PSE Bow Reviews Overview Reviews Price comparisons Years all yearsexact:2042204120402039203820372036203520342033203220312030202920282027202620252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991range:20422041204020392038203720362035203420332032203120302029202820272026202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219912042204120402039203820372036203520342033203220312030202920282027202620252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991 Brace Height < 5.5 "5.5 " - 5.99 "6.0 " - 6.49 "6.5 " - 6.99 "7.0 " - 7.49 "7.5 " - 7.99"8.0" - 8.49"8.5"+ AtA Length < 31 "31 " - 33.99 "34 " - 37.99 "38 "+ Draw Length < 20 "20 " - 24.99 "25 " - 29.99 "30 " - 31.99 "32" - 33.99"34"+ Draw Weight < 20 lbs20 - 29 lbs30 - 39 lbs40 - 49 lbs50 - 59 lbs60 - 69 lbs70 - 79 lbs80 lbs+ IBO Speed < 260 fps260 - 279 fps280 - 299 fps300 - 319 fps320 - 339 fps340 fps+ compare95 models, displaying 1 to 20Sort by:average user ratingnumber of reviewsyear: newest firstyear: oldest firstnamePages:12345>>User rating: out of 1 reviewPSE Mini Burner Review The Bottom Line:The PSE Mini Burner XT is an upgrade to an older youth bow, but offers more draw length adjustment, and the option of a 50# limb set, which equals about 10 fps more. Although PSE offers this rig with the option of 20#, 29#, 40#, and 50# limbs, the 50# limb set offers draw weight adjustments from 10#... read full review 2025 PSE Mini Burner Brace Height 6.625 " AtA Length 26 " Draw Length 16 " - 26.5 " Draw Weight 30 lbs - 40 lbs IBO Speed 267 fps Weight 2.5 lbs Let-Off 65% Manufactured: 2011 - 2025 Specs changed, see full specs User rating: out of 1 reviewPSE Carbon Air Stealth Mach 1 Review The Bottom Line:PSE has done an outstanding job with the Carbon Air Stealth Mach 1 for 2020, by improving every single cricritiquetic shooters of the previous Carbon Air Stealth model had. The Mach 1 is such an awesome shooting bow, it may be the best model in all 2020. The laid back limbs make a huge difference in... read full review 2021 PSE Carbon Air Stealth Mach 1 Brace Height 6.125 " AtA Length 32.125 " Draw Length 25 " - 30.5 " Draw Weight 40 lbs - 80 lbs IBO Speed 324 fps - 332 fps Weight 3.5 lbs Let-Off 80% - 90% Manufactured: 2020 - 2021 Specs were not changedUser rating: out of 1 reviewPSE Brute NXT Review The Bottom Line:For $499, or $599 fully rigged, the Brute NXT and its binary cam system may be one of the best values in the PSE lineup, which is admittedly pretty competitive in the value offerings. This bow has 7.5-inches of draw length adjustment, and 35-pounds of draw weight without needing a bow press. The color... read full review 2021 PSE Brute NXT Brace Height 6.5 " AtA Length 30.75 " Draw Length 22.5 " - 30 " Draw Weight 20 lbs - 70 lbs IBO Speed 320 fps - 328 fps Weight 3.5 lbs Let-Off 80% Manufactured: 2020 - 2021 Specs were not changedUser rating:no user reviewsPSE Supra Focus XL Review The Bottom Line:PSE has done a lot of engineering over the years into the Supra name, and the Focus XL is the next progression in a line of really awesome target bows. The 40-inch frame accompanied with a 7.5-inch brace height allows for shooters to maximize their bow size for a desired amount of forgiveness and shootability.... read full review 2021 PSE Supra Focus XL SE Brace Height 8 " AtA Length 40 " Draw Length 28 " - 33.5 " Draw Weight 40 lbs - 60 lbs IBO Speed 304 fps - 312 fps Weight 5.3 lbs Let-Off 65% - 75% Manufactured: 2020 - 2021 Specs changed, see full specs User rating:no user reviewsPSE Stinger MAX Review The Bottom Line:For a fully set up bow, with a package price of $449, it is really hard to beat a rig like the Stinger Max. Although entry level models are often geared toward a younger shooter, PSE was conscious in making the Stinger Max available to all ages and shooter sizes. Almost anyone in the bow market can... read full review 2021 PSE Stinger MAX Brace Height 7 " AtA Length 30 " Draw Length 21.5 " - 30 " Draw Weight 45 lbs - 70 lbs IBO Speed 304 fps - 312 fps Weight 3.8 lbs Let-Off 80% Manufactured: 2020 - 2021 Specs were not changedUser rating: out of 2 reviewsPSE EVO NXT 31 Review The Bottom Line:PSE is celebrating their 50th year in the archery industry, and the EVO NXT platform does not disappoint. The NXT 31 is the shortest of the EVO NXT lineup with a 30.5-inch axle-to-axle measurement, and also has the fastest speed rating out of the group as well. It is worth mentioning the slow speed rating... read full review 2020 PSE EVO NXT 31 Brace Height 6.5 " AtA