Mission Riot Compound Bow

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Mission Riot For Sale

12 bows
Mission Riot LH Combo
Seller: eBay
Price: $275.00
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Mission By Matthews Compound Bow Riot Model
Seller: eBay
Price: $300.00
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Compound Bow Mission Matthew’s Riot
Seller: eBay
Price: $312.00
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+ 9 more
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Mission Riot Review

1 editor review + 8 user reviews
Editor review:

For under $400, it is hard to find a compact hunting bow that feels better than the Mission Riot. Along with the great feel, the Riot also offers adjustability giving those archers still growing a chance to shoot the same bow through the entire transition. Aside from new archers, shooters on a budget will be happy to see what the Riot offers in this price range. There will be some noticeable hand shock, and for a 31-inch axel-to-axel bow, many feel it should be less than 4.3 pounds. However, after shooting the Riot, shooters will be impressed with its performance. It deserves a test shot for anyone interested in a wonderful bow option with an MSRP of $399... read full review

User reviews:
  • Smooth as silk draw, 70lbs draw feels like 55lbs draw.... by Erick Levesque from Ipswich, MA
  • Great bow for entry level or the expert. by James Hurst from Maryland

Mission Riot Specifications

3 versions

Manufactured: 2012 - 2014 (3 versions, specs not changed)

Latest version: 2014 Mission Riot

Brace Height 7 "
Axle to Axle Length 31 "
Draw Length 19 " - 30 "
Draw Weight 15 lbs - 70 lbs
IBO Speed 310 fps
Weight 3.85 lbs
Let-Off 80%
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