Mathews Halon 6 Review

Mathews Halon 6

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  • Speed of 345 feet per second with a comfortable draw cycle
  • 5-inches of draw length adjustment between 25.5-30.5
  • Short bow with a longer feel


  • 4.5-pound bare bow may not be what some want in a hunting bow
  • MSRP of $1099


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The Mathews Halon is offered in 2016 with three separate configurations. The nuts and bolts of each of the variations are identical, with the major difference of each being the brace height and the speed rating for each model. The Halon 6 is the middle model featuring a 6-inch brace height, arrow speeds up to 345 feet per second, and a 40-pound draw weight range based on four different limb configurations. The Halon 6 shoots well, draws smoothly, and performs great for a short axel-to-axel rig. Longer draw archers need not worry about the compact design either, because the giant crosscentric cams give the bow an almost 35-inch top of cam to bottom of cam measurement. The Halon 6 is a heavy bow tipping the scales at 4.5-pounds right out of the box, which may be a bit on the heavy side for a hunting bow of only 30-inches axel to axel. The MSRP is what one would expect to pay for a top of the line flagship model from a big brand like Mathews, but $1098 may still be too much for some to manage. The first impressions of the Halon 6 have been overwhelmingly positive, which means it should be considered an option for those wanting a new hunting bow. However, some real time with the bow and how it feels is advised before signing on the line to bring the bow home.


Mathews finish has always been applied well, and does look nice. The past riser geometries have featured a variety of cutouts and sharp edges, which were covered flawlessly. The 2016 Halon 6 does look slightly different than the Geogrid technology, but the cutouts are still a challenge to properly coat. On the models viewed, everything looked great - in black and camo. The Halon is offered in a total of five finish options: black, black tactical, stone tactical, Lost OT, and a brand new Lost XD. The newly designed Lost XD looks to be a bit lighter than the former Lost camo option, and has great definition up close, which helps add to the overall look of the bow in the hand. Overall, the finish is a huge bonus, which looks nice and should be durable for normal wear and tear shooters will put on it. The five options are greatly appreciated, and adding new strings and colored dampeners can give the bow a truly customized feel.


The riser of any bow is an extremely important component leading to the overall feel of the shot in regards to holding on target, accuracy, and how the bow feels after the arrow is released. For the first time in several years, Mathews has decided to move away from the Geogrid riser, which may be one of the most hot button issues in Mathews history between those liking the design or hating how it looks. The idea behind the structural integrity was sound, but the waffle pattern created as a result was not always the most loved look. The new cutouts still have a geometric design, but are also noticeably different than the past look. The Halon 6 riser is really long for a 30-inch axel to axel bow measuring in at just under 27-inches. A newer feature on the hunting design of Mathews bows is a dual bridge look, which measures almost an inch and a half in width at these spots located on the top and bottom of the riser. The TRG target bows had a similar bridge in 2015, and other manufacturers have a similar design to stiffen the riser and create a more stable platform. Again, the function is sound, and the bridge will help the performance the way engineers intended, but this all adds additional weight to the already heavy Halon frame. Although many target shooters are drawn to heavier rigs, typically hunters prefer lighter bows for packing with them. Obviously, the desired weight of a bow comes down to personal preference, but generally speaking bow hunters favor lighter rigs, especially if they have plans of packing longer distances. With that being said, a few ounces in additional weight will more than likely not be the deciding factor for a shooter not to purchase the Halon 6. Another familiar look for a Mathews riser is the integration of the Harmonic Dampener and the Harmonic Stabilizer located next to the limb pockets. As in the past, these help reduce noise and vibration transferred to the riser after the arrow is fired. The black rubber inserts can be swapped out for a variety of colors as well for shooters wanting a bit more custom look, which is a nice touch as well. A stationary rear facing Dead End String Stop rounds out the riser dampening on the Halon 6.