Length 30.5 " Draw Length 25 " - 30.5 " Draw Weight 40 lbs - 80 lbs IBO Speed 321 fps - 329 fps Weight 4.3 lbs Let-Off 80% - 90% Manufactured: 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating: out of 1 reviewPSE Centrix LD Review The Bottom Line:Target archery is shrinking in popularity in the US, and some argue the price to get started is more than people are interested in spending. The $699 price tag for the Centrix LD is an awesome way for shooters to get started in the world of target archery, without breaking the bank. Perhaps as shooters... read full review 2020 PSE Centrix LD Brace Height 7 " AtA Length 33 " Draw Length 26.5 " - 32 " Draw Weight 40 lbs - 60 lbs IBO Speed 319 fps - 327 fps Weight 3.9 lbs Let-Off 75% Manufactured: 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating:no user reviewsPSE Supra Focus XL LD Review The Bottom Line:PSE bringing the Supra Focus XL LD to market truly shows their level of dedication in creating a perfect bow for every shooter, in every situation. The Supra Focus XL LD is a huge bow, and to be honest it is not for everyone. However, there is a market for a large framed bow like this with draw lengths... read full review 2020 PSE Supra Focus XL LD Brace Height 8 " AtA Length 40 " Draw Length 28 " - 33.5 " Draw Weight 40 lbs - 60 lbs IBO Speed 304 fps - 312 fps Weight 5.3 lbs Let-Off 65% - 75% Manufactured: 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating:no user reviewsPSE Perform-X SD SE Review The Bottom Line:PSE has been outstanding in creating a bow for all shooters. The PSE Perform-X SD SE is a fairly limited niche type bow having a short 34-inch axle-to-axle measurement with a shoot through riser. This model is unapologetically compact in comparison to other target models, but is for sure going to make... read full review 2020 PSE Perform-X SD SE Brace Height 6.375 " AtA Length 34 " Draw Length 24.5 " - 30 " Draw Weight 40 lbs - 60 lbs IBO Speed 329 fps - 337 fps Weight 4.7 lbs Let-Off 65% - 75% Manufactured: 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating:no user reviewsPSE Perform-X SD Review The Bottom Line:The PSE Perform-X SD as a bow is pretty much perfect for serious target archers with a draw length within the 21-27-inch range. The smaller framed shoot through riser design is great, the draw cycle and performance are made for a shorter shooter, and the bow size is perfect for those archers who are... read full review 2020 PSE Perform-X SD Brace Height 6 " AtA Length 34 " Draw Length 21 " - 27 " Draw Weight 30 lbs - 50 lbs IBO Speed 310 fps - 318 fps Weight 4.7 lbs Let-Off 75% Manufactured: 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating:no user reviewsPSE EVO NXT 35 Review The Bottom Line:PSE has always made exceptional equipment, and may be one of the most underrated bow companies in 2020. With a bow created for every shooter, and every price point, some shooters tend to look past PSE models because they are sold in just about every box store. However, the EVO NXT lineup is as premium... read full review 2020 PSE EVO NXT 35 Brace Height 6.875 " AtA Length 35 " Draw Length 25.5 " - 31 " Draw Weight 40 lbs - 70 lbs IBO Speed 320 fps - 328 fps Weight 4.7 lbs Let-Off 80% - 90% Manufactured: 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating:no user reviewsPSE EVO NXT 35 LD Review The Bottom Line:The PSE EVO NXT lineup is awesome, and the 35 LD is for the long draw folks wanting the Evolve Cam System on a hunting bow. With the draw length range of 26.5-32-inches, lots of shooters may be drawn towards the 35 LD/ For the longest draw shooters, the LD may be the only option. However, for those with... read full review 2020 PSE EVO NXT 35 LD Brace Height 7 " AtA Length 35 " Draw Length 26.5 " - 32 " Draw Weight 50 lbs - 80 lbs IBO Speed 316 fps - 324 fps Weight 4.7 lbs Let-Off 80% - 90% Manufactured: 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating:no user reviewsPSE EVO NXT 33 Review The Bottom Line:The 2020 PSE EVO NXT has limited bells and whistles, and is in no way flashy. To many shooters, the lack of marketability and increased buzz around the release of a flagship bow may be a turnoff. However, for shooters basing their decision to purchase based on how a bow feels and shoots, the PSE EVO... read full review 2020 PSE EVO NXT 33 Brace Height 7 " AtA Length 33 " Draw Length 26.5 " - 32 " Draw Weight 40 lbs - 80 lbs IBO Speed 314 fps - 322 fps Weight 4.5 lbs Let-Off 80% - 90% Manufactured: 