Bowtech Prodigy Review

Bowtech Prodigy

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out of 9 user reviews
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  from $599.99


  • Versatile; described as three bows in one
  • No noticeable vibration; very quiet
  • Solid shooting platform


  • Expensive
  • Retailers having difficulty keeping them on the shelf


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Editors' review

The Prodigy is one of the new flagship bows for Bowtech for 2015. The bow offers the shooter a new Powerdisc with Powershift technology. This allows the shooter to adjust the feel of the shot to one of three different settings. These adjustments can be done not only to fit the archer's preference, but to give the best performance based on the conditions. For example, the Prodigy can be adjusted to the performance setting for competition shooting, or it can be set to the comfort setting for a smoother draw when hunting in cold, snowy weather. With a 32" ATA, 7" brace height, and 80 percent let-off, this rig will provide a solid shooting platform for any shooter even at 70# draw weight, regardless of the situation.


This bow comes with a dipped film finish and comes in several colors to include Mossy Oak Breakup Country, Realtree Xtra Green, Kryptek Highlander, and Blackops.


The foundation for this bow is a machined aluminum riser trimmed to exacting measures. This riser reduces the overall weight of the bow without losing strength. The limbs are a split-limb design that works in unison with Bowtech's tried and true center pivot configuration. With this setup, this rig is very quiet, has no vibration, and produces one of the best shots in the business. The riser also has a trimmed grip section, fitted with a pair of Bowtech's side plates. This grip fits well into the hand and helps reduce bow torque. It is a very comfortable feel for the shooter.The limbs are a highly efficient composite that responds quickly. These limbs are perfectly matched with the overdrive binary cams and produce a very fast arrow speed.

Other Components

Besides the new Powershift and Powerdisc technologies, this bow comes with center pivot system to maximize the efficiency of the limbs, carbon rod string stop, FLX-guard cable guide, and noise and vibration dampening components. All this coupled with the 32" ATA, the limbs locked in with the Center Pivot design, and the overdrive cams make this one of the quietest, smoothest shooting bows out of the box on the market.

Eccentric System

This bow comes with Bowtech's award winning Binary Overdrive Cams that give this rig a smooth draw and plenty of power. This cam system also hosts a new technological breakthrough for Bowtech called the Powerdisc and Powershift designs. This technology allows the cams to be adjusted and basically turn this bow into three bows in one. The three settings for the Powerdisc are performance, traditional, and comfort settings. The performance setting provides the maximum speed. It also has a narrow valley with a max of 65 percent let-off. At full draw, the shooter can feel the bow aching to release. The traditional setting has approximately 75 percent let-off and is a little easier to shoot. It gives the archer a mix of power and an easier shot. The comfort setting has a full 85 percent let-off and an extremely smooth draw. The draw length is also easily adjusted with the use of rotating modules. The draw can be set in a matter of minutes, without the need for a bow press. This rig is easy to tune, and fun to shoot.

Silencing Package

The Bowtech Prodigy is designed with many inherent qualities the simply make it quiet. The carbon rod string stop, and the Dura-Flex string dampeners make this rig deadly quiet straight from the box.

Compared to Similar Bows

BowBowtech ProdigyBowtech Boss
Version 20172016
PictureBowtech ProdigyBowtech Boss
Brace Height7 "7 "
AtA Length32 "36 "
Draw Length25 " - 30.5 "26.5 " - 32 "
Draw Weight40 lbs - 80 lbs40 lbs - 70 lbs
IBO Speed343 fps333 fps
Weight4.2 lbs4.6 lbs
Let-Off80% 80%
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The Bowtech Prodigy is one of the company's flagship bows for 2015. At first glance, this rig looks like any other compound bow, except for the gold "gear" in the cams. This "gear" is only found in one other bow, the Bowtech Boss...another flagship bow from Bowtech. This gear is used to alter the shot preference for the shooter, and can basically give the shooter the feel of having three bows in one. There are other bows on the market that are comparable with max draw weights, brace height, speed, and price, but none give the shooter the flexibility to adjust the draw setting for performance for a stronger, flatter shot, or a classic setting for a slightly smoother draw along with a stronger shot, or even a comfort setting that gives the shooter a smooth draw, better let-off, and more comfort for long days at the 3D course. This rig comes in a variety of draw weights - 50#, 60#, and 70# - 32" ATA, 7" brace height, and draw lengths from 25" - 30.5." The Prodigy also boasts a 343 fps IBO, which is easily achievable, but unlike other speed bows, this rig has a smooth draw, is accurate, and very quiet.

