Mathews Monster XLR8 Review

Mathews Monster XLR8

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out of 8 user reviews
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  from $78


  • Extremely fast and powerful bow
  • Relatively quiet for the speeds it generates
  • Modular adjustable eccentric system


  • Stiff and aggressive draw cycle
  • Short valley


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Editors' review

The Mathews Monster XLR8 is an extremely fast compound bow with a stiff draw cycle, short valley, and a solid back wall. This is the fastest bow from the Monster series. With the brace height of 5 inches, this bow is less forgiving then the other two rigs from the series: the standard Mathews Monster and the Mathews Monster 7.0.

Riser, limbs, and grip

The Monster XLR8 is outfitted with a fully machined reflexed riser, a one piece Inline Walnut grip, and split limbs that reach past parallel angles at full draw. Some archers do not like the grip, saying it is way too big. While some people prefer to replace the grip to improve shootability, others believe the factory grip is good enough. In our opinion, this is a matter of personal preference. If you don't like this big Mathews grip you can always replace it with a slimmer one.

Eccentric system

The Mathews Monster XLR8 is equipped with a stiff-drawing dual cam AVS eccentric system, advertised to hit IBO speeds exceeding 360 FPS. To reach such great IBO speeds the Mathews design team had to reduce the brace height to 5 inches, thus reducing forgiveness even further. The AVS is the first Mathews dual cam system designed by Mathews engineers to step into the fastest bows market. The draw length is adjustable from 25 to 30 inches though a set of interchangeable modules without using a bow press.

Draw cycle / Shootability

Due to its aggressive eccentric system and short brace height, this bow gets different reviews from different archers based on their form and skills. While some shooters like the way this rig shoots, others say it's extremely difficult to draw. In our opinion, this is a normal situation because the Monster XLR8 is not for everyone due to its aggressive design and fast speeds. Therefore, we strongly recommend shooting this bow before buying unless you are a big fan of fast bows and are used to a stiff draw cycle. While this bow has a stiff draw cycle, the back wall is very solid as confirmed by multiple test conducted by archers and experts. It is important to note that the valley is very short and requires getting used to. While some people say you need to shoot this bow at least 50 times to start getting consistent results, we believe it really depends on your form.While the Monster XLR8 is less forgiving than the standard Monster, the draw cycle is a little bit smoother as noted by many archers who tested this rig. This is due to an enhanced version of the AVS cam installed on the standard Monster. So, if you have only shot smooth single cam bows before, this rig might not be the best match for you unless you are willing to try a faster bow and sacrifice smoothness. If, however, you are an experienced shooter addicted to fast and stiff bows, it's very likely you will like this bow.

Quietness and vibration

When it comes to vibration and noise, many archers agree that while this rig is not completely shock free, it is surprisingly quiet for the speeds it generates when a full silencing package is installed (including stabilizer).


To conclude, the Mathews Monster XLR8 has a stiff draw cycle and is an extremely fast bow - in fact, it's one of the fastest rigs out there. While the valley is short and requires getting used to, the back wall is very solid. Being a very fast and aggressive bow, the Monster XLR8 is definitely not an all-around bow and, therefore, will not fit everyone. While this super fast rig will be a great choice for some big game hunters in a good form, it's definitely not the best choice for beginners or average shooters in a poor form. In other words, those hunters who are used to fast and stiff bows will enjoy shooting this bow, whereas others might dislike it due to its aggressiveness and non-forgiveness. Overall, this is a great bow for a smaller percentage of experienced shooters with good archery skills.

User Reviews

  • 8 reviews
  • ( out of 8 reviews for all versions)
Smoking fast and accurate

Version: 2010 Mathews Monster XLR8


Pros: The speed and accuracy is awesome

Cons: I don't have any

Full review:

I'm still shooting this bow in 2023 I love it it's smoking fast and very accurate. I will just can't see myself changing bows anytime soon I wish they would make a new version of this bow with the same speed but with all the new technology I'm sure it would be a winner 100 percent.

Smoking fast and very accurate still shooting this bow in 2020

Version: 2010 Mathews Monster XLR8


Pros: Very fast flat shooting bow lots of kinetic energy

Cons: I don't have any cons there's nothing about this bow that I don't like

Full review:

I like this bowl cuz it's very fast it's accurate it's quiet it's flat shooting and just overall is a badass looking bow. I have shot many animals with this bow from hogs deer turkey had a complete pass-through even on the biggest of feral hogs

Deadly Fast

Version: 2010 Mathews Monster XLR8


Pros: Love the speed of the bow. I found it shoots 400 spined arrows the best for me. My draw is set at 28” and I have the 70# limbs. I’ve hunted with this bow since 2010. Haven’t had any problems out of it yet.

