Bear Method Review

Bear Method

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out of 6 user reviews
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  from $450


  • Good speed
  • Simple draw length adjustment
  • Very economical


  • Slide type cable slide
  • Only two color options


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Editors' review

If any archer is looking for more speed for their dollar they need to definitely take a look at the Bear Method. As the engineers at Bear continue to make strides, like they have for a while now, this bow is no exception. Bear continues to inch nearer to the top end of the archery industry although they are not quite yet worthy of that title. This company puts a lot of emphasis on their consumer reviews and ratings. This is something they are taking to heart as it shows in their product line and customer service. The Method has great speed for being so comfortable for the shooter.


The only color options available on the Method are Realtree APG and Shadow (black). Shadow is mean looking and seems to be more of a flat finish along with the camo option. Both of the finishes seem to be durable without any signs of chipping or blemishing. It would be nice for consumers to have more of a selection of colors to choose from, but it is more limited the further down the Bear line.


This bow measures 33" axel to axel with its riser and limb combination. The all new riser is real good looking with gentle edges and curves. As normal for Bear it has integrated Dual Arc String Suppressors that have a great look along with being very affective. The Method sports the Max Pre-Load Quad Limbs as do the more expensive Motive bows by Bear. These limbs are connected to the riser with the Zero Tolerance Limb Pockets. There is an interference fit created with the limb pockets with the limb, boot, and pocket that eliminates any limb movement in the pocket. These limb pockets play a large role in dampening vibration. The bow has a 6.75" brace height between the limbs and riser. It has a smooth draw that is quiet and powerful at the release.


There are two options for the grip on the Method. A rubber grip that wraps around the riser is soft and comfortable with a large Bear emblem stretching across it. It has a thick feel compared to the side panel grip option that is underneath it. Hands will stay warmer with the rubber option in cold hunting weather. The design of both grip options feel well balanced without any noticeable hand torque.

String Suppressers

The Method has the Dual Arc String Suppressors integrated into the riser that Bear has become known for. These suppressors enable this bow to be nearly shock free and it is also quiet at the shot. The string to suppressor contact really dampens the vibration and sound. The thick rubber boots on the suppressors are what soften the contact. They are not adjustable like some of the higher end Bear bows.

Eccentric System

The Synchronized Hybrid Cam System is all new for Bear, and the Method comes equipped with it. It has impressive speed. The new H13 dual cams have rotating modules that make it a cinch to change the draw length and without the use of a bow press. The draw length can be adjusted from 26.5" to 31" in .5" increments. The H13 cams create a smooth, even draw without a big lump to pull over like most of the speed bows on the market. The Method comes in 50, 60, and 70 lb. weights. The awesome speed on this bow comes with a generous brace height of 6.75". The IBO is 340 fps.

Draw Cycle/Shoot Ability

The draw on this bow is very fluent for the speed it produces. It is flat throughout the draw cycle. This bow has an equalized feeling while in the hand and hardly budges at the shot. The backwall feels solid without any cushy feeling. The Method has a comfortable valley that will give you room to ease off enough and still be able to feel at ease without the worry of the string jumping back. A stabilizer helps almost any bow with and shock and noise, but this bow still feels balanced without one. Vibration is not an issue what so ever due to the dual string suppressors. It has a slide type roller guard that doesn't compare to the 4x4 on the higher end bows by Bear, but still does well.

Silencing Package

The Method is a nice and quiet bow. The Dual Arc String Suppressors are mostly responsible for this along with making it nearly shock and vibration free. The dual string suppressors from Bear are still doing the job that they were intended for when they were first produced. There are no additional silencers added to the string of this bow and there are none needed.


BowBear MethodBear Motive 7
Version 20142014
PictureBear MethodBear Motive 7
Brace Height6.75 "7 "
AtA Length33 "32 "
Draw Length26.5 " - 31 "26.5 " - 31 "
Draw Weight40 lbs - 70 lbs40 lbs - 70 lbs
IBO Speed340 fps340 fps
Weight4.0 lbs4.0 lbs
Let-Off75% 75%
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The higher priced Motive 7 from Bear is quite similar to the Method except for a difference in the risers. They have the same IBO of 340 fps. The Method's brace height is only .25" shorter than the Motive 7's. Their weights are the same and the Method is 1" longer ATA. While the Method does not have quite as many of the smaller luxuries as the Bear Motive 7, like the roller guard and the adjustable string suppressors, it is a great value for the money. It still shares many of the characteristics of the higher end Motives and has amazing speed at an amazing price. The Method's MSRP is only $649.99 which is an incredible $250 less than the Motive 7. This is a great value for what this bow brings to the table and far more in line than the pricey Motives.