The days of the wide walnut Mathews grip seem to have ended. The newly shaped flat back grip features a wooden inlay to stay true to Mathews heritage, which does a great job adding some sophistication to the look of the bow. Most bow features are subjective based on what the shooter prefers. The grip may be the most intimate connection shooters have to a bow, and may not even know it unless the grip does not fit in hand very well. The flat back grip produced by Mathews has a nice solid feel and is fairly thin. For some shooters used to a bit wider handle, the grip may take a while to get used to. However, after a short adjustment period, the new style grip should go a long ways in improving accuracy.


Shooters seeing the Halon for the first time are sure to notice the change in limb design for 2016. The limbs are a shorter and wider version of what they used to look like on past Mathews models, which make the cams look even bigger. After getting away from the surprise of the new look, it is clear these limbs are built to store energy despite their new appearance. The Halon 6 is offered in 40, 50, 60, and 70-pound maximum limbs, and can be cranked down about 10-pounds below the maximum poundage. Although these configurations will work for a large majority of shooters, it would be cool to see a 65-pound maximum draw weight, and perhaps an 80-pound limb offering. With the proper setup, a 70-pound bow will supply the kinetic energy needed for just about any big game animal, but some shooters able to pull higher poundage may like the option to do so.

Eccentric System

The energy supplier for the Halon 6 is a newly designed Crosscentric cam, which combines both of the cam systems Mathews offers into one. The No Cam is a concentric system, offering a completely round wheel on the top and bottom, which pair perfectly with each other throughout the entire draw cycle. The Crosscentric cam also incorporates the AVS design used on the Monster series bows, which allows for better nock travel even though the cams are not completely circular in shape. On the Halon 6, the IBO rating is up to 345 feet per second. Shooters can also choose between a 75% or 85% let off. Draw lengths are available from 25-31-inches, and can be adjusted in half-inch increments. To help the feel of the back wall, each cam features a draw stop as well, which makes the hold on target sturdy and the back wall solid.

Draw Cycle/Shootability

So how do the giant cams. Long riser, and short limbs feel? Pretty great actually. The beginning of the draw cycle has a pretty significant load up to peak weight, which many prefer because that is where the body is typically the strongest to properly manage the draw cycle. From there, the weight gradually decreases until the let off and back wall. The dual stops firms up the back wall a great deal, and the bow holds very well on target because of this. The extra weight is not very noticeable, and the bow feels fairly balanced, which of course can be tweaked with a variety of accessories. Hunters typically like the ability to relax a bit at full draw in case they have to pause their shot execution for some reason, and the Halon valley allows shooters to do that. The cams offer a slight creep off the draw stops, and is manageable to bring back to full draw without the string snapping forward too harshly to control. The feel after the shot is pretty dead in the hand, and fairly quiet as well. Most shooters do not feel it is as silent as the No Cam from 2015, but it is producing a lot more speed as well. Overall, the shot is comfortable, and the performance is adequate. It is also nice to be able to choose between 75% and 85% modules for shooters to get the best feel for their situation. The bow does not really feel like a shorter axel-to-axel bow, which is a bonus as well.

Usage Scenarios

The Halon 6 is a hunting bow. Some shooters will use it as a target or 3D bow, but the Halon was designed to be a hunter, which it should do very well. The weight may not be well liked by some at first, but the feel of the shot may be all shooters need for convincing.

Halon 6 vs. Chill R

BowMathews Halon 6Mathews Chill R
Version 20172016
PictureMathews Halon 6Mathews Chill R
Brace Height6 "6.125 "
AtA Length30 "33 "
Draw Length25 " - 31 "23 " - 30 "
Draw Weight30 lbs - 70 lbs40 lbs - 70 lbs
IBO Speed345 fps342 fps
Weight4.55 lbs3.95 lbs
Let-Off75%, 85% 80%
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These two bows are comparable in the Mathews line up, mostly because those interested in one may find the other appealing as well. Both bows are performance driven hunting bows at heart with the ability to shoot a little bit competitively. The Mathews Halon 6 is more compact than the Chill R, but the Halon's riser is longer and cams are a bit bigger, which means they will not feel as different as the specifications may indicate. The performance of the two cams are similar in regards to speed ratings, but the draw cycle may lean a bit towards the Halon in regards to comfort. With that being said, the Mathews Chill R is a bit older, and may be found for a better price than the brand new Halon, which may be the deciding factor for some. Both bows are great shooter, with some comparable traits that draw new buyers towards them.


