Mathews No Cam HTR Review

Mathews No Cam HTR

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out of 6 user reviews
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  from $599.99


  • A compact 32- inch axel to axel measurement
  • Riser is almost 30-inches long adding a lot in stability
  • Dead in the hand and silent after the shot


  • 330-feet per second is not much of a speed upgrade for Mathews
  • MSRP of $1099 is steep for many shooters


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Editors' review

Mathews has redesigned what their definition of shootability looks like. Although the axel to axel measurement is a relatively compact 32-inches, the riser is almost 30-inches, making it hold on target like a much longer bow. 330 feet per second is not an upgrade in speed compared to past years, but the cam system has seen a change. The No Cam HTR features a new wheel system demanding less nock travel and a more tunable system, which also has a different feel at full draw. The HTR is not cheap sporting a $1099 price tag, but those wanting a flagship bow from a respected company have a great option.


Mathews bows are finished with their own created camouflage pattern. The Lost Camo option has been used in the past and is still an option on the HTR. This is the most traditional camo pattern for hunting, and has several accessories designed to match. Joining the popular Lost Camo is Lost Camo OT, Stone Tactical, Black and Tactical. Regardless of which finish option, they are all going to be well done when the grid lock riser cut outs are dipped in any pattern.


The No Cam HTR's grid lock riser is an impressive piece of engineering, which looks familiar to past models, but noticeably different as well. The looks of the grid lock riser has a love/hate relationship with many people, but the designs ability to stiffen the riser and theoretically increases the accuracy of the shooters. The riser on the HTR in noticeably less reflexed than previous Mathews bows. It also makes up all but two inches of the overall axel to axel measurement of the HTR, which makes for a wonderful shooting platform for holding steady on target. As in the past, the Mathews riser also features two circular cutouts near the limb pockets, which house the Harmonic stabilizers. These dampeners can also be changed out with different colors for those wanting a little different look. Along with this, Mathews has integrated the Dead End String Stop System, which is located directly behind the front mounting stabilizer mounting hole. Overall, the No Cam HTR riser is pretty simplistic, without many bells and whistles. There are many cutouts placed in the riser, but despite eliminating a significant amount of weight, the bow still weighs in at 4.3-pounds. Although this is not super heavy, it may feel a bit bulkier compared to some of the other lightweight models available on the market today.


Mathews grips have also been a love/hate relationship in the past. Their signature grip is a walnut wooden grip, which helped add a bit of sophistication to the overall look of the bow, and worked well from the hunting side of things because it is a bit warmer than some other materials used. Mathews has decided to outfit the HTR with a stock rubber composite focus grip, which does feature a wooden Mathews inlay to keep the tradition alive. Most shooters like the feel of the Focus grip a bit better, because it is substantially thinner and is a little easier to get a repeated hand placement. Those still not a fan of the grip have several options to choose from in terms of aftermarket grips designed for Mathews bows.


The No Cam HTR is available in 50, 60, and 70-pound maximum weights. Unfortunately, the 65-pound offering is not an option on the No Cam HTR. Although this draw weight can be achieved on the 70-pound limbs, many prefer to have the limbs completely maxed out for optimal performance. When looking at the No Cam HTR, shooters first impression is long and narrow. The riser measures just under 30-inches, and the limbs are short, compact split limbs. The newly designed concentric wheel cam allows engineers to store the energy in impressively compact, skinny quad limbs.The HTR limb pockets are called the Quad V-Lock pockets, and hold the limbs securely in place to the riser allowing for full functionality, but maintaining tight tolerances for improved repeatability. The pockets are not flashy and do not take away from the look of the bow, but just work at helping with repeatable performance.

Eccentric System

The No Cam HTR reinvents the wheel so to speak. Instead of a contemporary cam design, Mathews has integrated a concentric circular cam system featuring two same size, same shape wheels for the strings to operate on. The design allows the string to always be at the same radius of the rotation allowing nock travel to be completely straight and level from start to finish. Most cam designed bows have a system that forces the nock off the straight plane during the draw cycle. The No Cam wheel design keeps the nock perfectly level throughout the entire draw cycle. The wheels are highly efficient as well, meaning the energy used to draw the bow is stored and sent back to the arrow on the shot. Despite what some are saying, the Mathews No Cam HTR is not a step back to the olden days of compound wheel bows. The idea and design may remind shooters of that, but the thought process behind this cam system is more advanced than that of 20-years ago. Draw length is available in half-inch increments from 24-30-inches, and the Rock Mods allow for a customized let off of 65, 75, or 85-percent. One thing to note is the cable area around the top and bottom wheels. The cable is coated with a protective rubber material for protection when contacting the wheel itself. It seems like a bow with this much thought behind the wheel system would not have a protective rubber coating around the cable, but it does. Whether there was a problem with contact during testing, or it is simply a preventative measure, it looks a bit odd.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

The draw cycle is a bit different than the traditional compound bow feel. As with anything new, some shooters will enjoy it, and others will hate it. With that being said, the No Cam HTR draw cycle is undeniably smooth with the two round wheels. Drawing the bow seems to get progressively easier until the Rock Mods bring the draw cycle to a firm back wall. The let off can be adjusted by using the appropriate Rock mod, to 65, 75, or 85 percent. There is absolutely no hump in the draw cycle, and truly feels different than anything Mathews has done in the past. The bow holds exceptionally well on target, and is scary quiet after the shot along with completely vibration free. The 6 5/8 inch brace height is fairly forgiving with the provided geometries of the long riser and shorter beyond parallel limbs. The bow feels well balanced at full draw, even with accessories added, and although it tips the scales at 4.3-pounds bare bow, it does not feel too heavy either. The No Cam HTR is worth a shot, even from those not interested in a new bow, just to feel the difference the wheel design makes.

