Bowtech Captain Review

Bowtech Captain

Average user rating

out of 5 user reviews
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  from $350


  • Smooth-drawing bow with good valley and solid back wall
  • Easily adjustable draw length - no need for new cams or modules
  • Very quiet rig with little hand shock and vibration
  • Nice fit & finish


  • Has a little hump at the end of the draw cycle
  • Some shooters say it's not the easiest bow to tune


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User Reviews

  • 5 reviews
  • ( out of 5 reviews for all versions)
The best bow in the market very shootable, forgiving, and quiet.

Version: 2010 Bowtech Captain


Pros: Almost no hand shock or vibration, solid wall and a great camo finish.

Cons: Absolutely nothing to say.

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My experience in field and hunting is the best bow I have. Right and plenty of speed shoot almost no hand shock and quiet. the "most dead-in-the-hand shooting experience ever offered". Whisper quiet and shock-free is more important to me than raw speed when I hunt.

Great bow with a solid wall and, a very silente and vibration free shot

Version: 2009 Bowtech Captain


Pros: Great finish, silent, fast and very stable to shoot

Cons: None

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Set up is 62 lbs. At 29 draw lenght, with nap fall away rest, sure lock supreme sight, and shooting lightspeed arrows with 100 grain points, speed is 300 fps. A bow with almost no hand shock or vibration, solid wall and a great camo finish, Aldo a great let off. Feeling.

The "deadest in hand" at the shot bow I've ever shot, period!

Version: 2009 Bowtech Captain


Pros: Defines quiet and shock-free. Plenty of speed for me and I've never had a problem tuning mine to shoot fixed broadheads. Outfitted with an Octane Tripwire rest, I can have this bow shooting "bullet holes" in paper within a few shots.

Cons: I currently own a Destroyer 340, Air Raid, Diamond Marquis and the Captain. I find the Captain to have a "mushy" valley compared to these other BowTech products.

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I have not chronographed this bow so I don't know about its true speed. I've taken several deer, hogs and turkeys with this bow and with Beman ICS 400 arrows and either Muzzy or Slick Tricks, I have passed through every animal I've taken with it. My DL is 29" and I shoot my 60# Captain at 58#. Whisper quiet and shock-free is more important to me than raw speed when I hunt.

Center pivot has it all,great shooter friendly bow!

Version: 2009 Bowtech Captain


Pros: Awesome valley,No hand shock(none),Quiet as they come,Versatile axle to axle,Speed is no slouch either.

Cons: Absolutely nothing negative.

Full review:

If your looking for a bow that is a pleasure to shoot in the woods or on the coarse,I believe this is it.The whole 2nd generation Center Pivot line from Bowtech are amazing.My personel opinions are they are quite possibly the quietest and deadest(no hand shock) bows being manufactured today.And the looks of the Captains riser is simply put as a piece of art.Fit and finish are among the best out there as well.

As a life-long Hoyt shooter, I'm a little suprised to say it's the smoothest bow I've ever shot.

Version: 2009 Bowtech Captain


Pros: As stated, the smoothness of the shot. Easy tuning. Prominent draw stop. Great speed.

Cons: The break-over is a little stiffer than what I was used to.

Full review:

Very shootable, forgiving, and quiet. Finish seems to be very durable. My setup is 65lbs 28in draw, 28 3/4in Maxima Hunters, 100gr field points, shooting at 270fps. Summary; the smoothest bow I have ever shot, period!

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