Mathews Chill Review

Mathews Chill

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  from $500


  • Compact design based on the Monster platform
  • Smooth release and dead in the hand after the shot
  • Draw length available between 23-30 inches with modules in half inch increments


  • Back wall is a little mushy
  • $999 price tag


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Editors' review

The Mathews Chill is a direct response from shooters demanding a lighter, shorter version of the popular Monster series bows. The Chill produces wonderful speed from the DYAD AVS system up to 330 feet per second with a 7-inch brace height. The draw is smooth although some may need a short adjustment period to get used to a speed bow, and the noise and vibration after the arrow has been released is nonexistent. Shooters interested in a hunting speed bow should take a close look at the Chill despite the $999 price tag.


Mathews bows go through a dipping process completed at the factory. This process leaves the bow covered and very well done despite the many cutouts the riser has to offer. Although Mathews has a limited number of options compared to some companies, shooters will love how great the finish holds up under the conditions it goes through as a hunting bow. The camo pattern of choice is Mathews very own Lost Camo design. This design is limited to Mathews bows, and is sure to blend in to a variety of hunting backgrounds. Shooters will also be happy to hear the Chill is available in the appealing tactical pattern as well. This has been a great seller for Mathews in the past. Shooters also have the option for an all black bow, or a variety of combinations between Lost Camo and black. Many bows on the market, including Mathews have used red to offset the finish options and provide contrast. The Chill breaks away from this trend using blue for the color of the strings and accent color in the logo. This does give the bow a unique quality not seen as a stock option from other manufactures.


Mathews stays with the Geo Grid Lock Riser for the Chill. The grid look has been associated with Mathews for several years now, and has proven to be a great way of cutting down overall mass of the bow while maintaining strength for superior repeatability. Although the Chill is relatively compact, the riser still measures in at 23.5 inches making it very sturdy to hold on target. The top of the riser is equipped with a harmonic dampener and the bottom of the riser comes with the Harmonic Stabilizer Lite. Both of these work to cancel out vibration and noise caused after the arrow has been released. The riser has a round cutout and the circular harmonic piece is lined in rubber with a solid center used to stop vibration before the shooter feels it in the hand. They work well, and have become a defining trademark of Mathews bows being used the last couple of years. The Rear Assist Roller Guard has been lightened up slightly helping to reduce the overall mass of the bow as well. The rollers work in a way that causes less tension and friction on the cables while being drawn and after the shot. The rear mounting Dead End String Stop Lite has also been reduced in weight, but works to stop the forward moving string after the shot. This energy is then transferred to the front mounting stabilizer bushing where shooters have the option to add a front mounting stabilizer for balance or vibration dampening.


The focus grip is standard on all stock models of the Chill. Most shooters prefer the thin grip to the Mathews Walnut grip alternative. The thin design works with the shooter for repeatable hand placement, and the distinct color line on the back of the grip further assists shooters with proper hand placement. Those coming from another type of grip may need a little adjustment period to get used to the focus grip, but overall it feels great and helps improve accuracy in the long run.


The Chill uses split limb technology. Mathews puts their limbs through rigorous testing, and they have always produced a solid product. The split limbs feature the Chill logo, which helps add to the overall look of the bow. Limbs are available in ten-pound increments from 50-70 pounds. Although the draw weight range is not extremely large, most shooters will find a comfortable draw weight that works well for them.

Eccentric System

The DYAD AVS Cam System creates the speed behind the Chill's performance. With 80% let off, and draw length adjustments in half inch increments from 23-30 inches, the AVS cam is capable of speeds up to 333 feet per second, which is rather impressive for the 7-inch brace height. Draw length is adjustable with modules, which makes changing draw length inexpensive. The dual perimeter weighted cams aid in minimizing vibration after the shot while producing above average speeds and enough kinetic energy for big game animals. The cams weight also works in opposition to the limbs after the shot, which also adds to eliminating vibration after the shot as well.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

The best word to describe the Mathews Chill is smooth. The bow draws very well through the transitions all the way to the back wall. The back wall is a little on the mushy side, but the bow balances well and holds steady on the target. Having the bow properly set up with the correct draw length will be crucial with the mushy back wall. After the shot, shooters hear the arrow slapping the target, but nothing else. The bow is quiet, and free of hand shock. The smooth release of the bow is sure to leave a smile on the face of all shooters. Speed bows have to draw a little harsher than other bows to produce the extra speed, but the AVS cams are not overly aggressive in feel and the speed they produce is worth the little bit of harshness from the draw, which again is minimal. The lightweight package holds extremely well on target, and the grip offers repeatable hand placement for improved accuracy. Perhaps the best part about this speed bow is the 7-inch brace height. For a long time now, this brace height measurement has been the go to standard for forgiveness and shootability, and with the Chills speed on top of this, the bow is a dream to shoot.