The Halon 6 should be a popular bow in the hunting world for Mathews. There are some shooters wishing to see a longer axel to axel flagship bow from Mathews, but the Monster Wake for 2015 may be close enough to a longer Halon for Mathews to even consider building one in the future. For those skeptical of the No Cam for 2015 based on the slightly sluggish speed, the Halon 6 should be considered an improvement with the engineering of that cam system combined with the beloved AVS cam system. The Halon 6 is a shooter, and despite its compact size, actually feels like a bigger bow than the amount of space it takes up. The weight will be a point many haters will gravitate towards, but in all honestly a few ounces should not make a giant difference in most situations. Those wanting a great performing bow from one of the most respected names in the business should give the Halon 6 a shot.

User Reviews

  • 7 reviews
  • ( out of 7 reviews for all versions)
What a bow should be

Version: 2016 Mathews Halon 6


Pros: Quiet
carries well

Cons: like most mathews a little top heavy
can be easy to torque

Full review:

I have owned Z7, ZXT, NoCam, all the Chill Series, Triax, Vertix, VXR, V3, TX5, Atlas, and none are any better than the Halon 6. Some have nice improvements for gadgets but when it comes down to slinging arrows none top the shootability of the Halon 6.

Extremely easy to shoot,very accurate, back Wall solid, compact, crazy quite

Version: 2017 Mathews Halon 6


Pros: Compact, fast, very balanced, great brace height, smooth draw, great draw weights from top to bottom, let off is good. Overall a Fabulous Bow

Cons: A bit heavy, but shooting it makes up for that

Full review:

The very first time I shot the bow I was impressed, I was shocked to how smooth the draw cycle was and how solid the back wall is. I've owned many Mathew's models from the very first one made to this one and this bow is the best one ever. This bow is very forgiving as I'm in my upper 60's and I tend to creep a bit but it lets me recover easily. It's smooth, quite, fast, very accurate, it's has a great range of draw weights and draw lengths. Overall I believe it's the best to date for Mathew's, a great target and hunting bow for sure

Best Bow I've Ever Owned

Version: 2016 Mathews Halon 6


Pros: • silky smooth draw cycle
• rock solid back wall
• Just the right amount of valley
• Holds on target very well
• Robust build by a name you can trust

Cons: • Slightly heavy when loaded with accessories

Full review:

It's 2021, and I'm proudly shooting a Halon 6. Is there newer tech out there and have "improvements" been made? Absolutely. Do I feel like I'd be gaining anything significant by spending a grand on a newer bow? No way. I got a steal on this bow, loaded with mostly inexpensive accessories (with the exception being a Trophy Ridge React Pro 5) and I'm in heaven with it. It's a secondhand bow, but I'm so comfortable with it and it checks all the boxes. My setup is 27"/70# in Stone Tactical and can tear up arrows at 20 to 30 yards, so I don't like shooting groups unless it's with practice arrows. This thing is a little hefty, but I think that helps it hold on target better than a carbon riser bow. It's built solid like a tank, the 30" ATA makes it compact enough to be a great hunter while the large cams make it draw like a longer bow. I've owned an Elite and a Hoyt, and to my taste the draw cycle doesn't get any better than this H6. The back wall is like concrete, with enough valley to allow you to relax a little when holding for extended periods of time. If you do creep enough to let it back down (it actually takes effort to to do this) it doesn't try to yank your shoulder out of socket. After the shot there's no vibration, very little noise, and zero hand shock. Overall, this is the bow that has me 100% sold on Mathews. Having owned several other brands, for my preferences, none are on the same level with this bow. Elite might be the closest, but the Halon 6 still runs away with that race. I can see myself being very happy with my gear for a long time. Now I just need to save up for the Mathews 4 arrow quiver and 10" Flatline stabilizer

Built tough, solid steady in hand.

Version: 2016 Mathews Halon 6


Pros: Has a great smooth draw, No hump and holds steady. there is no vibration and is very dead in the hand.

Cons: There is nothing that I don't like about the Mathews Halon 6.

