now I cannot shoot at the same spot on the target because I've spent so much money on arrows , nocks, and sketching. It made it super accurate. Also, the deer I have shot(if I land it right) almost always pass through. Because of how quiet it is it doesn't seem as if it is shooting that hard. But it definitely is. My regret is getting 60lb limbs. If I could recommend anything it would be to get the 70lb limbs. 60lb feels like 50 so dont be scared. The lack adjustment for the silencers shows the costs Bear cut, and I can already see the soft (too soft) rubber stops wearing and don't know what I will do to fix this. An after market string slide is also recommended. ALL in ALL a fantastic bow for the money and a little beyond, but better off buying your own equipment to suit your wants and needs. I have yet to come across a bow for the same price even near the quality and accuracy.

Best Bang for the Buck

Version: 2012 Bear Legion


Pros: Light Weight, Fast, Accurate, Quiet.

Cons: None

Full review:

I love this bow. I bought the RTH package and I have not really had to touch the bow other than setting the draw length and peep sight. I have a few friends with $1000+ bows and I can shoot this bow just as well as theirs.

Deadly accurate , extremely quiet , very comfortable, light and quick Go to hunting bow phenom!

Version: 2013 Bear Legion


Pros: Deadly accurate even out to 75 and 80 yds. Lightweight for extended field carry , great balance very easy to shoot ,compact enough for any hunting scenario , very quick for single cam , design is flawless and the camo is beautifully designed

Cons: That I didn't own one sooner!! .

Full review:

I got this beast of a bow in the RTH package set at 29 in. DL & 70#DW 30.25 ATA 4.85 lbs with everything on it . My initial reason was to get it as replacement hunting bow , I knew I wanted a bear bow but not something that was gonna leave me broke but not an entry level bow either so after a bit of looking there it was the legion! It fit all the criteria of what I wanted in a bow and was hooked on the first shot extremely quiet and lightweight, deadly accurate even at 80yds. Although mine's only set to 45yds. For hunting, it performs fantastically beyond 45yds. Very solid feel, very sturdy & very smooth the design is compact @ 30.25 ATA perfect for treestand or ground blind hunts. Quiet enough not to spook game & fast enough not to give them time to duck under the shot even at 45yds. I love the camo work on the bow it has no uv glare so it doesn't give your position away and quickly conceals itself in the woods in just about any foliage I have filled many tags with this bow . Oh and you can get plenty of kinetic energy with the right tuning and arrow selection I have gotten a great deal of complete pass through shots on deer and hog alike with this bow & carbon express piledriver arrows with T3 havoc broadheads . I absolutely love this bow wouldn't trade it for anything the only bad part about this bow is that I didn't buy one sooner !! NO JOKE , I am an avid bow hunter I have used it all I know what works and I am telling you this bow will not disappoint at all I love it and I will more than likely be burried with it in my hand when I die REALLY!! .

Great shooting bow, accurate and quiet.

Version: 2013 Bear Legion


Pros: Design, accuracy at ranges from 20-60 yards. Very good balance and lightweight feeling in the hand.

Cons: None

Full review:

Bought the RTH package and only replaced the rest with a Qad drop away. The bow is so super smooth pulling that the draw weight is deceiving. I bought the 60 lb bow and wish I had bought the 70 lb bow. I could have sworn it was only 50 lbs until I measure the draw weight, Was a nice surprise at 60.5. Back wall is nice and solid and with the 80% letoff you can hold this bow at full draw for a long time comfortably. Shooting 28.5 in gold tip hunter XT's with a 100 grain tip bow is shooting 273 fps. Plenty fast enough. My draw length is 27.5. I've put several hundred arrows thru it so far and shoots very consistant as long as you do your part. Overall, a very good deal with the RTH package. Read alot of reviews and shot bows from Redhead and PSE before deciding on the Bear Legion. The RTH package come with everything including a 5 pin site which was a bonus and saved me money from replacing a 3 pin to the 5 pin. Did not like the Hostage rest so went with the Qad drop away. Very happy with the bow overall. Would buy another one in a heatbeat.

Very accurate and smooth bow. Easy adjustments.

Version: 2012 Bear Legion


Pros: Quiet, light, compact, very smooth bow, excellent camo.

Cons: Slide Cable guard.

Full review:

A great bow, it is compact and silent, as a hunting bow should be. The RTH package is excellent. I changed only the Whisker Biscuit arrow rest by a fall away arrow rest from QAD, the Ultra rest pro HD.
I use Easton Bloodline 330 arrows, 100 grains field point, and the bow shoots them perfectly. It is a fast and very accurate bow. The Dual Arc Offset String Suppressors work very well, and are very aesthetic too. The thin grip is another good point. It allows a comfortable hand placement.

I am very satisfied with my Bear Legion.

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