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating:no user reviewsPSE Centrix SD Review The Bottom Line:The PSE Centrix SD partnership with S3DA is an awesome collaboration. For PSE to offer a fairly affordable target model geared towards younger shooters really speaks to their commitment to grow the sport of archery. Anything companies can do to promote the sport to younger shooters is great for the... read full review 2020 PSE Centrix SD Brace Height 6.375 " AtA Length 33 " Draw Length 23 " - 26.5 " Draw Weight 30 lbs - 50 lbs IBO Speed 297 fps - 305 fps Weight 3.6 lbs Let-Off 75% Manufactured: 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating:no user reviewsPSE Bandit NXT Review The Bottom Line:The Bandit NXT is an awesome shooting bow, which may turn some people off being called a high-end youth model. Aside from the bow being smaller framed, and peaking at a draw length of 26-inches and a draw weight of 50-pounds, nothing about the Bandit NXT is typical of a youth bow. The cams are amazingly... read full review 2020 PSE Bandit NXT Brace Height 6.125 " AtA Length 28 " Draw Length 20.5 " - 26 " Draw Weight 30 lbs - 50 lbs IBO Speed 299 fps - 307 fps Weight 3.7 lbs Let-Off 85% Manufactured: 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating: out of 4 reviewsPSE Drive 3B Review The Bottom Line:The PSE Drive platform has always been one of the best values in the archery world, and this new Drive 3B does not disappoint. This rig is an awesome feeling bow, but when considering the price point, it becomes an outstanding feeling bow. The three track cam system has a super draw cycle, great speeds,... read full review 2020 PSE Drive 3B Brace Height 7 " AtA Length 29.5 " Draw Length 25.5 " - 31 " Draw Weight 50 lbs - 70 lbs IBO Speed 322 fps - 330 fps Weight 3.7 lbs Let-Off 85% Manufactured: 2019 - 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating: out of 7 reviewsPSE Bow Madness Unleashed Review The Bottom Line:The PSE Unleashed is appealing for a variety of shooters including those looking for a flagship style bow at a more budget friendly price, longer draw lady shooters, adults just getting started, or adolescents with a little growing left to do. For shooters interested in having a complete set up right... read full review 2020 PSE Bow Madness Unleashed Brace Height 6 " AtA Length 32.375 " Draw Length 25 " - 30.5 " Draw Weight 50 lbs - 70 lbs IBO Speed 332 fps - 340 fps Weight 3.9 lbs Let-Off 85% Manufactured: 2019 - 2020 Specs were not changedUser rating:no user reviewsPSE Carbon Air Stealth 35 EC Review The Bottom Line:Shooters begging PSE to release a longer version of the Carbon Air Stealth from last year are going to be stoked with the 35 EC model for 2019. It is an amazing platform for those wanting longer framed carbon hunting bow with acceptable performance. It would be great for PSE to have more than two limb... read full review 2020 PSE Carbon Air Stealth 35 EC Brace Height 6.875 " AtA Length 35 " Draw Length 26.5 " - 32 " Draw Weight 40 lbs - 70 lbs IBO Speed 320 fps - 328 fps Weight 3.5 lbs Let-Off 80% - 90% Manufactured: 2019 - 2020 Specs changed, see full specs User rating: out of 1 reviewPSE Carbon Air Stealth EC Review The Bottom Line:This is a great bow, and will win over a ton of faithful followers after getting a chance to spend some time on the range with one. The largest downside to the Carbon Air Stealth is going to be the $1500 price tag. Is it worth the extra money? For some shooters, it absolutely will be. Unfortunately,... read full review 2020 PSE Carbon Air Stealth EC Brace Height 6 " AtA Length 33 " Draw Length 25 " - 30.5 " Draw Weight 40 lbs - 70 lbs IBO Speed 334 fps - 342 fps Weight 3.3 lbs Let-Off 80% - 90% Manufactured: 2018 - 2020 Specs changed, see full specs User rating:no user reviewsPSE Xpedite Review The Bottom Line:Speed sells, and when packaged with such great features like the Xpedite, it should be even easier to sell. 360 feet per second is marketable to a large audience of hunters, and 360 feet per second with the Evolve Cam System is marketable to even more than speed freaks. This cam draws super smooth, has... read full review 2020 PSE Xpedite Brace Height 5.25 " AtA Length 33 " Draw Length 24.5 " - 30 " Draw Weight 50 lbs - 80 lbs IBO Speed 352 fps - 360 fps Weight 4.4 lbs Let-Off 80% - 90% Manufactured: 2018 - 2020 Specs changed, see full specs compare95 models, displaying 1 to 20Sort by:average user ratingnumber of reviewsyear: newest firstyear: oldest firstnamePages:12345>>