PSE Nova Review

PSE Nova

Average user rating

out of 13 user reviews
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  from $54


  • Good bow for starters who are on a budget
  • Smooth and easy draw cycle
  • Accurate bow with a generous brace height
  • Modular-adjustable eccentric system
  • Draw length can be easily adjusted without using a bow press
  • Decent bow for the money


  • Overall quality could be better
  • Some modifications could have narrower grips
  • Could be a bit faster


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Editors' review

The PSE Nova series has been around for more than a decade now. With the first version released in 1997, the Nova has been enhanced many times: a number of different eccentric systems, grips, risers, and other components were introduced over the years. While there are a lot of different versions out there, the Nova can be collectively described as a good starter bow for shooters on a budget: while the overall quality could be better, this is a decent bow for the money.


While there were a lot of design enhancements over the years, the grip on some PSE Nova modifications could be a bit better. Some owners say that while they are happy with pretty much everything, the grip could be a bit narrower and could have less torque. Some of such shooters prefer to take the grip off and wrap it with some tennis racket tape because the corners on the riser are too sharp without any material.

Eccentric system / Draw cycle

Starting from 1997, PSE introduced quite a few eccentric systems for the Nova bow: One Cam, Stage, Vector, Maxis, Synergy, Nova Pro, Vector Wheel, Arson, Vector Pro, Inferno, Synergy, Lightening, Rimfire, and NRG. While each cam system is individual, nearly all of them are very smooth and easy to draw as described by many owners. Have a look at the full PSE Nova specs for detailed information about IBO speeds for each cam.

Draw cycle / Shootability

Due to its non-aggressive eccentric systems the Nova is a pretty smooth and easy drawing bow. Some archers say they chose this bow for its smooth draw cycle because they had to recover form shoulder injury. While the bow is easy to draw, it's not a speed monster and can't generate blazing IBO speeds. It's very unlikely you will get IBO speeds over 300 fps with this bow. However, this is not a problem for those shooters who are not speed fans. Such people say this bow is more than suitable for their hunting needs even though it is on the slow side. When it comes to the back wall it's not as solid as on some other rigs. Although the PSE Nova is not as quiet as some modern high quality rigs, a fully equipped bow is quiet enough for hunting.

Good bow for starters on a budget

While some archers disagree it's a great rig for starters and say there are better (but more expensive) beginner bows, other archers firmly believe this bow is a great choice for beginners on a budget due to its low price tag and decent quality. Having analyzed a lot of opinions, we came to conclusion that the Nova is a good bow for shooters on a budget who don't intend to upgrade it shortly. For example, if you want to build you archery skills quickly and quickly become a pro, you may be better off if you invest a little bit more money and get a better quality rig instead of upgrading in a year or two. If, however, you are not too passionate about becoming a super archer in a short period of time, buying the Nova could be one of the best investments.


To summarize, The PSE Nova is a decent quality bow at a very reasonable price. While it's not the quietest rig out there, the bow is quiet enough for many hunting scenarios. Admittedly, the Nova is an accurate hunting bow with good shootability characteristics. Although this rig is not as good as some of the better quality (and more expensive) bows, it's considered to be a great starter bow for shooters on a budget due to its low price tag and decent quality. Overall, the Nova is a good choice for beginners who are on a budget, don't plan to upgrade it immediately, and are not too excited about super fast speeds.

User Reviews

  • 13 reviews
  • ( out of 13 reviews for all versions)
Great bow for the money

Version: 2002 PSE Nova Vector 5


Pros: Easy to shoot. Accurate. Very durable.

Cons: None

Full review:

I have had this bow for a long time and it just keeps on ticking. It has been my back up bow to a Hoyt Power Hawk. I replaced the cable last year and just put a new drop away rest on it. Bought some new carbon arrows and had the cam timing checked. I am so pleased with the way it shoots I will use it this deer season. Not concerned about the speed since I limit shots to 35 yards and like to use 125 gr. heads. Kind of like an old Stevens 311 shotgun, nothing fancy but dependable and durable.

Awesome Bow

Version: 1999 PSE Nova Vector 4


Pros: Work horse smooth draw and accuracy

Cons: Nothing

Full review:

I have a 1999 pse vector 4 NovA and love it had it for 18yrs still killing deer awesome bow it's not a speed demon but gets the job done over and over again. Smooth draw and a work horse had to replace the limbs a while back but hey the bow is 18yrs old shot my first deer with this bow hopefully my son will to Great Bow!!

Just got one. Love pse and the nova extreme is a welcome addition to my family

Version: 1997 PSE Nova Stage III


Pros: It's accuracy and handling but it's size compared to my older bows

Cons: Not one thing

Full review:

I really like pse bows, I have a game sport deluxe and silverhawk and now a nova. I hunted years with my older bow and never failed to fill my tags. I work for a living so the affordability is a plus. I really like that I can set this up to me and not need an " expert" interpret.

Great bow for the price

Version: 2008 PSE Nova SU


Pros: I have had 3 right shoulder surgeries and dislocated it 3 times so it's not that strong right now but the nova is a easy draw, it's not cheap it's inexpensive. Great bow for beginners or to have a great overall bow.