Usage Scenarios

This bow is a shooter's dream and will fit nicely into any archery scenario. For the competition shooter, this bow can be set to the performance mode and give a nice flat shot with accuracy. The traditional setting is good for the 3D range with a flatter shot with a slightly easier draw. The comfort setting is best for the hunter, especially in colder weather, as it offers an easy and smooth draw, even when the muscles are stiff while sitting in the stand on those long cold days.


This rig comes in a little pricier than most at $1099 for a bare bow. When fully outfitted, this bow will cost more than what the average archer will be willing to pay. However, for the capability built into this bow, there will be quite a few in the field.


The 2015 Bowtech Prodigy is becoming a popular bow for the serious archers. At first glance, it appears to be "just another speed bow," but at closer look, the first thing one will notice is the gold gear in the cams. Then you are forced to take a closer look. With the flexibility to alter the feel of the shot, this rig definitely will grab the attention of any shooter. This bow is average in size at 32" ATA and a 7" brace height. The max draw weight and draw length are average too. That is all that is average though. This rig boasts a 343 fps, and will hold pretty close to IBO even after adding the normal necessities. The Prodigy comes in a bare bow package, but can be purchased fully loaded, but if the shooter is spending this much on a bow, it only makes sense to add the exact components desired instead of a kit. This is a very nice shooter that will not leave the archer disappointed. One archer looking to purchase a new bow tested the Prodigy along with several others. After purchasing the Prodigy, he stated that the bow chose him instead of him choosing the bow. He said "it just felt right."

User Reviews

  • 10 reviews
  • ( out of 9 reviews for all versions)
This Bow is smooth, fast and deadly quiet.

Version: 2015 Bowtech Prodigy


Pros: Everything

Cons: Nonei

Full review:

I am 79 years 0ld and have been shooting this Bow since 2015. I took a great Buck this year with it, 2024. It has become part of my arm and I will never sell it. Over the years I have always bought the best Bow available, cost no object. I shot all brands. This Prodigy is so fast and accurate I see no reason to buy another.


Version: 2015 Bowtech Prodigy


Pros: Too easy to shoot. Quiet, versatile, quality plus

Cons: Nothing

Full review:

I've hunted with self bows, traditional bows & compound bows. Love them all. Fell down a bank while hunting with my self bow and injured my shoulder. Can't hold traditional bows at full draw. Hallalujah. The Bowtech Prodigy on comfort setting is just what the Doctor ordered. Even with my injured shoulder it's a dream to shoot. Re: compounds, I've only owned Mathews & they're good bows. But after trying out the Prodigy was converted. "It's SOLID", as my kids would say.

Bowtech Prodigy in the Kryptek design is the bow that replace my Bowtech Tribute.

Version: 2015 Bowtech Prodigy


Pros: I fell in love with the Kryptek design of the Prodigy the first time I saw it. The bow is fast, quiet, accurate and with the 3 power settings it is the most versatile bow I have ever owned.

Cons: I would love to tell you about all the cons I have experienced in the 2 years with this bow but, I honestly Have not found any!

Full review:

My first compound bow was a Bear White Tail back in 1977. I have shot and owned several different bows since then. Once I shot the Bowtech bows I was hooked. When I bought my Tribute I thought I had found the ultimate bow. Although Bowtech came out with more bows yearly they always compared them to the Tribute. I told the rep when Bowtech comes out with a bow that is so good that they can't compare it to the Tribute I might consider buying a new bow. In 2015 the rep said he had the bow for me. I shot a black Prodigy and loved it but, when he showed me his Prodigy in the Kryptek pattern I knew that was my next bow.

The best bow I've ever owned

Version: 2015 Bowtech Prodigy


Pros: Smooth let off, very accurate, powerful.

Cons: None.

Full review:

I have owned 3 bows. First one basic but got me hooked. Next was a mission ballistic 2013, now I bought the Chris Kyle the Legend 2015 Prodigy. With my mission I developed shoulder pain and bought a crossbow to shoot why I healed. Bought this bow no shoulder pain. On average I go to the range for 3 hours. Increased the poundage to 65. Going to eventually turn up to 70. One of the best purchases I've ever made. Would definitely recommend.


Version: 2015 Bowtech Prodigy


Pros: Balance, adjustability, performance,

Cons: nothing

Full review:

I just purchased new a Bowtech Prodigy. I am 61 years of age and of average health and condition. I mostly shoot for recreation 4 to 5 days a week. This bow has 50lb. limbs. I went to a local bow shop to try everything that they carried. I chose the Prodigy over the Hoyt Carbon Defiant and Defiant, the Prime Rize, the Mathews Halon, and the Elite Synergy. All these bows are excellent performers but the shootability and adjustability and fit to my body won me over. I shoot 4 to 5 days a week for the fun of it always striving to better myself as an archer. I also hunt on occasion. Of course what with shooting 45lbs. I have and know my range limitations. This is an easy to tune bow.

