Bear Siren Compound Bow

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Bear Siren For Sale

2 bows
Bear Archery Siren Compound Bow a-x
Seller: eBay
Price: $349.99
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Seller: eBay
Price: $350.00
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Bear Siren Review

1 editor review
Editor review:

The Siren has been field tested by women, for women, and delivering what they asked for in a cam, grip, draw cycle, and release. It is designed to work ideal in the hands of top-tier female hunters. Bear technology continues to improve like it has for the last few years now. It's speed is impressive not only for a single cam bow, but for a bow that is built for women makes it even more awesome. It has a good look with the riser and dual string suppressors combined. The subtle pink accents look great and should be attractive to many. It will handle a wide range of sizes and strengths with draw weights of 40 lbs. to 60 lbs. and lengths from 22" to 27". With the ease of adjustment it can be done without any extensive tools or technique. The Bear/Trophy Ridge customer service department is second to none and they really take their time to satisfy the owner. Any serious female archer would love this bow and would be making a mistake to not give it a shot if looking for a new bow... read full review

Bear Siren Specifications

2 versions

Manufactured: 2012 - 2013 (2 versions, specs not changed)

Latest version: 2013 Bear Siren

Brace Height 6.75 "
Axle to Axle Length 31 "
Draw Length 22 " - 27 "
Draw Weight 30 lbs - 60 lbs
IBO Speed 300 fps
Weight 3.8 lbs
Let-Off 75%
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