Cons: Honestly I can't complain about anything considering the price

Full review:

Overall feeling is great, like I said my right shoulder is weak due to surgeries and dislocation but I'm still able to pull it. Right now it's at 57lbs but once my shoulder gets stronger I can easily up the poundage. Shoots straight and fast. It's durable mines a 2008 and after I'm done with it I will pass it down to my son. I have a whisker biscuit rest a 5 pin 0.0019 sight a trophy taker stabilizer and I'm using a tru fire release. The bow is very comfortable to shoot and very accurate. For the price you can't beat it

Great bow. Quiet, smooth draw, Price, accurate

Version: 1999 PSE Nova One Cam


Pros: Great bow Quiet, smooth draw, long axle to axle, winners choice string, drop away rest, 100 grain tips 70# draw puts you about 285fps

Cons: Bow speed, single cam

Full review:

My bow is maxed out 70# draw. I also put sweet Accessories on my Nova. 35ml Toxic Onix sights, Winners Choice string. Drop away rest. Shoot Gold Tips 400 with Heart Craft Scooptail Broadheads 100 grain. I turned a cheaper priced bow into a sweet very expensive Nova one of a kind . 10-13-15 whacked a big 8pt without a flaw. Great Bow dress it up.

Great bow.

Version: 2011 PSE Nova NI


Pros: Great bow

Cons: I guess in a perfect world it could be a little lighter -- but the mass does absorb the shock of the shot.

Full review:

I have been shooting arrows since I was 5 years old. I am now 53. I have a PSE Nova and have nothing bad to say. Set at 60 lbs it shoots right through a phone-book so can probably kill anything that walks. I have it out on the range and don't have any complaints as it is more accurate than I am.


Version: 1997 PSE Nova Stage III


Pros: Easy to use

Cons: Nothing

Full review:

Killer my first deer with it, not shure what im going to do without it when its gone, easy to use really accurate and I'm teaching my son with it ive had it for twelve years and i love it i only bow hunt beacuse gun hunting is to easy

My first bow and the it has got me hooked

Version: 2001 PSE Nova OC


Pros: Price, easy to adjust, perfect for a beginer

Cons: It got me hooked on Bow hunting

Full review:

I bought my bow off of TNOL for $100. Its my first bow and I believe that this was the best and worst investment of my life. The best because I got hooked on Bow Hunting and the worst because I got hooked on Bow hunting. The price was perfect for me to tweek and make it personal, but it wasnt so far out there that i spent a couple grand to find out if i liked it. Overall I actually like my bow more than some of the newer models out on the market today.

Tough, no frills bow

Version: 2000 PSE Nova OC


Pros: Tough

Cons: After a time, string begins to hit the limb, causing wear.

Full review:

I've had this bow for about twelve years. Paid $180 for it, new. I've hunted with it and shot an intramural tournament with it. I won the tournament.

Last year I dropped this bow out of my deer stand, it held up fine. This bow was in my old house when it burned down. Again, it was fine. It may not have the best fit and finish but it's built very tough. It's always been reliable.

Only gripe is that as it wears in, the string will bgin to rest against the limb, which causes it to wear. I took it to a shop and the guy said that "all Nova's do that" and acted like it was no big deal, just keep an eye on it.

Overall, it's a good, solid bow but nothing particularly special. If you're looking for a real "meat and potatoes" bow, the Nova's not bad at all.

The proper term for this bow is "inexpensive" not "cheap".

Version: 2003 PSE Nova S7


Pros: Easy to shoot. Very accurate. Good value for the money. BTW the first PSE Nova was made in the early 1980's. Graphite limbs with nylon cams. I had one. Shot very well with carbon arrows and a trophy taker shaky hunter rest.

Cons: Nothing

Full review:

The Nova draws smoothly. Mine is set at 70 pounds with a 29" draw length. Real chronographed speeds with carbon express 6075's with 100 grain field points were 301, 303, and 305 fps. The bow can be silenced considerably with a limber saver rubber coated stabilizer and the installation of a Diamond Archery Hush Kit.

i think this is a very good bow. gets the job done and is very accurate and my bow.

Version: 2011 PSE Nova NI


Pros: light weight. held a matthews one time it felt exactly the same.why spend alot more money just for the name they all put meat in the freezer

Cons: none

Full review:

my pse nova1 gets 303 fps what more do u need to bring down a deer.i like the way it feels in my hand and is very of the best bows ive ever owned.i would not trade it for anything else on the market.great bow and i recomend it for anyone out there.

Had this bow for 15 years, shot it thousands of times, accuracy finally dwindling

Version: 1997 PSE Nova Stage III


Pros: Held up well, good durability, great bow to learn on

Cons: Heavy, too long, spongy back wall, not easy to adjust, needs bow press

Full review:

Overall this bow has been great to learn on. Its kind of heavy, really long axle to axle, and is not the ideal hunting bow because of this. It does get the job done and is consistent and accurate. Don't care for the spongy back wall feeling. All that being said, for the price it was a great starter bow and I've had it for 15 years, so it will withstand the test of time. I will put this bow away and save it for my son to learn on when he's big enough.

Great starter bow!!

Version: 2011 PSE Nova NI


Pros: I enjoy the smooth draw and easy sight adjustments

Cons: It came stock with the draw wieght set at 73lbs which is a bit unrealistic when your considering that this is supposed to be a starter bow

Full review:

I belive this is a product that i have well spent my money on. Many of the reviews i have read keep reiterating this is a "good, cheap bow." I understand that quality is always on the line when your dealing with money figures. At the same time i dont belive that 350 is very cheap either. Overall as i said at the beginning this bow has made its way into one of my favorite "cheap" pieces of archery

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