Mathews Reezen 7.0 Review

Mathews Reezen 7.0

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out of 6 user reviews
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  from $379.99


  • very fast single cam bow
  • solid back wall
  • has a forgiving brace height
  • good shooting bow when equipped properly


  • has relatively stiff draw cycle
  • new cams are required for adjusting the draw length


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Editors' review

The Reezen 7.0 is a fast single cam bow that belongs to the Mathews Reezen series. While it has a more forgiving brace height than its 6.5" brace height brother, it is only 5 fps slower. When equipped properly, this rig is a great shooter capable of launching arrows faster than previous Mathews bows.

Quietness and vibration

According to multiple reviews and tests, a bare Reezen 7.0 is not the quietest bow out there. Many archers say that a stabilizer, dampeners, and other silencing components need to be installed to make this bow quieter. In our opinion this rig needs to be equipped with silencing components to make it a better shooting bow.

Eccentric system

Powering the Reezen 7.0 to reported IBO speeds reaching 335 fps is Mathews' new Reezen Cam. The new eccentric system is cam-specific, meaning a new cam is required for changing the draw length. To make it easier to change the draw length Mathews engineers designed a unique and effective Quick Change Axle (QCA) system that significantly simplifies axle removal. Draw lengths are available from 24.5" to 30.5" in half inch increments. The let-off is 80%.

Draw cycle / Shootability

When it comes to draw cycle, there seems to be two different camps out there. Some shooters who never shot speed bows are not very excited about the way this bow draws. They say the draw cycle feels a few fps heavier than it really is. Conversely, other people insist the draw cycle is not bad at all. Almost everyone agrees, though, that this bow has a relatively stiff draw cycle and it's not the smoothest rig out there because it's a speed bow.

Reezen 7.0 vs Reezen 6.5

BowMathews Reezen 7.0Mathews Reezen 6.5
Version 20102010
PictureMathews Reezen 7.0Mathews Reezen 6.5
Brace Height7 "6.5 "
AtA Length32 "32 "
Draw Length24.5 " - 30.5 "24 " - 30 "
Draw Weight40 lbs - 70 lbs40 lbs - 70 lbs
IBO Speed335 fps340 fps
Weight4.1 lbs4.15 lbs
Let-Off80% 80%
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Some people are interested what the difference is between the two bows from the Reezen series. While the draw length ranges and mass weights are nearly the same, the Reezen 7.0 has a more forgiving brace height (7" vs. 6.5") and is a bit slower (335 fps vs 340 fps). People who are used to stiff draw cycles say there is almost no difference between the two rigs in terms of shootability. Therefore, if you believe you are in a good form and you want a faster bow, the Mathews Reezen 6.5 could be a better choice. On the other hand, archers who prefer the Reezen 7.0 say 5 fps is not something that can make a huge difference. They also agree that the draw cycle on the Reezen 7.0 is a bit smoother.

Reezen 7.0 vs Mathews Z7

BowMathews Reezen 7.0Mathews Z7
Version 20102011
PictureMathews Reezen 7.0Mathews Z7
Brace Height7 "7 "
AtA Length32 "30 "
Draw Length24.5 " - 30.5 "24 " - 30 "
Draw Weight40 lbs - 70 lbs40 lbs - 70 lbs
IBO Speed335 fps333 fps
Weight4.1 lbs4.0 lbs
Let-Off80% 80%
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When the Reezen 7.0 first came out, a lot of Mathews fans were disappointed with its draw cycle. Mathews bows had always been known for their silky smooth draw cycles before this fast bow was released. Everyone knows that speed does not come for free and fast bows always have stiff draw cycles. The Mathews Z7 was designed to bridge the gap between smoothness and speed. While the Z7 is just 3 fps slower, it's considered to be quieter, smoother, and a better shooting bow. Many archers agree the Z7 is an improvement in many areas. Although there is no doubt the Z7 is a better shooting bow, its high price tag may not appeal to everyone. Therefore, a lot of archers who are on the budget and still want to shoot speed bow prefer getting the Reezen 7.0.


