Bowtech Equalizer Review

Bowtech Equalizer

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  • Versatile; good for target, 3D, and hunting
  • Designed for the shooter with a shorter draw length
  • Available with 30#, 40#, 50#, and 60# limbs
  • Draw length adjustable from 24" to 27,5" in half-inch increments
  • Draw length can be fine-tuned in as little as 1/8" increments using draw stop
  • Excellent speed


  • Priced in mid-range of bows, but can become expensive when adding components
  • Noticeable vibration at 50#; the higher the draw weight, the more noticeable the vibration


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Editors' review

The Bowtech Equalizer is an excellent bow choice that is designed for archers with a shorter draw length, and is adjustable from 24" to 27.5." Although it is built for the shorter draw, it still packs a punch, rated at 308 fps set at 27.5" and 60lbs. The smooth draw and the speed of this bow set it apart from all other bows designed for the shorter draw length. The Equalizer was designed in what is called Proven Vertical Force Technology which reduces hand shock and vibration. Naturally, the lower the draw weight, the less vibration. At lower draw weights, there is virtually no vibration noticeable to the shooter, but it does become noticeable around the 50# range. Since this rig is designed for the shooter with the shorter draw length, it is not for everyone, but if the shooter does require a shorter draw, then this could be the perfect bow.


The bow comes in Mossy Oak Obsession or could be special ordered in Advantage Max4 HD, Realtree Hardwoods HD, or Realtree Hardwoods Green HD. The special order finishes cost $50 more, though. Any of these finishes are sure to blend in with any background. For the archer that is only interested in target shooting, this rig could also be ordered in Black Marble, Red Polished Chrome, Blue Polished Chrome, and Clear Polished Chrome. These finishes cost an additional $100. The hunting finishes are dipped finishes and may begin to peel in high contact areas, based on how the bow is treated in those areas by the shooter.


This bow has a slightly longer riser in order to maintain the 33" axle-to-axle distance and help create the speed it does. This solid, single-piece limbs are set in pivoting limb pockets, perfectly matched to provide the necessary strength to generate the outstanding speeds from this bow. The limb bolts are used to make draw weight adjustments within a 10# range.

Other Components

This rig comes in a bare bow package. There are no "bells and whistles" that come with it other than the limb vibration dampeners and the string silencers. The owner can install a low budget package on this bow, but for the price of a new bow, would certainly want to invest in quality accessories. The two-piece laminated grip is thin for the average shooter, but this bow is not designed for the average shooter. As most archers with shorter draw lengths have smaller hands, this grip fits very comfortably into the palm of the hand, adding to the overall shootability of the bow by reducing bow torque.

Eccentric System

The Bowtech Equalizer uses the fairly aggressive binary cam system. This cam, paired with the limbs, generates the necessary force to launch an arrow downrange at 308 fps (when set at 60#) from this short-draw bow. The aggressiveness of the cam also makes for a strong draw cycle. This cam uses a module system to adjust the draw length. The draw length can be easily adjusted by changing the module. This allows for one inch incremental adjustments, and can be done without a bow press or any specialty tools. The draw length can also be fine-tuned by adjusting the draw stop for half-inch increments. The let-off can also be adjusted between 65 percent and 80 percent. This too is a very easy adjustment.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

The draw weight for this bow is determined by the limbs purchased with the bow, and can be adjusted within a 10# range by using the limb bolts. The cam is fairly aggressive and brings with it a stiff draw. Although the draw is strong from beginning to end, it is smooth throughout. With a solid back end, it is easy to hold this bow at 80 percent let-off. This bow is very shootable, but there is some string creep at the back end. The bow is not hard to hold at 80 percent let off, but if it creeps a little, the shooter is very hard pressed to hold it. If the shooter feels that the bow is beginning to creep even a little, they are better off just letting down and starting over. If not, there is a better than average chance that an arrow will be launched erroneously, never to be found again.

Silencing Package

This rig does not come with much for silencing. It comes out of the box with limb dampeners and string silencers, and nothing else. In most bows, this would be a bad thing, but with the Equalizer, this bow is built quiet. With an additional string silencer or two, and a string suppressor, this bow is sure to be deadly silent.