Full review:

There is no dislikes. The Mathews Halon is a top flagship bow. The halon 6 is a very well balanced bow. Very easy to hold on target with no floating of the pins.The draw is silky smooth. I didn't find it rough at all. There is no hump or dump. The wall is solid. With the 85% let off. You can hold it all day. On the let down you have to push it forward, to make it come down. I found the draw at 60 lb and 68 lb felt like a 50 lb to 55 lb draw.

Manageable and delivers the goods.

Version: 2016 Mathews Halon 6


Pros: 1)Delivers like the mailman
2)Solid feel and a smooth draw
3)It CALMLY lets you know when you run out of creep. A tug not a TEAR!!
4)Compact and very portable
5)Looks cool as hell
6)Mild mannered post shot and quiet

Cons: 1)Heavy? (I prefer a little meat on what i chase)
2)A little complicated on the cam system for home "mechanics"
3)It didnt come with any half naked cheerleaders
4)Anything else is just nit picking (MPO)

Full review:

The draw cycle was nice. It reminded me of a Bowtech Fanatic 2.0 but with the punch and power that the fanatic lacks. The draw starts a tiny stiff but lays out smooth and consistent until i hit the back wall with a firm stop. I like a tiny bit of creep to settle into what im shooting and at the same time still have my bow remind me to keep my form as i track or move with a tug that is easily steadied. This bow will tap you on the shoulder and clear its throat. Its not the invisible gorilla that wants to beat you with your arm while you watch. The feel after the shot is dead and smooth. I found myself hearing the vanes on my old target arrows over the bow. Wrinkled or torn vanes tend to whine a little.It is short and a little heavy but i like that in a short bow. Nothing wrong with a little meat on those bones. Keeps me doing my part. The short side is actually a bonus in my opinion. It is easier to weave through fences and travel with. I was not expecting to find so many things i loved about this bow. I almost fell head over heals for this bow. It was a pleasant return to that first love feeling. This bow is postal in its delivery.

To sum up. There are many bows for many people. This one is forgiving when you are not on your best day and good for beginners looking to commit to compound archery. It will reach out and touch whatever you can put a pin on with a punch that is solid and meaningful. It is out of the box quiet (comes with silencers) and smooth. I was expecting to fight with it to draw and it doesnt play "hard to get" at all. It gave me less work than what i expect from a 70# bow and just gets easier the more you use it.

I have to say it is smooth, quiet, powerful, forgiving, and looks damn good. I forgot about my love/hate relationship with my Carbon Matrix. I let go of my attachment to my brutal Ross Carnivore. My Fanatic 2.0 just collects dust now. My X-Force Dream Season crys all day while im gone. My Mathews Solo Cam go to bow for any occasion packed its bags and left a month ago. (I hope it finds love somewhere) I have been out late with the top down parking in places i shouldnt with my Halon 6. What can i say? Im in love.

Never been a Mathews fan... Am now!

Version: 2016 Mathews Halon 6


Pros: Smooth draw, dead in the hand. And best of all easy to hold on target.

Cons: Nothing yet.

Full review:

Mathews halon 6 tactical. Mathews rest, extreme sight,mathews quiver. I buy a new bow every year as a gift to myself, I don't think that will happen for a while. This bow draws and shoots better than any that I've owned. And I've owned them all over the years. Go get you one, you won't be disappointed.

This bow is by far the most forgiving,fastest bow that I have ever shot!

Version: 2016 Mathews Halon 6


Pros: It's a very forgiving,comfortable and very fast bow! The draw on the bow is very smoothe and even at higher draw weights it is easy to pull back and hold. The accuracy of this bow is sick!

Cons: There isn't anything that I can really say bad about this bow.

Full review:

This bow is smoothe,quick and has great punch. I went from 58lb pull with my old bow to a 64lb draw with the Halon 6. I love the fact that this bow is so forgiving. I'm not an Olympic archer,I'm a hunter and like most hunters,I don't have time to be at the range practicing all the time. The first time I shot this bow I noticed how accurate it was and how my shot groupings were much tighter,even at much further distances

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