User Reviews

  • 1 review
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Amazing used bow for starting target & 3d

Version: 2018 Mathews Halon X Comp


Pros: Fast, easy to tune, great looking bow, very stable, nice ATA at 37", good geometry. Back wall is very solid, grip balances nicely. Incredibly competitive, $350-500 range, Mods available.

Cons: 1/2 pound heavier than a Title 38. Paint finish(mine was red), chips a little, but overall a very nicely finished bow.

Full review:

The Halon X-Comp is a very fast shooting bow. You can drop the draw weight/poundage down to 50 and still sling 23's at 300. It is incredibly accurate when set up well. With the money saved on a used Halon, you can get everything you need in terms of accessories; stabs, a nice set of PS23's, release etc, for less than a new flagship bow.

I'd recommend investing in a new set of good strings, set to your measurements by a competent bowsmith.

It's on the heavy side, comparable to a 40' target bow, but it is compact and perfoms very well for 3-spot and 3D, indoors and out.

I found the added weight improved stability, letting you get a shot off earlier, which actually reduced fatigue and this definitely offset the weight.

Pairs excellent with a Hamskea epsilon or trinity rest, and a 4X magnified scope.

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