Bear Cruzer Lite Compound Bow

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Bear Cruzer Lite For Sale

3 bows
Bear Cruzer Lite
Seller: eBay
Price: $125.00
See it
Bear cruzer lite
Seller: eBay
Price: $600.00
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Bear Cruzer Lite Youth Bow and Accessories
Seller: eBay
Price: $420.00
See it

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Bear Cruzer Lite Review

1 editor review + 2 user reviews
Editor review:

The Bear Cruzer Lite really shines with the ability to be adjusted basically from a starter bow all the way to a flagship model. This could be the only bow a shooter needs from early on all they way through being a teenager. With a fully setup bow for only $399, parents will be thrilled with the ability for the bow to adjust so much as shooters are getting bigger. Instead of buying a new bow each time, draw length can be easily adjusted, and the draw weight can be cranked a few turns to adjust the draw weight very easily. For those looking into a bow that can last through the growing years, the Bear Cruzer Lite is a really great choice. Throwing in the finish options and the cool look, the Cruzer Lite is worth a look... read full review

User reviews:
  • Perfect by Steve Richards from Australia
  • Nice shooting bow.Very adjustable. by F moss from South Carolina

Bear Cruzer Lite Specifications

3 versions

Manufactured: 2016 - 2018 (3 versions, specs not changed)

Latest version: 2018 Bear Cruzer Lite

Brace Height 6 "
Axle to Axle Length 27.125 "
Draw Length 12 " - 27 "
Draw Weight 5 lbs - 45 lbs
IBO Speed 290 fps
Weight 3.2 lbs
Let-Off 70%
+ 2 more versions
Click the below button to get full specs for all Bear Cruzer Lite versions.