Usage Scenarios

The Mathews No Cam HTR is a hunting bow. Those interested in the No Cam technology for a target bow can choose between the TRG 7, TRG 8, or TRG 9. The HTR is accurate, but those interested in a strict target bow will more than likely be more interested in the other No Cam offerings from Mathews.


The No Cam is a rather large transition from the type of bow Mathews has produced in their solocam lineup in the past. Mathews decided to go back to the drawing board for a complete simplification of everything they have done the past few years. Some will appreciate the engineering that went into producing this bow, and others will not. Regardless, the HTR is a nice shooting platform and deserves a test shot. The feel of the bow is unique, the shot is silent, and the lack of vibration after the shot is refreshing. The speed could be a bit quicker, and the price tag a little smaller, but that is really nit picking. For those wanting a hunting bow backed with a great archery name and some new technology, the Mathews No Cam HTR is worth a look.

User Reviews

  • 6 reviews
  • ( out of 6 reviews for all versions)
Great Riser Design, insanely smooth draw, rock solid Back Wall.

Version: 2016 Mathews No Cam HTR


Pros: 2021 VALUE (approx $400 USD), LONG Riser for ATA Length, Quiet, Linear Draw, Unique Riser Design, Rock-like Back Wall, Draws like a TOY so smooth and pull back like butter, 4.2 lbs.

Cons: Sorta Torques a little more than my Chill and Chill X for some unknown reason (same grips) so a slightly softer and more open hand grip was required.

Full review:

After I first saw this model in 2015 (and all the hype associated) I simple vowed that one day I would buy one 'yes, she shall me mine' Wayne type-scenario.

Coming from a Chill X and Chill I took the plunge and after reading and watching a billion reviews on this Bow (tonnes available) I ditched my Chill X (and Xpedition Xcentric 7 PLUS) and invested in the Hype and Bliss that is generally associated with this Bow.

These are very reasonably priced for 2021 coming in around $400 USD, which may vary (generally northwards) however compared to other Bows around 2015/2016 this model does fetch a bit more $$$, they can be had for less but I feel overall $400 USD seems accurate enough.


All I did was place the Centre-shot @ 13/16", Arrow dead nuts through the Berger Hole, Parallel, zeroed my Sight at 5m, then walked out 30m, BANG, spot on!!!

I mean, how easy was that? I was very impressed and groups were TIGHT as a Nun on Sunday and I can genuinely see why so many owners have advised how accurate this sucker really is. Impressive.

At 30m, first 3 shots I was around 1.5"-2" (ish).....(I am not a great Archer by any means) but for me that was great and the Centre-shot was spot on. Ready to rock!

The first thing I noticed about the draw was it had nothing in the first 3-4" then all of a sudden I was at full draw, zero Hump and a very short valley (if you can call it that).

I noticed after a few more shots drawing very slowly that the valley actually started 1/2 way through the draw, however unnoticeable and it more felt like it 'rolled' that lifted. Different but 'me likey a lot'

Sorta like my old Strother SR71? Sorta.

It just pulled back and settled into the Wall, which does seem a little spongy at first but is ROCK solid when you shoot it a little more.

It's sorta surprising, I was a little confused personally however as I was used to my Chill and Chill X platform Draw which has a noticeable Hump and longer Valley.

YES, it does feel like a low poundage Recurve at this point of teh draw.

Some reviews stated that at the end of the cycle they feel like they are yanking the Cams out of the Limbs, I can confirm that this can happen HOWEVER I feel the Bow is literally TRAINING in reducing your 'Power Curve' at this sequenced time and I have learnt via muscle-Memory that I don't require that amount of force. More shots, less fatigue.

Mind you I had the Bow set @ 55# and 29" Draw using the 85% LO Rock Mods so that makes a difference.

At 55# it draws with a lot less effort that is usually required than any other Bow I have shot, EVER.

Please be aware that this is my opinion and description and others may feel differently.

The Backwall is were this Bow shines, at first it did feel a tad spongy but all I did was max the Limbs out, twisted the Cable and got the TIMING MARKS centred perfectly and it was noticeably firmer (I don't have a draw bench for exact Timing), those who use the Rock Mods will be impressed and it sits on the back-end PERFECTLY with NO JUMP and plenty of room.

Pin Roll was movement was great, less than my Chill X. I does hold on target extremely well (like my Xpedition).

Letting down is a breeze, you would not think it has 85% LO as it just comes down with ZERO forward momentum required, this is a great Bow.