BowBowtech EqualizerBowtech HeartBreaker
Version 2008 (Binary Cam)2013
PictureBowtech EqualizerBowtech HeartBreaker
Brace Height7.25 "7 "
AtA Length33.25 "30.25 "
Draw Length24 " - 27.5 "22.5 " - 27 "
Draw Weight19 lbs - 60 lbs30 lbs - 60 lbs
IBO Speed300 fps - 308 fps305 fps
Weight3.7 lbs3.7 lbs
Let-Off65% - 80% 65% - 80%
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The Bowtech Equalizer is very comparable to the Bowtech. The biggest difference in specification is the Bowtech HeartBreaker draw length can be adjusted down to 22" and ATA is 30" whereas the Equalizer draw goes down to 24" and ATA is 33". The Heartbreaker is marketed as a women's bow, and not necessarily a short draw bow. Both are fast, accurate, and are built with the same Bowtech quality that any shooter would expect. Both bows are smooth drawing, and accurate shooting, but the Heartbreaker draw is not quite as strong as the Equalizer. The shooter will be surprisingly impressed with the speed and accuracy of the Equalizer, as well as the versaitility. Even though it is designed for the shorter draw length, it is deadly. Other archers have compared the Equalizer to the Vendetta XS, Strother XS-1, the Omen, and even a cut down version of the Bowtech Allegiance.

Usage Scenarios

With a 33" axle-to-axle length, this bow will fit any situation. Whether on the 3D range, or from a tree stand, this bow will definitely please the shooter. This bow is excellent regardless of the situation it is being shot from. Because of the short draw length, some mistake this bow as a youth bow, but make no mistake about it, this bow is the real deal. It will shoot very well from a tree stand or during the casual stroll along a 3D range. The longer riser for the 33" ATA provides added stability which is especially good for 3D shooting.


The Bowtech Equalizer can be found from $325 to $400 for a 2007 model. Since this is an older model bow, the purchaser will most likely be able to get a "fully dressed" rig for this price. Similar bows with the same specifications as the Equalizer run in the $699 price range. If price is a factor for the purchaser, this could prove to be an excellent deal by providing an excellent shooting experience without "breaking the bank."


This is a very nice shooting bow. The shooter can easily dismiss the bow initially when viewing the short brace height and the short draw. This deception is quickly dispelled when the bow is pulled back and the arrow flies. Many shooters average in the neighborhood of 284 fps out of this bow. As the draw weight this about 50#, the shooter will begin to notice some vibration. As the weight increases, the vibration becomes more noticeable. With a few vibration suppressing components like a string suppressor, stabilizer, some additional string silencers, and a heavier arrow, the majority of any vibration is removed. Although the draw cycle is fairly strong on this rig, it is smooth and easily moves through the transition to let-off. At 80 percent let-off, the bow can be held long enough to make a solid shot, but be careful of the string creep. The shooter should pay this close attention, because if any string creep is felt, the bow should be let down as easily as possible. The string creep is as harsh as any other bow.The versatility of this bow makes it desirable for those requiring a short-draw bow. With an adjustment range from 24" to 27.5" and a draw weight from 30# to 60#, this bow will not be overpowering with the proper limb set. This rig is an excellent choice whether the shooter is on the 3D range, the ground blind, or the tree stand.

User Reviews

  • 3 reviews
  • ( out of 3 reviews for all versions)

Version: 2007 Bowtech Equalizer (Binary Cam)


Pros: Shoots aaccurately smooth to the draw very quiet plenty of speed for. My type of hunting very it for a trade with a PSE love it had for 12yrs.

Cons: I haven't shot at heavier poundage about 45-50# .might add a l
ittle more speed at heavier weights . JUST MORE SPEED NEEDED

Full review:

I love this bow for what I hunt pigs,feral sheep, Spanish goats wild cattle it's perfect.I'm 63yrs old and still do a lot of hunting with bow and arrow.I first started when I was know when you've got one that suits you.

Best bow I have ever owned. I have had XI, PSE, Golden Eagle, Fred Bear, Browning and Hoyt.

Version: 2006 Bowtech Equalizer (Binary Cam)


Pros: ACCURATE!! SMOOTH! LIGHT! Comfortable.

Cons: None I think. Not silky smooth as a round wheel target bow but still smooth. Does not have a solid back wall, but no big deal.

Full review:

I seriously love this bow. I have owned a lot of other bows. None compare! Upset Bowtech discontinued it. I want to buy another one and set it up as a target bow!! One bow set up at 50#s and ultra light composite arrows for all day at 3D tournaments and my original at 62# and easton FMJs for hunting! Great bow!

Very good starter bow

Version: 2008 Bowtech Equalizer (Binary Cam)


Pros: Great adjustability....the bow can be used by practically any size shooter...and the speed is very good for such light weight...also good reasonably priced

Cons: Kinda loud shooter when turned up i doubt there are enough silencers to get the equilizer down to a newer bowtech level

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