Bowtech Equalizer Compound Bow

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Bowtech Equalizer For Sale

1 bow
Bowtech Equalizer RH 70# 25” DL. Super Fast Short Draw Bow.
Seller: eBay
Price: $350.00
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Bowtech Equalizer Review

1 editor review + 3 user reviews
Editor review:

This is a very nice shooting bow. The shooter can easily dismiss the bow initially when viewing the short brace height and the short draw. This deception is quickly dispelled when the bow is pulled back and the arrow flies. Many shooters average in the neighborhood of 284 fps out of this bow. As the draw weight this about 50#, the shooter will begin to notice some vibration. As the weight increases, the vibration becomes more noticeable. With a few vibration suppressing components like a string suppressor, stabilizer, some additional string silencers, and a heavier arrow, the majority of any vibration is removed. Although the draw cycle is fairly strong on this rig, it is smooth and easily moves through the transition to let-off. At 80 percent let-off, the bow can be held long enough to make a solid shot, but be careful of the string creep. The shooter should pay this close attention, because if any string creep is felt, the bow should be let down as easily as possible. The string creep is as harsh as any other bow.The versatility of this bow makes it desirable for those requiring a short-draw bow. With an adjustment range from 24" to 27.5" and a draw weight from 30# to 60#, this bow will not be overpowering with the proper limb set. This rig is an excellent choice whether the shooter is on the 3D range, the ground blind, or the tree stand... read full review

User reviews:
  • Very good starter bow by Kalen Ratterree from Mo
  • Best bow I have ever owned. I have had XI, PSE, Golden... by John Griffith from missouri

Bowtech Equalizer Specifications

3 versions

Manufactured: 2006 - 2008 (3 versions, specs changed)

Latest version: 2008 Bowtech Equalizer (Binary Cam)

Brace Height 7.25 "
Axle to Axle Length 33.25 "
Draw Length 24 " - 27.5 "
Draw Weight 19 lbs - 60 lbs
IBO Speed 300 fps - 308 fps
Weight 3.7 lbs
Let-Off 65% - 80%
+ 2 more versions
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