Mathews Switchback LD Review

Mathews Switchback LD

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  from $399.99


  • good value for money
  • low noise and vibration
  • extremely forgiving and accurate bow
  • very smooth single cam bow


  • non-adjustable eccentric system
  • grip could have less torque


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Editors' review

The Mathews Switchback LD is a superior quality bow from the Mathews Switchback series. Specs wise, this rig is the slowest yet the most forgiving bow from the series. Both standard Mathews Switchback and Switchback XT are faster but less forgiving bows. While some shooters say the grip could have less torque, overall the Switchback LD is a very quiet, smooth, and forgiving bow. Admittedly, while this rig is not a speed monster, it is one of the best single cam bows out there. The Switchback LD is the ideal bow for long draw shooters who prefer smoothness over speed.

One of the best single cam bows

Many shooters say the Switchback LD is a high quality single cam bow. With a silky smooth draw cycle, this bow is considered to be extremely smooth and forgiving. While this rig is a bit slow, it has received a lot of great feedback and comments from shooters all over the world.


The Switchback LD is equipped with Mathew's in-line grip. While analyzing feedback about this rig, we found that some shooters say the grip could have less torque. Some archers recommend replacing the grip to make this bow perfect.

Eccentric system

Mathew's Straightline C1 Cam system is the driving force behind advertised IBO speeds reaching 295 fps. This is a non-modular cam system that requires different cams for individual draw lengths. Draw lengths are available from 27 to 32 inches in half-inch increments.

Draw cycle / Shootability

Admittedly, The Switchback LD is one of the smoothest single cam bows out there. This is confirmed by many archers with different level of expertise. No other Mathews bow (except standard Switchback and Switchback XT) has received so much great feedback from shooters. We were overwhelmed with the number of reviews indicating this bow is extremely smooth to draw. Interestingly, some shooters with injured shoulders say this bow allows them to draw more weight while remaining smooth. Also, the bow is reported to be quiet on release. Overall, this is a great shooting bow as confirmed by numerous tests and reviews carried out by experts and archers.

Silencing system / Quietness and vibration

The Switchback LD is equipped with a cable guard that is integrated with dampers to reduce vibration and noise. In addition, string suppressors and Harmonic Damping System work together to further reduce noise and vibration. Having thoroughly analyzed feedback about this bow, we found that the vast majority of shooters who shot this bow agree the Switchback LD is quiet rig with little vibration.

Other recommendations

If you are a short-draw shooter or simply want to get a faster bow, consider the original Mathews Switchback or the Mathews Switchback XT which are both faster but less forgiving.
BowMathews Switchback LDMathews SwitchbackMathews Switchback XT
Version 200920072008
PictureMathews Switchback LDMathews SwitchbackMathews Switchback XT
Brace Height9 "7 "7.5 "
AtA Length33 "33 "31 "
Draw Length27 " - 32 "25 " - 30 "25 " - 30 "
Draw Weight40 lbs - 70 lbs40 lbs - 70 lbs40 lbs - 70 lbs
IBO Speed295 fps318 fps315 fps
Weight4.36 lbs4.34 lbs4.25 lbs
Let-Off80% 65% or 80% 65% or 80%
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To summarize, the Mathews Switchback LD is a superior quality bow from the Mathews Switchback series. Specs wise, this rig is the slowest yet the most forgiving bow from the series. While some shooters say the grip could have less torque, overall the Switchback LD is a very quiet, smooth, and forgiving bow. Admittedly, while this rig is not a speed monster, it is one of the best single cam bows out there. The Switchback LD is the ideal bow for long draw shooters who prefer smoothness over speed.

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