In a league of it's own.

Version: 2015 Bowtech Prodigy


Pros: Dead in your hands. Fast. Adjustability. Bowtech hit it out of the park with this one.

Cons: Ummm....

Full review:

The comfort settings is silky smooth. The performance setting gives you that aggressive feel you want. The classic is the perfect mix. This bow is quiet and fast. You can have a 3D bow and a hunting bow all in one. What more do you need?

The real deal

Version: 2015 Bowtech Prodigy


Pros: Great looks, 3 bows in 1, quiet, fast, wonderful valley and back wall, can shoot it for hours

Cons: Availability

Full review:

I been a compound bow hunter for 12 years, was a deicated Mathews customer. Only shot a Bowtech while helping sight in a friends bow. Was a bit taken back by the fact my friends Bowtech seemed to shoot smoother than my Mathews bows. Helium, Creed and Creed XS. I keep that to myself! I buy and sell bows as a hobby not online, just between friends. Again not wanting to admit to myself that damn Bowtech was such a great shooter, I found a Carbon Overdrive a guy needed to sell and purchased it. That said, loved it, sold my Mathews bows but just wasn't all in based on the fact I always had Mathews bows. 6 models in total. Boring, but trying to state my case! Starting looking up the Bowtech site, researched the Prodigy , found a dealer and went to the range. 1 hr later I went home with that fantastic bow. I'm a firm believer you get what you pay for, and it was pricy ,but my money has never been better spent! I finally have my bow that hit all the checks on my list. In fact I now have 3 bows in one and I can't stop being impressed on what a home run Bowtech hit. Bows and deer hunting are my passions and this bow is the REAL DEAL! If your on the fence, get off, get a Proigy, and get in the woods

Couldn't leave the pro shop without it after shooting!

Version: 2015 Bowtech Prodigy


Pros: Fast, quiet , comfortable and extremely tunable

Cons: Cost

Full review:

Absolutely fell in love with this bow instantly. I bought the limited edition Chris Kyle tribute bow after shooting flagship bows from every manufacturer. I outfitted the bow with a QAD drop away, Viper 5 pin sights, 4 arrow Bohning quiver quiver, 3/16 peep, wrist sling and 12 inch Bee Stinger stabilizer. On the middle cam setting, at 30.5 inch and 60 pound draw I'm shooting 400 spine arrows at 305 fps. This setup is deathly quiet, and I'm shooting 4 arrow groups in a 5 inch circle at 50 yards, and all 4 arrows touching each other at 30. I spent a whopping $1700 on the whole package, but absolutely love it!

Best bow I have shot in 20 years.

Version: 2015 Bowtech Prodigy


Pros: Zero torque, no vibration, and light. Fast and quite.

Cons: A little pricey, but worth it if you are looking for bow to hang on to for a while.

Full review:

I had hunted with a compound bow for a little over 10 years, took about a 10 year break, and decided I wanted to pick up the sport again. I was totally lost on new bow capabilities, features, technology, and what was available. So, I visited a lot of archery shops, shot a lot of bows, read reviews, and spoke to others to solicit their feedback. The final contenders were the Bowtech Prodigy, Elite Synergy, Mathews NoCam HTR, Hoyt Nitrum 30, and the Prime Rival. Hands down, the Bowtech Prodigy felt the best in my hand, had the least amount of torque, and consistently delivered the most stable back wall. I was a little hesitant to shell out a significant amount of my hard earned money for a bow, but after shooting it for a couple of weeks now, I truly feel, I made a wise decision that I will not regret.

Best of the best. I am new to Bowtech but not excellent bows.

Version: 2015 Bowtech Prodigy


Pros: feel, dead in hand, minimal vibration, holds well, impeccable finish. The powerdisc feature is no gimmick. It is everything Bowtech advertised

Cons: It is aluminum so it will be cold in the winter

Full review:

I have been a Mathews fanboy and occasional Hoyt customer for twenty years. I tried the Chill R, Creed xs, hoyt Nitrum and Carbon spyder zt. Then the shop showed me this prodigy and asked me to compare it to the others. Twenty minutes later I owned my first Bowtech. It is buttery smooth, has a very solid back wall, shoots accurately easily, and has a great finish. The power disc is not a gimmick. It really is three different bows in one but I find you will know very quickly which setting you prefer and just leave it there. One word for you hunters out there, QUIET!

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