To summarize, the Mathews Reezen 7.0 is a fast single cam bow that needs to be properly equipped to deliver good shootability characteristics. While a bare bow could have less shock and vibration, installing silencing components help to improve shootability significantly. With its aggressive eccentric system, this bow is not ideal for beginners. Conversely, the Reezen 7.0 is a much better choice for experienced shooters who prefer speed bows and don't mind stiffer draw cycles.

User Reviews

  • 6 reviews
  • ( out of 6 reviews for all versions)
I love it my first time owning a Mathews bow I'm in it to when I'm ready to go easy to work on it.

Version: 2010 Mathews Reezen 7.0


Pros: Speed of it and poundage

Cons: The change draw length

Full review:

Zebra strings shooting 250 spine eastern arrows 100-grain broad heads. Draw length 27" at about 63lb draw weight.The hha one pin now sight drop away rest. Speed is still around 335 axle is 32" to axle weights about 4 lbs it's a 2010 and still in good shape.

very fast and smooth shooting hunting bow

Version: 2009 Mathews Reezen 7.0


Pros: very flat shooting

Cons: spongy back wall

Full review:

overall this is a flat shooting smooth accurate hunting rig. also great for shooting heavier arrows and still maintaining very good speeds. i wish the back wall was more solid not so spongy and a little less top heavy. all in all a great shooting bow.

I like a strong draw cycle as it tends to help keep my form consistent.

Version: 2009 Mathews Reezen 7.0


Pros: Fast and makes a great hunting bow. Greatly consistent groups and fast enough as to where you can still shoot heavier arrows through small shooting windows.

Cons: you notice a little heaviness in the top but mostly after release, and it doesn't seem to affect the shot at all.

Full review:

simply put, in my opinion it is an all round great hunting bow and fits both me and my shooting style! Every aspect of this bow I find to be top of the line engineering which is what I feel helps contribute to it's consistent performance in the field. All I've added to silence the bow is a set of cat whiskers, a top of the line stabilizer, and 30in. 500grn. arrows... that and a IBO of 335ft/sec and you have the perfect harvesting machine, quiet and deadly.

Little hand shock and shoots flat. Very fast compared to other bow and very quiet.

Version: 2010 Mathews Reezen 7.0


Pros: Balanced nice, Shoots fast, smooth draw cycle. Quiet if you have proper silencers. Consistent shooting

Cons: A little heavy

Full review:

I have the mathews reezen 7.0 with a QAD ultra rest. Bow Draws nice but the main problem is lack of adjustability. I shoot 62lbs and that is enough to kill a deer as far as you can shoot it. I killed a 146lbs doe at 54yds and the arrow tipped with a rage broadhead went clean through. all around a solid bow.

Great bow, love it.

Version: 2010 Mathews Reezen 7.0


Pros: I love how flat and accurate it shoots. First time shot, i robin hood'd an arrow. groups are very tight, easy to pull back, no valley.

Cons: A little top heavy.

Full review:

i have limbsaver leaches, and thats it for silencing, it isnt as loud as other reveiws say. I have a qad ultra hd rest, black gold 4 pin flashpoint. love the bow to be honest, and the draw cycle is nice, not too bad and not very good, just perfect. What do people think when they shoot a single cam speed bow plus mathews first?

Bow is a definate shooter, it is a fast and smooth one cam bow.

Version: 2009 Mathews Reezen 7.0


Pros: 1. Forgivng brace height. 2. Short ATA, good for hunting. 3. One cam, usually makes for easier tuning. 4. Fast, 335 is a pretty good IBO for a 7in. brace height one cam. 5. Quiet and Smooth on the shot.

Cons: 1. Draw cycle, has an unusual hump in the back of the draw cycle. 2. Wall, bow has a spongey wall on it. 3. Draw lengh, no modules, must change cam. 4. Draw length, Bow is notorious for the draw length measuring slightly longer than advertised.

Full review:

The bow is an all around good shooting bow. WIth the longer riser, when shooting it almost makes you feel like you are shooting a target bow. The bow tunes well, and is a real flat shooter. The main complaints that I have heard from people is the draw cycle, "the bow doesn't have that Mathews smooth draw cycle." Well, mathews hadn't made a 335 IBO single cam yet either!

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