Silencing Package

The Chill does not come with any limb dampeners although after market split limb dampeners can be purchased for a small amount of money. The perimeter weighted AVS Cam system works in opposite motion of the limbs to help eliminate vibration after the shot. Instead, Mathews equips the Chill with string silencers to help eliminate any vibration causing noise. Monkey tails have come to be a signature look of newer Mathews bows and come equipped on the Chill. Along with this comes the String Grubbs, which offers a nice look to the overall package also. The perimeter weighted AVS Cam system works in opposite motion of the limbs to help eliminate vibration after the shot. All of these things working together create a silent shooting, shock free bow that is pleasant to shoot.

Mathews Chill vs MR 7

BowMathews ChillMathews MR7
Version 20142013
PictureMathews ChillMathews MR7
Brace Height7 "7 "
AtA Length30.5 "33 "
Draw Length23 " - 30 "26 " - 32 "
Draw Weight50 lbs - 70 lbs50 lbs - 80 lbs
IBO Speed333 fps344 fps
Weight3.90 lbs4.4 lbs
Let-Off80% 65% or 80%
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The Mathews Chill is the newest offering in the Monster series. When compared to the MR 7, the first thing shooters will notice is the light weight, compact offering of the Chill. With a shorter axel to axel measurement and a half of pound less weight, the Chill feels like a different bow. The MR 7 does have a higher speed rating and a longer riser though, so although many shooters appreciate the quick speeds and compact package of the Chill, true speed freaks may prefer the Mathews MR7 model. Aside from specs, the Chill does seem to be quieter and more shock free after the release although the MR 7 is by not means bad in either area. The ultimate decision comes down to personal preference, but both rigs have a lot to offer potential buyers.

Usage Scenarios

The Chill is a speed bow designed for hunting. The compact design is a direct modification to what shooters in the hunting world are demanding. The lightweight bow makes this a great option for long hauls in the woods as well. The speed is going to help with slight errors in distance in hunting situations and the smooth draw and quiet release make it a sure winner for those looking at a compact hunting bow built for speed. Some shooters may be comfortable using this bow for 3D and tournament shooting, but often times longer risers are more desirable. Regardless, the Mathews Chill is sure to be a tack driver.


The Mathews Chill is smooth from the draw to the release of the arrow. With tons of draw length adjustability based on cam modules, the Chill has the potential to appeal to a lot of shooters in all sizes. A speed bow designed for hunting with a forgiving brace height of 7-inches has tons of appeal in the hunting world. Although the back wall is a little mushy and the $999 price tag may be too much for shooters on a budget, the Chill is a great offering for the high demand of speed bows with great shootability options for hunting and it deserves a test shot.

User Reviews

  • 6 reviews
  • ( out of 6 reviews for all versions)
Best bow I've ever shoot. Back wall is perfect for me. Its fast and its very accurate.

Version: 2013 Mathews Chill


Pros: Its quiet and smooth and most of all I like the back wall. Its light and its balanced perfect.

Cons: I really can't find anything I don't like. I used to shoot a Mathew Outback which is good, but it just can't compare to the Chill. The price was the worst.

Full review:

I like that the bow only weighs 3.9 lbs. The Chill feels good in hand and balanced. It draws back smooth and seems to me to have a good solid back wall. It was very easy to tune up and get sighted in on the target. My shot groups are tight. I could shoot out to 35 yards with only 1 sight pen. The Chill is one super bow, that I don't think I'll ever get rid of it. To me its better than the Triax, I don't like heavy bows. Its fun to shoot.

I feel like I will have an unfair advantage on shooting deer this year.