Cons: My biggest con for this bow would have to be the weight of it. I also think the axle to axle is a bit long for my short arms in the tree at times.

Full review:

This bow is definitely been a joy to hunt with over the past 9 years. It’s durable and freaking fast. I would recommend anyone who loves Speed out of a bow to try this one. I’m kind of if it ain’t broke don’t fix it kind of person. I think it is heavy and I also think the axle to axle is a bit on the long side as far as maneuvering it in the tree. All in all it’s been a killer bow. I’ve been hunting with it in extremely cold conditions as well and it hasn’t failed me whatsoever. Matt McPherson really broke the mold when he put this line of bow out.

Have tried newer bows, have also tried other brands. Sticking to the XLR8.

Version: 2010 Mathews Monster XLR8


Pros: Solid, perfect weight which makes it very stable. Not as loud as expected and vibration is minimal. Can't have a .50 Cal without some boom!! Very accurate bow.

Cons: Not for the faint of heart or the novice shooter. Low brace could make shooting this powerhouse a challenge for those without the right skills and insufficient upper body strength.

Full review:

There is nothing I don't like about this bow. Mine is setup with a QAD rest and Trijicon sight. Blazing fast, arrows fly very flat, and no squeaking in the coldest of days. 313 fps with approx 430gr arrows. Never had a deer to jump the string since acquiring this bow, even at distances out of the comfort zone for many hunters out there.
Have taken this bow to 3D courses and have been successful attempting those 80 - 90 yard shots with no issues.
I see me hunting with this bow for many years to come.

Fast. Quiet. Incredibly powerful. Is tough to draw back.

Version: 2010 Mathews Monster XLR8


Pros: Insanely Fast
80 lb draw weight makes taking down any animal much easier

Cons: The wall
Tough to draw back
Takes time to get comfortable with shooting it

Full review:

I did not like this bow in beginning stages but after a month of shooting it i am addicted to the speed of my arrows, the power you feel when you pull it back and ow quiet it is when it shoots. This bow is extremely lethal.
I have drawn back 80 lbs and it takes a lot of strength.I had to hit the weight room to get myself physically ready for this bow. It can feel very awkward at first but after shooting it everyday for a month you tend to get use to it and almost addicted to the amount of power this bow pumps out.

Fast.Accurate. Quiet

Version: 2010 Mathews Monster XLR8


Pros: Wicked speeds. Very accurate. Never had problemwith forgiveness even though this bow has an ata of 5.
Little noise or vibration.

Cons: Some sleeve slap when bundled up for the cold.

Full review:

This bow is a shooter for sure. I have owned a few mathews bows. Bear bows. And this is my favorite by far. I went from a drenalin to the original monster to a z7 to the xlr8. Then a creed and now I'm back to the xlr8. For me drawing 29.5 the string angle is better that the creed. The ata is longer but I believe the extra 3 inches helps make the bow more for giving then a 5 inch brace should be. Love this bow.

Great shooting bow. It is not for beginners but you don't need to be a pro to shoot it.

Version: 2010 Mathews Monster XLR8


Pros: Fast
Flat shooting bow.....My 20 yard pin is only 2" short at 30.
Can go to 80# for larger game like moose or elk or buffalo.

Cons: Short brace height means your form needs to be very solid.
Has some noise in the limbs.....limb savers seem to get rid of the vibration.

Full review:

Shot the monster 6.0 for a year. liked it. shot the z7 for a year....liked that.....but this thing is awesome to shoot.
Shoots fast and flat. I am pulling 67lbs with a 29.5 inch draw and this thing is blazing fast.
My groups are as good as my form allows them to be. having that said I can group as well as 3" at 60 yards. have shot out to 100 and can put most all arrows into a 8" circle.....
The draw is not nearly as smooth as the z7 which is why I backed the weight down a little to give me the smoothness I will want in the tree stand.
The monster 6.0 seemed to have a harsher draw than this one does. Not sure why.
I am planning on taking this thing out west after some elk, pronghorn and probably mule deer in the future, but for now it performs very well in the deer woods.

This bow is not a good choice for first time shooters or for someone who may not have a lot of time to practice. I love shooting so I make time to sling at least 200 arrows a week. sometimes more.....

I'm shooting 4" groups at 70 yards with it, on the first day I've ever shot it!

Version: 2010 Mathews Monster XLR8


Pros: SOLID back wall. Set at 80 lbs, it launches heavy arrows so fast that I can get over 90ft-lbs of kinetic energy with a 400+gr arrow!

Cons: Somewhat top heavy and I slap my heavy hunting coats with the string due to the 5" brace height. That should go away though with more practice (form) on my part.

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