Bear Apprentice Review

Bear Apprentice

Average user rating

out of 3 user reviews
eBay logo
  from $74.99
Cabelas logo
  from $279.99


  • Very universal and adjustable bow for the youth, women, and small-frame men
  • Will grow with a young shooter due to a lot of adjustability
  • Very lightweight bow - important aspect for smaller kids
  • Easily adjustable draw length - no bow press is required
  • Good value for money


  • Could be a bit faster


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User Reviews

  • 3 reviews
  • ( out of 3 reviews for all versions)
Awesome bow for the price

Version: 2010 Bear Apprentice


Pros: Still in New shape after 6 years of shooting.
Adjustability is great!
Great value for the money.

Cons: Nothing. Other then realtree camo not mossy oak pattern.

Full review:

Our sons have been using these bows for 6 years!only need to trade one in because my 14 yr old out grew it! Would recommend to any beginner kid or small adult! My sons plan on Hunting with them this year!

Great bow for the money

Version: 2011 Bear Apprentice


Pros: Ready to use right out of the box, light weight, adjustable.

Cons: Not crazy about whisker biscuit.

Full review:

Got the bow for my 8 yr old son. He loves shooting it and has no problem handling it. The bow is very adjustable and should last him for several years. Keep in mind that the 20 to 60 lb draw weight is misleading. The bow is adjustable 20-60 but it has a minimum draw weight. The 20lbs is only at 15" draw length. As you increase draw length the minum weight goes up. He is currently at a draw length of 20" with a minimum weight of 27lbs. He has not problem handling that but we had to start at 17" and 21lbs for the first few months. All that being said the bow shoots great and he loves it which means more time at the range for me and less time playing video games for him. Win win situation.

Just bought this for my 11 yr old son...Great Bow

Version: 2011 Bear Apprentice


Pros: See below...

Cons: 6" brace height is a little short....

Full review:

First of all it's very light, he has no trouble handling it. Second, I like the adjustability and flexibility of the design. Third, I like that I don't have to tear it down to adjust it as he grows. Fourth, it comes out of the box ready to hunt. Fifth, he was shooting 10" groups at 20 yards right out of the box. Sixth, it is very reasonably priced. But, most of all...He enjoys shooting it which means he will want to shoot it more and play video games less.

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