Perfect Usage

The Method makes an ideal hunting or 3D shooting bow. It would work for some of the entry level classes of 3D competition and it would be perfect for any recreational 3D shooters as well. With the comfort and speed it produces, especially for the price, the majority of archers would truly appreciate this bow.


It seems that Bear has hit the right place in the market with the Method. The bow is more affordable than the bows at the top of their line for the majority of the archery world and still has great speed with decent quality. The Hybrid Cam System is another good stride for Bear engineers. The dual cams are simple to adjust with the rotating module for any draw length within its range without the use of a bow press. It is comfortable and smooth for the speed it produces. This bow would do all and even more than a large percentage of archers would need it for. The customer service of Bear/Trophy Ridge is second to none and they are starting to get recognized even more for it. The Method is a must shoot for anyone in the market for an economical bow that has a lot to offer.

User Reviews

  • 6 reviews
  • ( out of 6 reviews for all versions)
Smooth shooting very affordable speed bow 280fps at 68lbs 28" maxima reds 350

Version: 2014 Bear Method


Pros: The method is very fast for what it is not only fast but smooth, at 68lbs "not peaked out" it didnt feel like a normal bow around 65-70 it felt like 55lbs really excelent draw cycle no hump draws fluid

Cons: This bow honestly has a small amount of kick compared to my strother wrath but thats expected from price point bow, all in all still manageable, very fast, sweet bow no matter if your experianced or beginner makes great bow

Full review:

In real world speed i got 280 at 68lbs 28" with a 350maxima red so will hit ibo i believe maybe exceed it supper smooth bow butter smooth! Draw impressed me the most equal to the no cam, rpm 360, carbon over drive. Fantastic bow must buy for anyone really great for 3d hunting target even

Bought my method on vacation last yr. I layed eyes on it n after I shot it I owned it.

Version: 2013 Bear Method


Pros: Its very well designed, smooth draw n quiet.

Cons: I shoot with my fingers. Tried learning with release but with glasses I couldn't get that accuracy. So I went back to fingers. I'm not missing my mark now

Full review:

I have only been shooting a bow 4 a year and scored a 215 out of 220 in my last 3d shoot

Version: 2013 Bear Method


Pros: absolutely everything speed most of all

Cons: nothing

Full review:

I like the feel of the bow don't really know how to describe it but pulled back Hoyt Matthews bowtech bows and feels just as good.and for the poor boy you cant beat the price in no other bow
I think if I had not changed releases so much I would be much better than I am

super accurate.i have put over 700 arrows and still 3 arrows on a quarter at 30 yards.

Version: 2013 Bear Method


Pros: accurate,solid hold,good bow

Cons: cams seem fragile, im always afraid of dinging them. but no problems yet

Full review:

I love this bow with no regrets. It is truly fast and very quiet.

Version: 2013 Bear Method


Pros: The solid back wall, speed and quietness. I also had no problem tuning with the rest mounted properly.

Cons: I am not fond of the rubber grip but is has not given me any trouble!

Full review:

My Method is smooth, fast and quiet (no chrono yet).It is an east shooter with a solid backwall. I currently have it set at 64 lbs with a 29" draw. I use a capture rest and shoot 7595/340 Gold Tip XT Hunter arrows. Its a great combo

I have shot pse for years, mathewes ,a brothers bow',once I pulled back the method by bear "sold".

Version: 2013 Bear Method


Pros: smooth edeges, brace highth,presiced details to pocket riser cups .their hybrid cams are obviesly stouter and more durable than other bows shooting 340 fps the bow speaks FRED BEAR quality & tradition. it speaks for it"s self.

Cons: like all the bows of today, obviesly whith all that speed comes tunning proublems with arrow flight .my old bear 60 lb recrve still could take down a elk at30 yds but of corse i'll be able to blink twice before elks head twitches

Full review:

compaired to all the other bows I shot prier to buying the method ,speed & smoothness is what they were trying to sell ,I get that, but in this economy ,I hope your wife knows what your about to do to your bank account. that was not the way the bow was sold to me ,detail to all the matching components ,and other aftermarket components fit .I researched coustemer support issues from bows in the past and missed a planed bow hunt. it seems this is wheir bear exceeds the others I don't" bash the compotiton .as for speed the bow lives up to what it says . smoothest draw ,the bows set up and tune spot on after draw length was set .after 4 months of shooting my overall feeling of the bow is the right decsision no doubt..

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