Version: 2014 Mathews Chill


Pros: It's all about the feel. Smooth,quiet,fast,repeatable excellence and most of all fun to shoot. I can't imagine another bow shooting any better than the Chill. I may buy another one just in case something terrible happens to it.

Cons: Mushy back wall....NOT. What's not to like. It's PERFECT !

Full review:

Read my comments above. If you're in the market for another bow shoot the Chill first then try the others until you get tired of trying to beat it. Then go back and buy the finest bow out there...the Monster Chill.

Very Pleased

Version: 2013 Mathews Chill


Pros: The bow feels great, draws great, very forgiving for speed bow and is absolutely dead in hand.

Cons: None really, I hear people talk about the back wall being spungy, but I don't feel it. With that said I don't like a super hard back wall like a bowtech.

Full review:

It shoots much faster than rating (All pro shops I've been to have confirmed this). I'm 29" draw pulling 60lbs with 350 grains and get 300fps. EVery time I shoot it through chrono it duplicates speed. Very consistent. Been a single cam nut, but this one has changed my mind.

I'm finding better accuracy at 40-60 yards with this bow than my others - tight groups. I was shooting a helim but when I went in to buy the creed this bow just felt better. And more fps doesn't hurt either. You can't go wrong with this one. In my opinion this will probably be their hottest bow this year. In the pro shop where I buy they are reporting that 60% of bows being bought there are the "Chill".

Outstanding quality with speed, quietness, and no recoil!!!

Version: 2013 Mathews Chill


Pros: The Chill is the smoothest bow I've ever drawn and seems to breakover quicker than other new bows I've tried. It's very lightweight and shoots like a dream.

Cons: The price tag is a little steep, but top quality is NEVER cheap. You get what you pay for!

Full review:

I have tried several of the new bows on the market to include bows by Hoyt, Bowtech, Bear, and several Mathews. It seems that all of the new bows shoot good, but when I shot the Chill, it seemed to be a step above the others. The Chill is my first Mathews bow and when trying it out I compared it to the Creed and Heli-M. The Heli-M seemed to be the closest to the Chill in shootability, but the Chill still won my heart. IBO speed for the Chill is approximately 340 fps., but since I shoot a 26" draw length, I give up approx. 40 fps. So I assume that I'm still shooting approximately 290-300 fps which is much faster than any bow I've ever owned. There may be faster bows on the market, but how much speed does it really take to kill a deer, elk, or even moose? The Chill has, in my opinion, a very solid backwall which I've never experienced before. The backwall greatly improves accuracy due to helping to guarantee a common anchor point. I shoot Carbon Express Maxima Red 350 grain arrows and have now shot a 3D course a couple of times with them and am totally impressed. My chosen equipment will definitely do it's job when I do mine. I'm highly satisfied with the Mathews Chill bow and plan to keep this bow for a long time, since Mathews definitely has its work cut out to improve!

Just an amazing bow!

Version: 2013 Mathews Chill


Pros: Drawcycle is very smooth, especially for a speedbow.
The bow is very balanced, feels fantastic at full draw.
After the shot, the bow is absolutely dead in hand, with zero torque or vibration.

Cons: Backwall is a tiny bit soft..

Full review:

Not much to say, I absolutely love this bow. My last bow was a single cam Martin Bengal, which also shot great, but the drawcycle and balance in this bow is just top of the line, and is without doubt one of the best shooting bows of 2013. Some people dont like the soft backwall, but it isnt that big of a deal, and I actually like it alot. My old Martin Belgal had a 100% hard backwall, which felt good also, but I have to say that I like the Chill's backwall better, it's just more forgiving..

one awesome package for hunting or 3d this bow takes the cake a few shots n u will undersand

Version: 2013 Mathews Chill


Pros: everything u want n need n today's bows can't remember being this satisfied with a bow

Cons: only 1 the back wall is not 100% solid I would say more like 85% but I don't care for a wall so solid that it comes to a screeching Holt such as bowtech!!!

Full review:

bow is super quiet silky smooth n holds like a New born great job by mathews I was never a mathews fan until the z7 but after shooting all the new bows the chill is above n beyond par for today's market this bow will surely be at the top of the charts for years to come

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