Bear Limitless Compound Bow

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Bear Limitless For Sale

16 bows
Bear Archery Limitless 50lbs Right Hand God's Country Camo Compound (PD5027586)
Seller: eBay
Price: $99.99
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Bear Limitless compound bow right hand
Seller: eBay
Price: $100.00
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Bear Limitless RH Compound Bow (With manual)
Seller: eBay
Price: $148.98
See it
+ 13 more
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Bear Limitless Review

1 editor review
Editor review:

The Limitless may be the perfect bow for transitioning shooters through the phases of becoming an archer. The Limitless allows shooters to begin in the world of archery, and the bow can grow with them a long while before they are interested in a higher end model with a bit more speed. The MSRP of $199 for a fully set up bow may be one of the best deals in all of archery. It would be really nice for this bow to be offered in left handed models as well, but for now, the Limitless is a right hand only production. Getting youngsters involved in the sport is a crucial step in growing archery, and this bow is a great one for getting shooters involved without breaking the bank. It would be nice to have some added color options, and the accessories are not the best money can buy, but ultimately getting shooters into archery at an early age and an affordable price is the goal of the Limitless bow for 2019, and Bear knocked it out of the park... read full review

Bear Limitless Specifications

2 versions

Manufactured: 2019 - 2020 (2 versions, specs not changed)

Latest version: 2020 Bear Limitless

Brace Height 7 "
Axle to Axle Length 28 "
Draw Length 19 " - 29 "
Draw Weight 25 lbs - 50 lbs
IBO Speed 265 fps
Weight 3.7 lbs
Let-Off 50%
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