Bowtech Core SR Review Overview Where to buy Review Specifications Average user rating no user reviews - write review   from $167.99 Compare Prices Video content from YouTube Overview Write your review help other shooters by sharing your thoughts Compare prices 8 bows for sale See full specs 2 versions (2024-2025), specs were not changed
User Reviews no reviews for this version yet all versions 2025 Bowtech Core SR 2024 Bowtech Core SR ( out of review for all versions) Add Your Review 1. Your rating: (Hover the mouse over the stars and click to rate this bow) 2. Bowtech Core SR version: (Enter the version of your your Bowtech Core SR bow; required) select version 2025 Bowtech Core SR 2024 Bowtech Core SR 3. One-line summary: (Summarize your review in one line; required, max 100 characters) 4. Pros: (Tell us what you liked about this bow; required, max 250 characters) 5. Cons: (Tell us what you did not like about this bow; required, max 250 characters) 6. Detailed review: (Provide your detailed review by outlining what you like and dislike about this bow. For example, you may describe features, shootability, overall feeling, your bow setup, real IBO speeds, and your experience using this bow; optional, 200-5000 characters) 7. Your name: (Enter your full name; required, max 50 characters) 8. Your location: (Enter your location, ex. city, state, country; optional, max 50 characters) 9. Prove you are not a robot: Please enable JavaScript to submit this form.