PSE Mini Burner Compound Bow

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PSE Mini Burner For Sale

23 bows
PSE Mini Burner LH Compound Bow
Seller: eBay
Price: $100.00
See it
PSE Mini-Burner RTS Compound Bow, Camo - 1818RCY2540
Seller: eBay
Price: $128.00
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Pse Mini Burner Youth Compound Bow Right hand
Seller: eBay
Price: $150.00
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+ 20 more
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PSE Mini Burner Review

1 editor review + 1 user review
Editor review:

The PSE Mini Burner XT is an upgrade to an older youth bow, but offers more draw length adjustment, and the option of a 50# limb set, which equals about 10 fps more. Although PSE offers this rig with the option of 20#, 29#, 40#, and 50# limbs, the 50# limb set offers draw weight adjustments from 10# - 50#, making it the best value overall. The bow can be set to approximately 4# draw weight with the 20# limbs, but the string is has almost no tension on it. With a 26 1/2" ATA, 7 1/2" brace height, and a lot of adjustability, this is a very nice bow to start the youngster out on. Set at 50# draw weight and 28" draw length, this "youth" bow can send an arrow downrange at a very nice 276 fps... read full review

User reviews:
  • Has enough power to smoke a white tail by Danny Davidson from Las Cruces New Mexico

PSE Mini Burner Specifications

10 versions

Manufactured: 2011 - 2020 (10 versions, specs changed)

Latest version: 2020 PSE Mini Burner

Brace Height 6.625 "
Axle to Axle Length 26 "
Draw Length 16 " - 26.5 "
Draw Weight 4 lbs - 40 lbs
IBO Speed N/A fps
Weight 2.7 lbs
Let-Off 65%
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