I did read variable reviews on the draw and simply some don't like it, I cant understand why is this is the SMOOTHEST draw I've eve felt, period and in the last 8 years I have owned quite a few Bows and this is, in my very humble opinion the best.

The shock and vibe is ZERO, I have owned Bows that when you slap the Riser it feels like a Tuning Fork.

For a 32" ata with a 29-3/4 Riser that's very impressive! This is probably the reason why it hold on target so well with minimal Pin Float.

It really is DEAD. No Static Shock and basically zero Residual or Harmonic Shock. And I thought my Chill X was good, this thing eats it.....

Decibel wise....crazy quiet. In all the Bows I have owned this is the quietest hands down. My partner even commented on how quiet it was (non-archer)

So there you have it, if you see one going cheap BUY IT, I can guarantee you will fall in love with it.

I did notice that it was a little easier in torqueing for some unknown reason so I re-adjust my handgrip, but this was probably coming as I do grip a little aggressively.

I highly recommend this Bow, for the $$$ its a bargain.

The aesthetics are great also, I did originally buy with the Lost Camo Riser and Limbs which sorta dated the appearance so I painted the Riser Satin Black.


Hope this helps!!!


Version: 2015 Mathews No Cam HTR


Pros: Extremely smooth draw cycle (esp nice after recent shoulder surgery) and very quiet. Also repeatable accuracy with tight groups.

Cons: Less speed than other options is the trade off for the butter smooth draw cycle and early let off that makes it so pleasant to shoot and easy on the shoulders.

Full review:

It's smooth, quiet, and stable

Version: 2015 Mathews No Cam HTR


Pros: Draw cycle is smooth, but different. It's quiet, but not mystically so, like some would have you believe. Feels good in the hand, before and after the shot.

Cons: I've had to add front and rear stabilizers to get it balanced like I want, and those make an already heavy bow even heavier. That said, it's solid and stable.

Full review:

I have mine set at 65 lbs, 30", 85% letoff, shooting 500g arrows at 255 fps. I was getting faster speeds with an IQ sight, but have since gone back to a peep and tube. I haven't done much to tune it, other than change the draw weight up and down to my liking. The bow met all of my expectations and I may get another one and set it up slightly differently for late season. I tried the HTR and the HTX, and while I also liked the HTX, the draw length only goes to 29".

Best bow I've found.

Version: 2015 Mathews No Cam HTR


Pros: Smooth draw, super smooth shot, whisper quiet, and very little kick back.

Cons: None!

Full review:

I love this bow. I have shot bear Archery, and Hoyt and bowtech and even some other Mathews, but nothing is like the no cam. Draw cycle is a little different from anything else but still really smooth and easy. I find it easier to hold on target more than others as well. My favorite thing about this bow is the shot. As soon I squeeze my release the arrow is gone and I don't even realize it until I hear the thwack from my arrow hitting the target, talking about quiet. Also I can hold my hand fully open with no worries about it jumping away from me. Serious smooth shooting, whisper quiet. Best hunting bow ever. Since I've picked up my HTR I have shot the best accuracy ever.

Take it with you, its worth it.

Version: 2015 Mathews No Cam HTR


Pros: Great grip, steady shot, priced right for a good bow, bow Weight may be a issue for weaker shooters, anyone that shoots over 50 lbs will not have problem with it

Cons: Availability is only major concern, and for the speed to draw cycle is pretty stiff. price might deter people who don't know a price-to-quality feel.

Full review:

I got this bow after seeing it at my local pro shop, it looks kinda weird if you do not like new style bows, the speed is great eve though some start to care when speed goes below 330 fps, at 65 lbs it is shootable if you are looking for a 2015 bow for 2016 to save a little money on a newer bow, do not hesitate to look into it before passing it up it is well worth the 1100.00.

Easiest shooting bow I have ever experienced.

Version: 2015 Mathews No Cam HTR


Pros: Smooth draw, quiet release, length of riser makes it shoot like a longer ATA bow, zero hand shock and zero vibration after shot, Focus grip really reduces torque,bow finish is high quality

Cons: 4.3 pounds without stabilizer and full quiver

Full review:

The HTR has by far the smoothest draw and quietest release that I've ever experienced in a bow. The dead-end stop with monkey tail string dampeners leave no string buzz after the shot so the only sound you hear is a whir of the cam bearings and the drop of the arrow rest. The length of the machined riser and the associated weight give it the stable hold of a longer axle-to-axle bow. I have used it with a six inch stabilizer and notice little difference, though a longer stabilizer would probably improve the hold even more. The focus grip is narrow and helps both to discourage wrapping your hand around the grip and to center the grip on the heel of the palm below the thumb for consistency in the grip of the bow. The riser/limb finishes I've looked at from Lost Camo, OT Camo, Black anthem, tactical, and stone tactical have all been impeccable. I enjoy shooting this bow so much that after I purchased one in Lost Camo and shot it for a few months, my back-up just wasn't fun to shoot any more so I purchased a second one in Lost Camo OT so that my back-up shoots exactly as my primary.

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